Famine phase question(s)

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Famine phase question(s)

Post by funkymonk »


During the famine phase the slowdown in catabolism and anabolism is triggered not only by the caloric deficit
but by the PROTEIN deficit as well, correct? If this is the case, a famine phase on PSMF instead of the
suggested low protein diet would defeat the purpose of the famine phase, right?

I plan to start my famine phase tomorrow, at 1360 calories (8x BW, as per you recommendation). I will finish my
famine phase next Monday/Tuesday. I will start the feast phase the day after after. When should I start dosing
my EBol?

Also, during the famine phase can is a large amount of muscle loss typical?
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Post by RobRegish »

The disruption of homeostatis by famine is really the combination of 3 things:

1.) Caloric lowering
2.) Radically increasing physical demands
3.) Protein deficit

All of these things up-regulate anabolism/anti-catabolism that lay dormant during homeostasis. Everything from hormone levels, enzyme turnover (huge) to neuro-cognitive function is modulated.

A PSMF would defeat the purpose of famine (slightly) due to the enzyme turnover angle. That is, we don't want your body to become proficient at burning protein for energy but rather, incorporating proteins (aminos therein) into new muscle proteins. The Ebol would be added first day of Feast.

Finally, there is some (very little) real LBM loss during famine. It's short by design.... we don't want any real, lasting or substantial muscle loss. We DO want an anti-catabolic response/anabolism up regulated that lay dormant during homeostasis. Actual LBM losses are scant (some have actually added LBM!... typically mesomorphs) with the typical scale weight drop during this time being 1lb/day. How much of that is LBM vs. fat is usually determined by your somatype.

Hope that helps!
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Post by funkymonk »

One more question, how necessary is the 5 day length of the famine phase? I'm just now realizing how hard it is (day 2).
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Post by Hank! »

funkymonk wrote:One more question, how necessary is the 5 day length of the famine phase? I'm just now realizing how hard it is (day 2).
Need to trigger the stress response and cement it in

well thats how i looked at it
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Post by funkymonk »

Hank! wrote:
funkymonk wrote:One more question, how necessary is the 5 day length of the famine phase? I'm just now realizing how hard it is (day 2).
Need to trigger the stress response and cement it in

well thats how i looked at it
How does one tell when that's happened?
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If you have been keeping track of your waking heart rate, or using multistix you'd have a good idea, I did neither, but I will definetly keep track of the HR next run. If it were me I'd stick it out for the 5 days..... hang in there bro :wink:
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Post by beachpirate »

I't only 5 days keep at it. You can do it. I'm just finishing up famine. Find some fruits and veggies you like and buy alot of them. Before you know it famine will be over.
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Post by kh971 »

It is worth it to stick to it. After the 3 rd day it gets much easier.
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Post by askmass »

Day 2 is the killer the first time out, but it gets easier - to the point you'll look forward to phase one.

Yes, I'm serious.

Another easy measure is if you notice your sweat having a distinct ammonia smell to it. Very clear sign.

I trimmed it to 4 days once, as I'd "hit the spot", but it was not as productive of a run overall. Cement it as the guys advise above.
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Post by RobRegish »

You'll know you're there by achieving any combination of the following:


- Resting heart rate elevated 8 beats per minute over baseline
- Multistix consistently show green/dark green
- Loss of scale weight on the order of 5lbs, sometimes more


- Strong ammonia smell in persperation during workouts
- General feeling of being very tired, especially later in the day
- General feeling of hating Rob around day 3 :)
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Post by kh971 »

RobRegish wrote:You'll know you're there by achieving any combination of the following:


- Resting heart rate elevated 8 beats per minute over baseline
- Multistix consistently show green/dark green
- Loss of scale weight on the order of 5lbs, sometimes more


- Strong ammonia smell in persperation during workouts
- General feeling of being very tired, especially later in the day

- General feeling of hating Rob around day 3 :)
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Post by beachpirate »

Resting heart rate up from 58 to 67
don't have Multistix yet
Lost 4 lbs

Have not noticed the ammonia smell
I am tired in the evening. I have fallen asleep in the lazy boy past 2 days.
Wouldn'e exactly say I hate Rob. But I am thankful of the support he is providing.

Hope I'm there because I'm eating today.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha! You are there, rest assured.

Of all the diagnostic measures, I consider heart rate the most telling. Granted there are exceptions but virtually everyone who's ever hit the 8 beats per minute over baseline has delivered the goods..

Now it's time to reap the rewards, so get grillin'! :)
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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:- General feeling of hating Rob around day 3 :)
I remember ringing Rob on my first run, on day three, and called him some really terrible names... :P

*Moving this thread to the locked Journal section due to a few too many details about the core of the program being revealed.
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