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KreAnabolyn, Adaptagen, and Bun It Up!!! When?

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:52 pm
by kh971
As John knows this will be my next run, and I had a question. I know the Adaptagen is 3 caps 30 min before bed.
The KreAnabolyn is 1 cap in the morning and 1 cap in the evening. On workout days I will consume one before and after the workout. 30 min berfore a meal of course with some type of EFA ( what about fish oil?)
When and how much Burn It Up do I use?
Remember I am 6'4" 250 lbs.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:22 am
by RobRegish
I'll take a shot at this...

Adaptogen N: 3 daps at night is just perfect. Especially for a guy your size. I love it and use it nightly..

Kre-Anabolyn: You're on the right track here and yes, taking it with some fish oil is fine. One tip on the off day usage... consume your 2 caps in the following fashion: 1 with each of your HIGHEST carb meals of the day. I'll go into why a bit later.

I personally am eagerly awaiting generation 5!

Burn It Up!: My new favorite! You're a big man so depending upon what you want to get out of it, 3 caps 45 minutes prior to the workout is sweet.

If you're looking to juice up the stim effect, simply drop back to 2 and add a 200mg caffeine tab. The combinations are endless but what I like about it is that it's NOT overpowering. It imparts a controlled, crisp CNS like effect and the mind/muscle connection is just super. It puts back more than it takes away too. A nice reversal of how E/C takes prior stim of choice.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:39 pm
by kh971
So on workout days, i could take 4 KreAnabolyn's?

1 30 min before breakfast with fish oil
1 30 min before workout
1 after workout
1 30 min before dinner?

On the Burn It Up on the off days, how would you take it?

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:43 pm
by Hank!
KH I am 6-3 250 here was my dosage

1st 3 weeks i took 1 dhea 3 KA with fish oil a day 1 before and after(no dhea) workout and 1 with breakfast. Week 4 I started 2 before and 2 afterward and saw my recovery times really improve as well as aerobic capacity. Days off I take 2 with fish oil

I took 4 Burn it Up pre workout with 200mg caffeine (high stim tolerance), those workouts were awesome, that bottle didnt last long. Runining EC now, more pronounced stim effect kind like a freight train,but not the focus that BIU gives. I was a big fan of SX which was much smoother than EC but not as clean as BIU (I didnt suffer any sides thankfully)

When you starting your next run? I am also going to buy Adaptation-n and i'd like to here your impressions

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:52 pm
by RobRegish
These are all great questions and some personal experimentation is needed.

Very simply, I'd start with 2 KA/day. On workout days, 1 30 min prior and 1 immediately afterwards. On non-workout days, consume the same 2 cap dosage once in the AM with higher carb meal and once in the PM with the same.

As Hank noted, we all have our "sweet spot". I notice maximum effects at 3-4/day. Since the product has gotten stronger, you may not need as much. Also, I roll between 230-240 depending. Hank is an even bigger man, so 3-4 would seem to make sense there too.

On the BIU! on off days, I simply consume 2-3 first thing on an empty stomach prior to my sled dragging. If I'm really dragging, I add some caffeine. If still dragging in the afternoon, I'll take 2 more for a smooth ride until sundown.

It's what I like to call a "targeted adaptogen". You could take it everyday and see some great benefits. And in fact, I do take it most days.

But it's almost every time I have a speaking engagement, writing a paper etc. or I need that little something extra to be "crisp" where I find it excels the most. It is very smooth/subtly, yet very noticeable.

Tough to describe but if you're into measuring performance, it's there. It's in the #'s. And I rest well knowing it puts nutrients/adaptogens back....