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Blueprint Bulletin Subscription: Don't miss this!

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:02 am
by Coach Rob
Not sure where this belongs but here goes..

Every month in The BP Bulletin, I bring to you little talked about "edgy" information I DO NOT discuss here, or anywhere else..In the July edition, I'll be blowing the lid off of..

A 2 product stack that builds 17lbs of muscle and shed's 17lbs of fat in 14 weeks!!!

* One of these products is a supplement, one isn't
* Non-hormonal/Non-hormonal anabolic agents
* No shutdown, no PCT needed
* 100% legal
* No legal worries, no needles - no B.S.

They were looking to better treat patients suffering from XYZ disorder. What they found was... mind blowing. And it's pretty damn inexpensive to boot! For less than $50 cents/day, you'll get gems like this delivered right to your in-box. Lock up your subscription today!!!