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Famine Phase: The Warrior Diet

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:36 am
by RobRegish
One of my favorite strategies and one I recommend in The Blueprint is The Warrior Diet. Here's a sample of how it might look in our plan:

- Wake Up
- Consume very small amounts (perhaps a handful) of alkalizing berries or other fruit during the day. Here's that list of catabolic fruit again from The Blueprint: Black/Blueberries, Limes, Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Grapefruit, Oranges, Plums, Strawberries, Lemons, Raspberries, Pears-Bartlett, Watermelon

- Drink as much water as you'd like. Prior to the workout, eat one large apple.
- Perform Famine phase workout as suggested
- Post workout, eat your main meal as follows:

* Large lettuce salad with raw, low-glycemic vegetables
* Steamed vegetables (any kind)
* Brown or wild rice
* Whole grain pasta
* Fresh fruit (optional)
* For seasoning, use two to three teaspoons of any good oil (olive, safflower, EFA), spices, lemon juice, tomato sauce, etc.
* Eat until full

Of course, you still need to observe the calorie multiple recommended x your bodyweight rule and keep the protein at suggested levels. As I see it, the BIG advantage of this diet is that at least ONCE during the day, you'll eat until you're satisfied and not be miserable all the time.

Typically, if you're spreading those calories out during the day over 5-7 meals as suggested you're only getting 200 - 300 calories in at every meal. How satisfying is that? Not very...

With the Warrior Diet, you'll at least know every day has a happy ending. Bonus: if you're a coffee drinker or otherwise use some type of stimulant to suppress hunger during the day, you'll find they hit harder on an empty stomach. An open blood/brain barrier can be used to your advantage in this situation. Recall how drinking on an empty stomach gets the user drunk faster? Same principle...

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:37 pm
by Zman42
Warrior Diet, eh?...


Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 2:50 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha. He needs to look into de-caf...

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:47 pm
by dracotdrgn
It was suggested that after a cleansing/detox phase such as the famine that probiotics be used to help the digestive system get back to normal. What are your thoughts?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:54 am
by RobRegish
I'll be honest... haven't really tried/needed it. On paper, they can only help. If you do try them Draco, please share!

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:35 am
by askmass
For anybody who wants the real skinny on probiotics, buy the "CANDIDA CLEANSE DIET" report on the musclemaass order page for $5.

There is extensive info on which supplemental probiotics really work - and the list is not that long as most store brands are worthless - as well as a plethora of ways to naturally boost production via common foods.

I highly recommend a pro-active probiotic regimine.


Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:13 pm
by MarcoDeniro
I have bought two tubs of strawberries and two pomengrate 2 bags of spinach 2bags of baby carrots all to get me throught this.
any other suggestions on foodstuffs and meals

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:21 pm
by MarcoDeniro
would performing a 3 day famine be effective :D

Re: Famine

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:36 pm
by MSR9889
MarcoDeniro wrote:I have bought two tubs of strawberries and two pomengrate 2 bags of spinach 2bags of baby carrots all to get me throught this.
any other suggestions on foodstuffs and meals
crystal light

i was drinking close to 2 gallons a day during that phase completely out of thirst, but idk if thats normal.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:18 pm
by MarcoDeniro
I just found a thread indicates
5 bags of mixed fruit ,5 v8 and 5 bags of vegs
On my way now.
What did you eat
I love water and Imake a pitcher of green tea with jasmine or pomengrate a day and drink it unsweetened

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:34 pm
by askmass
Guys, I know Rob does mention it and it's not the worst recommendation by any stretch... but Crystal Light is still chemical laced crap at the end of the day when you get right down to it, in my opinion.

Go natural and organic. Juice, veg, clean water, fruits, detox... herbal teas, green superfoods like Alkaplex and concentrated Colostrum in Alpha EFX will turn a dreaded "famine" into a true awakening of your soul...

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:00 pm
by MSR9889
askmass wrote:Guys, I know Rob does mention it and it's not the worst recommendation by any stretch... but Crystal Light is still chemical laced crap at the end of the day when you get right down to it, in my opinion.

Go natural and organic. Juice, veg, clean water, fruits, detox... herbal teas, green superfoods like Alkaplex and concentrated Colostrum in Alpha EFX will turn a dreaded "famine" into a true awakening of your soul...
do you know of anything calorie free to replace it? my only problem with it is the aspartame. im probably going to be switching soon to something made with sucralose, but thats hardly a step up. kind of picking my poison.
i would drink tea, but i dont like it without honey.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:13 pm
by askmass
MSR9889 wrote:do you know of anything calorie free to replace it? my only problem with it is the aspartame. im probably going to be switching soon to something made with sucralose, but thats hardly a step up. kind of picking my poison. i would drink tea, but i dont like it without honey.
I hear you, but aspartame is 1000x the poison that sucralose is in my view of the facts known.

I won't touch the stuff, personally, ASPARTAME.

Me, I'll give up a few calories here and there within the content of staying true to the famine while avoiding such health killers.

Herbal teas are my go to... virtually calorie free, and there is virtually no limit to consumption/quantity.

That, and lots of steamed cabbage. Lots of fresh cantaloupe with sea salt and cracked pepper. Mega gourmet salads... do them right! MASS supplements and other branded ones we carry/recommend out the wazoo.

It's an adventure.

My younger brother Eric taught me how to properly fast long ago, but it comes from a spiritual side and that may or may not be your thing...

But, it IS very much a mental thing... a balancing and centering thing, of mind, body and soul no matter how you slice it.

I can't imagine that Rob would disagree given his extensive research and findings.

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:34 pm
by RobRegish
I'd have to agree on the sucralose over aspartame.

I do find the anti-aspartame crowd to be a bit overboard sometime, but admittedly haven't looked into it like I have ecdy :)

We all have a choice. Sucralose (to me), tastes just as good. Stevia isn't quite as sweet but CERTAINLY is more healthful. I'd imagine moreso on herbs/spices end of things etc.

Final word: It'll take a bit of effort but the extra work to go organic/more natural vs. less is worth it. It is, after all, like the food that we eat. The more man meddles with nature the more "issues" that seem to arise.

Same principle...