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Famine training

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:19 am
by Frank-Castle
I have gone through the book several times and read over the forum. I think im ready to get this going. This is what i have come up with for the famine workout. I hope im atleast on the right track? Now i just have to get through 5 days with only fruits and veggies! :shock:

Workout #1- 1 minute rest

3x4-6 reps Squats
supersetted with Hamstring curls or stiff leg deadlifts
3x4-6 reps cable rows or db rows

1x4-6 reps standing bb curls
1x4-6 reps incline db curls
1x4-6 reps preacher curls

Workout #2
4x8-10 reps Bench Press supersetted with Shoulder Press
1 minute rest in between

1x8-10 reps Decline Close-Grip Bench Pres
rest 1 min
1x8-10 rep Skullcrushers
rest 1 min
1x8-10 reps Cable Pressdowns

Workout #3- 2 minutes rest

5x4-6 reps Squats
supersetted with Hamstring curls or stiff leg deadlifts
5x4-6 reps cable rows or db rows

2x4-6 reps standing bb curls
2x4-6 reps incline db curls
1x4-6 reps preacher curls

Still trying to decide what training program im going with during the feast phase. I’m either going with the one you outlined in the book or the Mike Mentzer HIT program you also discussed, only because I have always been interested in this program.

Re: Famine training

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:24 pm
by BrainSquirt
Welcome to BP .
Frank-Castle wrote: Now i just have to get through 5 days with only fruits and veggies! :shock:
Yeh, we feel for you... been there. Go through your first famine by the book.
But after you get some experience with the actual effect you're trying to produce, you don't have to totally avoid proteins (or fats). Just make sure you don't give the body any significant protein surges... especially in last 2/3's of famine. First day or so, instead of a serving of meat, just allow yourself one bite, etc...
Although it's mainly about deprivation period, you can develop timing skills and accurately 'get there' through well timed carb, prot, and water intake modulation and usually do it in 3 or 4 days... still, it's never a bed of roses though...
Learn to famine seasonally too. My next famine is going to be all liquid. Fresh green juices tapering to just water. I would never do that in the wintertime...

Frank-Castle wrote:
Still trying to decide what training program im going with during the feast phase. I’m either going with the one you outlined in the book or the Mike Mentzer HIT program you also discussed, only because I have always been interested in this program.
Go with the one you're interested in... tweak it to make sure you are lifting what for you is 'heavy' during the feast and getting sufficient rest.

Keep us posted. Maybe start a log in the journals section.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:48 pm
by Frank-Castle
Thank you for the advice! If I have time I will def start a log.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:36 pm
by RobRegish
Great advice Brain..

Frank-Castle, Brain was one of our very first members and has at least 5 BP runs under his belt. He's probably my foremost "tinkerer" too! HUGE contributions to this board.

Very grateful Brain.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:16 am
by Frank-Castle
This plan is something totally new to me so I need all the help I can get and its greatly appreciated! Im sure ill have alot more questions as I move on through the program.

Thank you again for the help.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:56 pm
by RobRegish
Pleasure is all mine man, really is.

We have a great community here so do tap them as well. I think once you go through it once it gets easier and easier. At first its like jumping into a vat of ice cold water!

Then again, that's the idea. There is a definate cerebral effect to it as well. I don't mean to go all Zen on you but I think you'll notice something. The senses sharpen up, you realize to distinguish between phsychological vs. phsiological hunger etc..

Funny story.. first time through I was in day 3 and not feeling very hungry at one point during the day. KFC commercial came on with some mighty tasty looking Col. Sanders legs slowly turning.... presto I was hungry.

That taught me a very valuable lesson..