WOW am I confused!!

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WOW am I confused!!

Post by DA_MOSS »

Ok -- I've read through it 2x now and am completely lost ... does anyone have a workout template for the program? i think I've just confused myself to the point where nothing makes since...

Any and ALL help would be appreciated.. I'm guess I'm just wondering if anyone has a spreadsheet of some sort with the workouts on it..

I cant seem to figure out what week and day to do each

I truly appreciate it [/b]
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Post by RobRegish »

Hey man, right here for you so no worries. Let's take it step by step, starting with the Famine.

First, highly recommend taking one week off. During this time, you'll be taking your waking heart rate to arrive at a representative average for the week. It'll also afford you some more reading time such that the big picture will become clearer.

Now, with your average waking morning heart rate in hand, we begin the famine. Here it is at a high level:

OVERVIEW: Famine is designed to disrupt homeostatis. The disruption of homeostatis by famine is really accomplished by modulating the following 3 things:

1.) Caloric lowering
2.) Radically increasing physical demands
3.) Protein deficit

All of these things up-regulate anabolism/anti-catabolism that lay dormant during homeostasis. Everything from hormone levels, enzyme turnover (huge) to neuro-cognitive function is modulated. The goal then, is to create a stress for the body to adapt to, facilitated by adaptogens in Feast.

DIET: You want to eat LOW protein, mostly fruits, vegetables and greens/nuts. Your caloric limit for these 5 days of Famine is bodyweight x 8. Highly recommend you incorporate some freshly juiced drinks throughout the day if at all possible. Here are some ideas..

Apple Carrot Juice

2 apples
6 carrots

Wash everything, peel the carrots and cut into sections where needed. Juice everything.

Carrot Anise Juice

8 carrots
2 anise stalks
3-4 celery stalks
2 apples

Wash and peel the carrots. Wash everything else, and cut up into sections if needed. Juice everything and enjoy.

Carrot Combination

2 1/2 lbs. carrots
1 beet with greens
1 stalk celery
1 large handful spinach
1 large handful parsley
1 green pepper
1 clove garlic
1 slice ginger

Wash and peel carrots. Clean and slice beet into thin wedges. Wash and dry spinach leaves and parsley. Juice half of the carrots and beet. Add remaining ingredients using the remaining carrots to push them through. Complete by juicing carrots.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #1

3-4 Carrots
1-2 Celery stalks
small wedge cabbage

Wash all vegetables and juice.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #2

2 carrots
2 cucumbers
2 stalks of celery
a piece of ginger
a handful of parsley
a piece of apple or citrus fruit
Wash all vegetables and juice.

TRAINING: You're going to train on Monday, Wed and Friday over the first week or 3x's during this 5 day stretch. Here's a sample routine:


Legs, Back and Bi's with 2 minutes of rest between sets, 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range. These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion as follows.

- Squats with a weight that finds you able to perform 4-6 reps immediately into

- Seated cable rows for 4-6 rep range

Rest for approximately 2 minutes and repeat for 2 more rounds


- Standing barbell curls for 4- 6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Incline dumbell curls for 4-6 reps

REST 2 minutes

- Preacher curls for 4-6 reps



Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as follows:

- Wide grip bench press for 8-10 reps immediately into
- Seated DB shoulder presses for 8-10 reps

Rest 1 minute in between sets and repeat 3 more times

Rest one minute and begin the following:


- Decline close grip bench presses for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Skull crushers/lying tricep extensions for 8-10 reps

REST 1 minute

- Cable tricep pressdowns for 8-10 reps



Repeat Monday's workout but with this time with 5 sets and just 30 seconds between sets.

- Select a weight that puts you in the 12-15 rep range.

- This is absolutely brutal but it gets us to where we need to be in the specified 5 day timeframe.

You'll likely lose 1lb/day or thereabouts. Resting rate should eventually get to 8 bpm above baseline or therabouts by day 5.

Lecithin granuals are highly recommended during this time (thanks to Brain for this contribution) to ensure CNS is in tip-top shape for the rebound.

Hope that helps..
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Post by DA_MOSS »

Thats definitely what I was looking for... Now I got my starting place.. i'm gonna read through it again in the next day or 2 and write down each day what I should be doing...

The only other question I had was after the initial 72 hours of the Feast stage, I saw 5 workouts where you work up to your 1RM.. Do you do 1 workout every few days? 1 per week? etc ....

After your 1RM is established, then I would go into the German Loading Patter v1 as shown in the BP correct? and this would be 2 workouts per week for a total of 3 weeks? (6 workouts @ 2 per week)

Sorry for all the questions, but I want to have all my t's crossed and i's dotted before I start..

Thanks again
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Post by Phrogg »

im in the same boat, bro. Kinda confused and I want to have everything laid out before I start.
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Post by MSR9889 »

DA_MOSS wrote:The only other question I had was after the initial 72 hours of the Feast stage, I saw 5 workouts where you work up to your 1RM.. Do you do 1 workout every few days? 1 per week? etc ....

After your 1RM is established, then I would go into the German Loading Patter v1 as shown in the BP correct? and this would be 2 workouts per week for a total of 3 weeks? (6 workouts @ 2 per week)
im doing the workouts based on recovery. i think the first time through i averaged 1 workout for every 3 days off and im shooting for the same now. once thats done, rest until youre recovered (another 3 days probably) then start the GLP.
my 3 week results were +15 on bench and +30 on squat :)
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Welcome to the team Da_Moss!! Best of luck on your run... there is ALOT of info in the BP, and it takes awhile for it all to sink in, but it will all start making more since soon..

G.L.P #1 is also the program I'm using for my 1st run.. On the 5 workouts to establish you 1 rep max, you basically just need to make sure you have enough days in between your workouts to FULLY recover, I did it @ 3 day a week split, so it took me a week and a half...

I've only finished 2 workouts on G.L.P. #1, and I'm shooting for the same 3 day split as I did before, but have already had to insert extra rest days, just listen to your body, everyone is gonna be, and respond differently, just make sure you allow your self enough time to recover before you start another workout..

G.L.P. # 1 aint no joke, I'm using it for 2 big lifts, and it gets heavy quick..
Best of luck to you man, We are all pullin for ya :wink:
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Post by RobRegish »

No worries. Here to clarify...

Q. The only other question I had was after the initial 72 hours of the Feast stage, I saw 5 workouts where you work up to your 1RM.. Do you do 1 workout every few days? 1 per week? etc ....

A. You take 3 full days off from the gym when you start Feast. During this time you're re-feeding, sleeping and super-stocking protein, glycogen etc to put those to work..

Now when you begin the 5 workout one set to failure protocol, start on day 4. Most do well on an one on/one off format but feel free to experiment. Meaning you may well do better with 1 on/2 off or even 1 on 3 off. As Turbo said, we all recover at different rates. If still confused, I'd suggest sticking to a 1 on 2 off format for these 5 workouts.

Q. After your 1RM is established, then I would go into the German Loading Patter v1 as shown in the BP correct? and this would be 2 workouts per week for a total of 3 weeks? (6 workouts @ 2 per week)

A. Correct. Let's say you max out on workout #5 on a Friday. Simply take 2 days off and begin your German Loading pattern #1 workout. Ideally, you perform those 6 workouts over 3 weeks. You may be able to train more frequently or less. Suggest a 1 on 2 off frequency to start.

Sorry for all the questions, but I want to have all my t's crossed and i's dotted before I start..

A. No need to apologize. My privilege to answer your questions and I appreciate you doing your due diligence. We're all here to share, learn and grow as the tag line says!

Finally, I realize it may look confusing at first. As Turbo mentioned though, it really does come into focus when you take it one workout at a time, study the logs here etc..

Some experimentation may be necessary. It's OK to do that and I encourage it. Why? Because you and I are different insofar as recovery ability, workload, how much sleep you got last night etc.
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Post by DA_MOSS »

Just wanted to express my gratitude for everyone that chimed in and helped me out.. I'm now 90% sure I've got it down pact.. Not gonna be running right away because I have some things coming up that will interfere with and hinder my success, but I'm arming myself with everything I'll need for it.. It'll be perfect timing since I'll be able to bet the E-Bol, tbol trib and Kre-Anabolyn (not sure about the Kre yet; if not these 3, what would you suggest)?

Once again, thanks guys!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Echo those comments entirely. Can't say this enough:

MRS9889, Turbo, etc. REALLY appreciate you helping our newer members out. This is a GREAT board and free from all the clutter too.

I'd pick the Kre-Anabolyn out of all the supps you listed. Just my personal preference as it delivers creaine, RCE, 4hydroxy etc all in one shot. Plus, the 5th generation stuff should be ready in a week or two (even more RCE). Can't wait for it.

DA_MOSS, you just let me know if you have any other questions. Guarantee you'll get an answer the same day from me. If you don't you'll know there's something seriously wrong on my end. Even then, our community here will clear it up for you :)
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Post by DA_MOSS »

RobRegish wrote:
I'd pick the Kre-Anabolyn out of all the supps you listed. Just my personal preference as it delivers creaine, RCE, 4hydroxy etc all in one shot. Plus, the 5th generation stuff should be ready in a week or two (even more RCE). Can't wait for it.

DA_MOSS, you just let me know if you have any other questions. Guarantee you'll get an answer the same day from me. If you don't you'll know there's something seriously wrong on my end. Even then, our community here will clear it up for you :)
Thanks Rob ... will just do the Kre-Anabolyn then.. I looked into it and it looks very promising!!
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Post by RobRegish »

You won't be disappointed.

Stuff delivers for me...every time.
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