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Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:32 pm
by mbxs3
I am going to be running my first BP "cycle" with a B.E.T. stack. Definitely looking forward to it all. I have been doing a lot of reading around different forums and it seems people are getting the desired results with this stack, so I can only imagine that it will compliment the BP method nicely. Anyways, I have a question about a couple of other supplements that I have on hand but wonder wether I should be taking them along with B.E.T.

BTW I am on day 3 of the Famine Mode. I stopped all supplement usage 2 weeks ago in preparation to start BP. However, I have been taking fish oil and lecithin granules over the past 3 days.

So my other supplement questions are:

Daily Animal Pak and Animal Flex- I have heard that due to the zinc content of BioForge and tbol trib that added zinc can be dangerous. Just wondering what anyone elses take is on that.

Xtend- Should I utilize this during my B.E.T. stack or save it?

Vasolate- I have also heard that added nitrates could have an affect on blood pressure while on the BioForge(although according to a certain Biotivia Rep, this statement is true on paper but he has not heard or seen any actual cases). Anyways, could I utilize Vasolate during this time or should I save it for future use as well?

Thanks for any info in regards to my post.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:27 pm
by RobRegish
Excess zinc can be problematic (I wouldn't call it dangerous), but far less so when adequate copper is ingested to offset.

Xtend is going to be VERY helpful during Feast. Please look into either BCAA loading protocol #1 or 2 as spec'd out in Blueprint. Let me know if you have any questions on that...

The Vasolate is fine. I wouldn't worry about it.

And I appreciate your questions. People are taking care to plan their BP cycles carefully and I'm here to help!


Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:39 am
by mbxs3
Thanks as always for the speedy response. Are you recommending that I drop the Animal Pak and Flex during this time or just increase my copper intake?

Also, I will have some Mass Pro and Burn It Up! On hand during this run as well. Would you recommend that I utilize those in any way?

Thanks again for the info. I am going to keep a pretty good log on paper of this whole evolution, with pictures and numbers and what not. So when I have the time I will hopefully get it all together electronically in hopes to help you further endorse your product.

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:12 am
by RobRegish
Hi Mbxs3,

Animal Pak/Flex are fine to continue taking. Additional copper is recommended given the excessive Zinc.

Absolutely yes on the MassPro/Burn It up. You can utilize those to full advantage during Feast/Cruise.

Anything you can do to get the word out would be much appreciated. I'm not looking for a pat on the back, either. It seems The Blueprint is getting lost in product talk. I just want that younger kid out there to know there's more to this game than popping pills and shoveling in extra protein.

In otherwords... finally, some truth :)