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Sovabrat's First BP Log

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:14 pm
by sovabrat
Hey everybody. As you can all tell I am new to the forums. I have spoken to Rob a couple times with questions but never publicly posted. I plan to start the famine on monday. I am actually excited even though I know from reading how horrible the first 5 days are. I seem to think that you guys dont share pictures, (as most in do) but I thought I would document my progress as it relates to a recomp versus trying to gain pure size. Ive recently come off a bulk cycle of 3 months followed by a month of a low calorie diet.

I am currently 183 lbs @ 5'8. Conveniently I was invited to a work dinner event at a very nice seafood and steakhouse... Joes Stone Crab if anyone has heard of it. Well It coincides perfectly with this workout plan and will fall into my 72 hours of feasting!!

I will not be taking any supplements in the famine phase, as discussed with Rob. I will be doing cardio in between workout days (schedule permitting). I am going to do the bag of veggies and fruit with v8 meal approach. I am all about simple functional plans and I am pretty sure i can handle the low variety.

One question before beginning. The DB Extensions to be performed in week 1.. Are these simply Tricep DB extensions behind the head while standing? Do you use the two hand approach with one DB or single armed for reps with each arm?

Thanks guys! Great job to everyone currently in the workout. I can't wait to see what this is all about.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:06 pm
by Hank!
Seriously the fast isn't bad its not like your not eating . By the 3rd day of fast i felt great, light on my feet, i was thinking clear and focused and i was eagerly looking forward to my workouts

I grew up in Ft Lauderdale and I have eaten a few meals at Joes, holy smoke what a great place to start your feast!

We are all here to support you, and I look forward to your success

have fun and welcome aboard


here is kinds how i do my pullovers but the bench is inclined on me
and no this is not me

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:17 am
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard man and we're here to help.

The DB extensions can be performed either with 2 hands overhead or single arm. I much prefer the two handed approach but again, that's personal preference.

And great to hear you'll have somewhere to Feast when the time comes!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:27 am
by sovabrat
Thanks for the encouragement Hank. Also, thanks for the youtube link. For some reason when I heard DB extensions, i automatically assumed standing one arm. Im so anxious to start. I wish I could just start today but I think waiting until monday is a smarter use of an all you can eat seafood event.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:34 pm
by RobRegish
Good move on waiting until Monday :)

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:06 pm
by sovabrat
Just got my two bottles of USP OxyLite in the mail today. One is for me during the feast phase and the other is for my girlfriend. She is very curious about this program I am going to be doing. I asked if she wanted to go through a famine with me. She said "uhh lets wait and see how it transforms you first".. haha

All I could think about all day was starting the diet. I checked the Walgreens downstairs in my building and they didnt have the right multistix. I am not sure I need them but I wanted them anyways.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:34 pm
by RobRegish
Good man..

I know what you're going through. Put that time and energy into re-reading The Blueprint, writing down any lingering questions, getting your shopping done etc..

That kind of energy is terrific you just need to harness it. I know you're going to do well too. I know these things by now. I know the signs and you've got them in spades...

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:33 pm
by sovabrat
You read my mind. I was out walking the dog and it started to rain/snow... Chicao was in the 80's last week and now we have signs of snow.. I dont know what season to call it.

I am currently jamming to some tunes and reading the BP, plan on shopping saturday or sunday.

What are the best flavors of the v8 fusion blast in everyones opinion? I think ive had it once maybe it was a carrot one, I remember it being pretty good.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:04 am
by RobRegish
I like the carrot too...

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:51 pm
by sovabrat
Exactly a week ago I was doing wide grip Chin ups with a 20lb DB between my legs. On my second set of 7 when I hit the ground I tweaked something in my back right between my shoulder blades. It is such a weird injury though. I was able to continue with my entire back and bicep workout without a problem. It really just affected my ROM of my head. For the first couple days i couldnt look over my shoulder. I decided to take the week easy to prep for my famine and also to rest the injury. It has steadily been going away. I decided to see my Chiro today just for the heck of it and he said he sees it a lot. Corrected my spine but I still feel the soreness. He told me there is nothing to worry about, my spine and everything feels fine. He gave me some herbs to take (i dont know what they were) and said to drink a lot of water today...

An hour later, my ROM of my neck is 100% better. Almost no soreness.

I guess this is more or less a testament to anyone who does not have a chiropractor. A quick 10 minute visit will transform you. I always feel so great and refreshed when I leave his office.

2 more days of normal eating until famine.... Today I splurged and got a VIto from Jimmy Johns..

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:30 pm
by RobRegish
Good man.

And yes, chiropractic works! I'm sure it's not a cure all for everything, but for anyone on the fence please give it a shot.

Has benefited me tremendously..

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:32 pm
by sovabrat
I had my GF take some pictures last night. I have not recently tested my BF% but I would guess im somewhere near 15-20%. I have recently come off a couple bulk cycles with no efforts towards recomp. ... 840859918/

I finished my workout this morning for Day #1 Famine, the last set of squats was hard but everything else felt great, I guessed pretty well on the weight for the 4-6 range. Most I could barely do the last rep but it wasn't what I would consider to be failure.

Ill have a better idea of calories at the end of the day but so far ive had an apple, 1/4 bag of baby carrots, 1/4 cup of seedless grapes, 1 lechithin capsule, and a salad with green peppers and onions with some fat free ranch dressing.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:14 pm
by RobRegish
Nice work on the upper back.

So important, people don't realize. Strong start and I appreciate you logging it here. And good job on the weight selection. It's a guesstimate first time out of the gate but you were spot on.

How long have you been training? Physique has muscle density to it that only comes with time.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:59 pm
by sovabrat
Thanks for the compliment. I have been working out with purpose for about 2 years on and off. I have been putting 110% for about the last year. I intentionally spent time working on my back.

One question I have regards the famine diet. Is it critical to get the 8x target? If I am not hungry would it hurt me to only take in 1000 if my goal is 1300?

I am trying to not to obsess about counting every calorie and I prefer to just monitor the quality of what goes in and use an estimate on calories. For instance, I know I drank an entire bottle of v8 today, that was 560 calories, I had 1 apple at 110 calories, ive also had some carrots, spinach, and grapes I know those are almost zilch in calories..

Do you get where im going? Please let me know if I should try and down the remainder if need be.