Thanks, guys, for the valuable tips.
Turns out, at least for the last week or so, I can make/find time to workout... but since my sleep is so interrupted, recovery is compromised big time. I’m on the dog’s schedule. This means I workout on any day after I’ve had decent sleep and ‘hope’ for recovery.
Thicketman, re: “4tsp of himalayan” Why so much?
For ‘higher fat’ intake, have you considered nuts in the AM?
Rob and Ask,
Re: “HMB” I’ve been working with the presups that
1 HMB is anticatabolic , ( via inflammation reduction ? via immune support? ). Not anabolic.
2 some are better ‘responders’ that others (why?)
3 the older you are, the more potential anticatabolic benefit.
So, for most peeps, I would agree with Rob and Mass that HMB is ‘worthless’. I’m looking for times and doses to fit it in on a limited basis. I do know that if I couldn’t afford to try it on me, I certainly would be looking to spend my bucks elsewhere.
Rob, Re:
Secondly, MPS already contains BCAA's (and a whole lot more!). Supplemental BCAA's may prove useful between MPS dosages though. Most anti-catabolics are "passive", for lack of a better term. But I'd add Fearn Lecithin Granuals (2 tablespoons once a day), with or just before a high protein meal.
WHY? thx.
Adaptogen N as you correctly surmised. Kre-Anabolyn with meals or just prior is also a solid pick. Tranquilogen will help protect muscle breakdown, improve mood and do it caffeine free (which I know is important to you).
So MPS, Adaptogen N, BCAA's and Lecithin granuals.
Thanks, rob. Great stuff.
Bought a bottle of Tranquilogen for my daughter to ‘load’ prior to her taking MCATs in late April....maybe will steal it back and order her another one.
Btw I’m not really anti caffeine. I’m pro coffee (and tea) in the AM. But I’m anti any regular use of anhydrous caff anytime past 2 PM... I just don’t think it will pay off long term for anyone with a health first orientation... ie maybe useful for fanatic bb’s and competition prep - but will sooner or later slam a ‘cost’ onto the CNS,etc. ie help today, but damage the future... everyone has to do their own costs/ benefits analysis.
Re “Convict Conditioning” Rob, I promise you I’ll get a copy... however, I’m pretty well slanted towards Scott Sonnon’s training, compensation, and recovery model these days. (
... he has far more ‘personality disorders’ than you, but sometimes he reminds me a little bit of you ... a prisoner of his own genius