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My Journal - modified for bad knees

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:25 pm
by iamthewalrus15
I am under preparation to give BP a good go..

My stats log is here: ... 2QVE&hl=en

Note instead of creating a million posts I will be updating this one.

2/12/2010: Still in prep.. Been kinda cruising, sort of light workouts, sub-par diet. Will begin famine on monday as planned. I won't be counting calories just getting the large V8 and lots of fruits and veggies. I will be skipping all protein but taking a couple of tablespoons of olive oil each night to keep my liver flowing. Been fighting some sort of low level infection.

2/15/2010: First day of famine. My powerrack has not arrived yet so i will be using dumbbells for workouts. Where is the damn thing! I am taking a mild cleanse supplement, a green drink and 3 cans of v8 per day. Was going to attempt to give up coffee, but I just don't think thats going to work.

2/16/2010: Down a pound or two today, havent blown it yet, but DAMN i could go for steak, potatoes, beer, sigh

A bit about me. I am 34 years old and have been athletic since I was a kid.
I am currently 6'2" 195, I dunno about 15% body fat.

I have a tiny bone structure/joints and am cursed with lots of injuries due to it. I have never packed on muscle very well but have excelled at endurance sports.

I took about a year off and drank too much. I have been getting back in shape for about 4-5 months now.

I currently feel lucky to be able to cycle for endurance and due to knee injuries can not really DL/Squat. (I used to live for squating for my sports and squatted in the 600s ass to the grass.. But alas, I'm old and decrepid now)

I plan on following the diet/routines exactly except for modiftying for my knees.

for the next week I will be preparing with a couple of supplement purchases and taking the week off. I will be recording my information in the spreadsheet above.

As I am not rich and have an ample supply of green mag, I will be taking that and not buying the pre-anabolyn.

supplements starting will look like this, but change as I run out and buy more recommended supplements.

Green Mag
optimum nutrition NO preworkout( i know not a fan of many these days, but I have it and want to use it up, then likely go off of NO/preworkout for good)
Animal Pak
Animal Flex
Fish oil
Beverly glut/bcaa
biofroge (I have some, might as well)
Man Vaproize
Various things for cholesterol control

I have a few other misc things in the cabinet I will me finishing up too.

After I run out of stuff I will be moving to the recommended supplements+ animal flex, optimum.

Today beings the preperation phase where I will eat moderately, continue my cycling routine and get my supplements in line to prepare for famine the following week.

I workout at home and have been using dumbells but have found them getting too expensive. I ordered a powerrack and will be moving over to bar movements.

That said, I have no idea what my barbell bench looks like. I currently do dumbell flat with 60s for about 8.

Sum it up: I'm flabby and out of shape.. I will get down to visible abs by summer and add some mass!! and gain overall health. I have given up on the ideas of being big, my body simple is not designed for it. I am looking for optimum results from my weight lifting to go in hand with my cycling for health and fitness.

excuse the typos, I have some wrist inflammation on top of my other joint issues.


Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 11:17 pm
by askmass
Welcome to the forums, Walrus.

Nice nick, Beatles fans are good people!

I can relate to you as I was not born with the best frame and genetics for bodybuilding, but I'm tall and athletically gifted like you and get the job done.

You'll do GREAT with BP, believe me.

Rob will help you every step along the way.

Best of luck.

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:05 am
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard!

You're in the right place because between the weightlifting expertise and John's cycling background (he does "century" 100mile rides :shock: ) we'll for sure be able to help you.

On that knee issue, totally understand. You may want to look into the hip belt squat as detailed in BP. By allowing you to sit back so far into the movement (while hanging onto an upright support), it greatly mitigates pressure on the knee. And I mean greatly..

Your supps are more than adequate. Actually, I've been waiting for someone to run BP without any supps. In almost 2 years of being in play though, nobody yet. It seems EVERYONE takes them, and in no small amount either!

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:25 am
by iamthewalrus15
2/17 was all going well until i had a 3 hour train ride next to the dining cart, i had a sandwich. I hope this didnt mess everythig up too much! Missed my workout yesterday as well with my 15 hour day. Will do wed workout today and fridays workout tomorrow. still no sign of my stupid rack. Amazon has it listed as delayed yet the website says they are in stock. grrrrrrr, looks like i will be starting feast with dumbbells..

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:15 pm
by RobRegish
That's OK now worries. Just do the best you can and muddle through it. Better days are ahead trust me :)

Besides, you sound grouchy. And that's a good sign.... you're stressed :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:04 am
by iamthewalrus15
woke up with a 90 resting pulse this morning.. My resting pulse has been going up since i started this, now this leap.. hmmm

annnnd a fever.... sigh

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:32 pm
by iamthewalrus15
Looks like the universe is not in alignment for this run for me. Fever is running steady at a 100... power rack is over a week late getting to me.. At least i lost a few pounds with famine. Going to get better and refamine ..

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 6:24 pm
by RobRegish
OK understand. Dis-continue famine and try to transition into feast. Take care of that fever first though.

Health first, always...