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New Guy here

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:54 pm
by dwcsoup22
Just bought The Blueprint yesterday and have finished reading all of it. I cant wait to get this thing started but I wanna learn everything I can before I start. My goal when I begin BP is to add some solid muscle, stay relatively lean, and keep the gains. Right now I weigh 175lbs at prob around 12% bf. Bench max=315, Squat=315, Deadlift=315. Cant wait to get these higher as well.

One qs I have about the training is during the cruise period I was wondering why there is only one exercise for each muscle. Also for triceps the only exercise was one set of a static hold. Just was curious as too why such a low volume of exercises.

Thanks and any help is appreciated. O and I plan on using E-bol/SizeOn for this run.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:18 pm
by RobRegish
Hey man, so glad you're here. And welcome.. welcome to the family.

First things first. Those are damn impressive #'s for your bodyweight, so good job so far.

Second, we can and will get you to where you want to go. And I'll be here every step of the way..

Relative to your question, the Cruise training is heavy on the compound lifts due to the much higher volume coming off of your 1RM deload/taper. 5x5 can be grueling after such an experience. However, as you read here you'll undoubtedly notice people CONTINUE gaining in the cruise. A PM to Draco would be a great suggestion. Perusing his logs here is another good read to see exactly how he did it.

Finally, the static holds and such do on paper appear to be a small volume. What they lack in volume though I think you'll find they more than make up for in intensity.

If you're still not inclined, I'll be happy to show you how to add additional volume for those muscle groups...

Hope that helps.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:34 pm
by askmass
A quick welcome aboard!

Good to see you here, man.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:41 pm
by dwcsoup22
Thanks for the compliment man cant wait to get those lifts even better. Also thanks for the quick response. I deff understand what you mean about the low volume of exercises. I will check out that log too. First run with the BP Im gonna follow it exactly and see how my body reacts to it then maybe change it up as i go.

Im thinking I will take a break this Wednesday 04/21 to Sunday 04/25. Then begin the famine phase on Monday 04/26.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:18 am
by sovabrat
Good luck man. I just finished famine today. From my experience you wont really start suffering until evening of day #3. That is assuming you are doing cardio on the in between days. That is when I really started to feel starved.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:06 pm
by dwcsoup22
Excited to try this and prepare the next week. Couple of qs

What supplements would you advise me to add to this run? Im going to be buying E-bol but was curious about possibly bioforge. I am 20 years old so i wasnt sure if bioforge would be a waste or not. Also are there any little supps that i should add to make this log better.

For this upcoming week I should be taking my pulse upon waking for 3 days. Also stop lifting completely and stop taking supps other than protein and multi. Is that correct? Im gonna try to get all my food as well this week.

Any advice for my upcoming prep week to famine would be appreciated.

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:37 pm
by RobRegish
Relative to your questions:

Q. What supplements would you advise me to add to this run? Im going to be buying E-bol but was curious about possibly bioforge. I am 20 years old so i wasnt sure if bioforge would be a waste or not. Also are there any little supps that i should add to make this log better.

A. Suggest evaluating both Ebol and Kre-Anabolyn. Both quality products from quality companies. BP research and trials were done on KA as Ebol wasn't out yet. Take that for what it's worth...

I would highly suggest BCAA's and Waxy Maize starch or Vitargo for your peri-workout drink. This combination will go a LONG way toward recovering you quickly and completely.

Q. For this upcoming week I should be taking my pulse upon waking for 3 days. Also stop lifting completely and stop taking supps other than protein and multi. Is that correct? Im gonna try to get all my food as well this week.

A. Best to take your waking heart rate each day of the prep week. The more days the better as it'll be a more representative average. You can take supps during your off week, but it should be minimal. For the famine, ONLY a multi + greens product is recommended.

Q. Any advice for my upcoming prep week to famine would be appreciated.

A. Best to read, re-read and review logs. It will help you refine your game plan and develop more specific questions. Other than that, prepare yourself both mentally and physically for famine. MOST IMPORTANT: Focus your effort in a step by step fashion. Meaning don't look out more than a week. It gets overwhelming at times when you're trying to wrap your head around the whole program. We'll get you there.... all of us are here to help and we're happy to do it.