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Starting Feast Phase tomorrow. Need to know what to Eat!!

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:13 pm
by King Seven
I just want to make sure on what carbs you seem fit for this. My weight is 165 as I have lost 8 lbs. I know I will be consuming complex carbs with oatmeal, sweet potatoes and whole wheat products but do I incorperate simple carbs as well? I will eat some fruit but dont know what you recommend. I'm going to try and make that shake you list as well as do the water and liver tabs. Also, what do you suggest on post workout, simple or complex carbs? Thanks for any input.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:27 am
by RobRegish
Great question so let me elaborate.

First, we'll address carbs outside the workout.

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

Energy 1,539 kJ (368 kcal)
Carbohydrates 64 g
Starch 52 g
Dietary fibre 7 g
Fat 6 g
polyunsaturated 3.3 g
Protein 14 g
Water 13
Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.36 mg (28%)
Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.32 mg (21%)
Vitamin B6 0.5 mg (38%)
Folate (Vit. B9) 184 μg (46%)
Vitamin E 2.4 mg (16%)
Iron 4.6 mg (37%)
Magnesium 197 mg (53%)
Phosphorus 457 mg (65%)
Zinc 3.1 mg (31%)

Just look at that macro and especially micro-nutrient profile! Mother nature did a fine job with ths one. You should thank her.

I highlight protein content here b/c as we all know the rules during Famine. Still, 2 servings of this a day is HIGHLY recommended and you'd be obtaining 28g of protein, 736 calories. Loaded, absolutely loaded from a nutrient/calorie ratio.

Best to add chicken broth/chicken stock or one of the McCormick seasonings to it.

"Power Grain" doesn't begin to describe it. Speaking of which, POWER is what it'll give you during Feast, too. Quiona is so powerful its being considered a possible crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration manned spaceflights!

Reference: ... 015664.pdf


I would suggest consuming the following "fast carbs" in your peri-workout drink. I say fast carbs because these modified starches are actually complex BUT they are of an extremely high molecular weight (3,000 times higher than dextrose) and move through the stomach VERY quickly, dragging other nutrients with them:

100g of Waxy Maize starch or Vitargo
25g of Mass Pro MVP
20g of BCAA


The drink should be consumed starting about 15 minutes prior to the workout, sipped throughout and timed such that you finish up at the end of the workout.

What we've done here is elevate insulin (via the massive influx of carbs), depressed cortisol and ensured that all those carbs are readily deposited as glycogen.

What you'll notice with Waxy Maize/Vitargo vs. sugar:

You will notice none of the energy hi's/lows-crashes, nor any intestinal bloating or "smoothing out" sugar imparts.

As far as simple carbs outside the workout, I don't favor many consumed at this time. The exception is fruit. I prefer to consume fruit in isolation with a protein drink (let's say a banana or large apple with a scoop of MassPro).

Nature knew what she was doing with simple carbs. They're not "over sugared" like refined, processed supermarket carbs. You'll also find that in almost every instance, they're bound to a generous amount of fiber within the fruit, slowing release into the bloodstream thus preventing the sugar crash seen with processed sugars.

Hope that helps..

Hope that helps!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 8:45 am
by King Seven
Where can I get Quiona at? Grocery, health food store or online?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:54 am
by askmass
Most better natural/organic food stores have several choices and styles to choose from. Try Whole Foods, Earth Fare, etc.

I've seen certain items in Kroger and Publix too.

If local fails, get it online.