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Sisonpyh = Hypnosis

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 7:09 pm
by Sisonpyh
Going to be doing lots of firsts this log. This will be my first time using blueprint, ebol, bioforge and really keeping track of nutrition. I also got a power rack a couple weeks back so that is new to me as well.

My stats:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 147.8 Ibs

Yesterday was my first day of famine:

4 servings of V8
1 Banana
2 oranges
2 apples
3 carrots
3 cups spinach
1 tomato
2 tbsp balsomic vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
Drank 13 cups of water

Around 950 calories, thought it was more. I should be taking in about 1200 calories.


Bar x 10
65 x 8
95 x 6
95 x 7
95 x 6

Bent over row:
65 x 10 superset with 4 wide grip pullups
95 x 8 superset with 3 wide grip pullups
115 x 4 superset with 2 wide grip pullups
115 x 4 superset with 2 shoulder width pullups
115 x 4 superset with 2 shoulder width pullups

Bicept curl:
Bar x 10
65 x 5
65 x 3


-First time putting weight on the squat, these couple few weeks I have just been using the bar to get correct form down, felt pretty solid.
- First time working out bicepts in a LONG time, surprised I am not sore today from it
- Definitely have been hungry, felt pretty tired when people came to my house but got more energy when everyone arrived
-Went down around 8-9 pounds do to last job and not being able to eat much on it, cant wait to get this up. Have had trouble getting over 155, the combination of all of this should shatter that!

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:13 am
by Sisonpyh
Day 2:

4 servings of V8
2 Banana's
2 oranges
2 apples
2 carrots
3 cups spinach
1 tomato
2 tbsp balsomic vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil
1 carb bar
Drank 16 cups of water

Total: 1180 calories

Went on the elliptical for half an hour

-Not quite feeling lethargic, but energy levels have dropped, not quite feeling like myself.
- Can't wait until Friday, I have been thinking of everything I want to eat like its my last meal!
- Day two is about done, three more days to go...

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:29 am
by RobRegish
Nice work and you're right on track, given what you're reporting. Keep up the good work!

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:35 am
by Sisonpyh
RobRegish wrote:Nice work and you're right on track, given what you're reporting. Keep up the good work!
Thank you Rob, I appreciate it!

2 servings of V8
3 cups yams
1 apple
1 piece cheese
3 cups spinach
1 tomato
2 tbsp balsomic vinegar
2 carb bars
Drank 13 cups of water

Total: 1205 calories


Flat Bench:

Bar x 12 superset shoulder press 40 x 10
65 x 10 superset shoulder press 40 x 10
95 x 10 superset shoulder press 40 x 10
95 x 10 superset shoulder press 40 x 9


95 x 8 superset shoulder press 40 x 9
95 x 4 superset shoulder press 40 x 9
75 x 8 superset shoulder press 40 x 7
65 x 9 superset shoulder press 40 x 6


65 x 8 superset shoulder press 40 x 5
65 x 4 superset shoulder press 30 x 10
55 x 7 superset shoulder press 30 x 9
55 x 7 superset shoulder press 30 x 8

Tricep extension:

30 x 10
50 x 7
40 x 10

- Felt really lethargic this morning for around an hour, my face also felt tingly for the first half an hour.
- It is weird, I haven't had the craving for food like I have the last two days, I will eat an apple and be alright for over an hour.
- First time doing decline and upright bench press.
- After the first hour I seemed to have gotten more energy.
- Didn't sleep to well last night, woke up in the middle of the night and had trouble falling asleep, definitely not like myself.
- Almost done!! Though it is nice not having a constant craving for food like the last couple days.
- Ordered Ebol and Bioforge yesterday so should hopefully be here by Monday.
- Will check weight tomorrow and update.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
Again, excellent work adhering to the guidelines!

You're almost there. Stay focused... the big payoff is right around the corner :)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:30 am
by Sisonpyh
RobRegish wrote:Again, excellent work adhering to the guidelines!

You're almost there. Stay focused... the big payoff is right around the corner :)
Thank you! That last workout was brutal, definitely tested me physically and mentally. Chest has not been this sore in a long while.

Weighed in at 147.0 today.

2 servings of V8
2 oranges
1 apple
1 piece cheese
1 banana
4 pieces bread
2 pieces cheese
1 Go Gurt
Handful of grapes
Drank 13 cups of water

Total: 1150 calories

- No workout today unfortunately
- Felt more myself, yesterday morning has been by far the worst (though still manageable)
- Trying to drink gallon a day consistently, almost there.
- One day left!
- Wont be able to update until Saturday, going to visit some friends at their college, hopefully wont eat to crappy but wont be nearly as good when I am home.
- Received four bottles of Bioforge today! Hopefully E-bol will come soon.

How important is the three days of loading on food? The reason I ask is because Friday I most likely will be eating out during the day not being at home. Would this affect anything to much?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:57 am
by RobRegish
Nice work! The hard part is OVER!

Now the first 3 days of eating are pretty important. Try to consume as much protein in particular, as you can. As stated in The Blueprint:

"The early protein loading too, is very important. In fact, the more protein consumed during these first 72 hours the faster the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway will be peaked".

Provided you're eating big, you should be fine. Damn fine work here. That third workout is a test of anyone's metal!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:12 pm
by Sisonpyh
RobRegish wrote:Nice work! The hard part is OVER!

Now the first 3 days of eating are pretty important. Try to consume as much protein in particular, as you can. As stated in The Blueprint:

"The early protein loading too, is very important. In fact, the more protein consumed during these first 72 hours the faster the ATP-dependent proteolytic pathway will be peaked".

Provided you're eating big, you should be fine. Damn fine work here. That third workout is a test of anyone's metal!
Yep finally made it through! Day three of eating like I normally do. I must admit I think famine was good, combining that with working out really tests one physically and mentally. I think it should be something everyone should try even if not running the bp. I have to admit my eating is probably not the best as it will be but being up at another college and getting back home with limited food I think I am doing alright.

Thursday workout:

Bar x 10
65 x 8
95 x 5
95 x 6
95 x 5

Bent over row:
65 x 10 superset with 3 wide grip pullups
95 x 7 superset with 3 wide grip pullups
115 x 4 superset with 1 wide grip pullups
115 x 4 superset with 1 shoulder width pullups
115 x 4 superset with 1 shoulder width pullups

2 servings of V8
2 Bananas
2 pieces bread
1 piece cheese
15 inch philly cheese steak
Total: 1996 calories
Drank 9 cups of water

-Broke down four hours before the end of the famine and got the philly cheese steak, but before that I really hadnt eaten much at all and was not craving food.
- Need to work on getting in more water
- Famine overall was not to bad, tests you physically and mentally during the workouts but besides that it is just more tedious
- The real fun begins now! Have four bottles of bioforge and ebol, enough for three cycles!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:16 pm
by RobRegish
Excellent work on making it through!

And totally agree.... BP or not, people should periodically "clean out" in some form or fashion if nothing else for health reasons.

This may sound odd but I've heard it over and over... people actually crave famine after too long a stretch without a "detox" period. I think there's a biological mechanism for this, but I've yet to identify it.

Super work and thanks again for hanging in there with us. Now, you're about to experience what everyone else here has.... the big payoff!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:50 pm
Good job man!!... looking forward to seeing BIG gains in this log :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:15 am
by Sisonpyh
Thank you both! I will be keeping keeping track of how I feel during this log as things start to kick in and I can see where the detox place has its place.

First day of Bioforge and Ebol!


Bench Press
Bar x 10
75 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 4


30 x 10

Bar x 10
95 x10
115x 8

-Feels good going back to eat like normal now that I am at my house. -Normally I will update what I eat but I have not gone to costco yet so I have been surviving off of left over food from famine, chicken and whole grain oats. Not glamorous by any means but gets the job done.
- Have not felt anything from the ebol or bioforge but not expecting anything until the second week or so.
- The workout today felt good and I have already added weight to both lifts!
- I am not sure if the pullovers should of been supersetted with each set, but I believe it was only meant to be one set of 8-10 reps so the sets before were just warmup. I think I could of done slightly more weight with the pullovers but it was my first time doing them so I will take note.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:53 am
by RobRegish
Excellent, excellent work!

Adding weight this early is a GREAT sign. Keep rollin'.. you should feel something pretty significant by week 2, if not sooner.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:45 am
by Sisonpyh
I am sure I will be putting on a lot of strength! With this being my first time really doing squats and bench consistently, first time using ebol + bioforge, and first time using blueprint I am bound to!

Third day of Ebol + Bioforge


Bench Press
Bar x 10
85 x 10
120 x 5


35 x 10

Bar x 10
95 x10
120x 6
125 x 4

-Finally getting a consistent gallon of water a day.
- Haven't noticed anything significantly new with libido but I oddly do feel more muscle fullness, possible placebo.
- Will be gone on Friday so may do an alternate workout tomorrow then do the third workout toward maxing on Monday.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:54 am
by RobRegish
Good job and keep it going.

This is one instance where I think we'll see some monster (15+lbs) gains, or at least the potential for such exists. Either way I'm going to be real interested to see how your body responds.