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Another Ecdy study: This time Turkesterone

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:58 am
by RobRegish
Kind of a bummer when you read the whole study. To get the positive effects (myostatin inhibition, muscle strengthening etc), you'd need a whole lot. How much?

A 176lb lifter would need 8g/day, and that'd be expensive!! I've always maintained Turk is excellent for VO2 max, as it's exceptional at building red blood cells. But much better to run full spectrum RCE as in Kre-Anabolyn and Synthagen, for strength/size/recovery IM.

Still, I found the myostatin inhibition interesting. In that respect, it out performed dianabol! Rat study, but nevertheless..

Re: Another Ecdy study: This time Turkesterone

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:01 pm
by askmass
As a few of you know, I'm currently recovering from a major bike crash while team training.

What do you think I'm employing to speed recovery to the max in hopes I only miss a few weeks instead of half the season?

1) High dose, FULL SPECTRUM RCE from Kre-Anabolyn and Synthagen along with the dietary (re)building blocks they need to repair torn, broken open muscle tissue.

2) DMSO, which is perhaps another discussion for a different day.

I'd never dispute Turk as a central component of real ECDY because the Full Spectrum RCE in KA and MPS is brimming with it... PLUS, ALL the other vital constituents.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 1:03 pm
by askmass
As an aside, someone PM'd me to ask if I was taking Tranquilogen for my recovery and I thought I should mention it here.

I guess it seemed a given to me, but the answer is a big YES and at the maximum dose.

In all, even I am a little surprised at how quickly the recovery is progressing!

Thanks for the concern, everyone.

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:52 pm
by thicketman
I hope you're back on the bike soon, John. Are you taking Synthagen, KA, and Tranquilogen orally or using the DMSO as a topical carrier?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:01 am
by walkerl60
thicketman wrote:I hope you're back on the bike soon, John. Are you taking Synthagen, KA, and Tranquilogen orally or using the DMSO as a topical carrier?
My mom used to use DMSO years ago for her arthritis. Where can I pick some up? I would like to try it on my knees....


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:48 am
by RobRegish
walkerl60 wrote:
thicketman wrote:I hope you're back on the bike soon, John. Are you taking Synthagen, KA, and Tranquilogen orally or using the DMSO as a topical carrier?
My mom used to use DMSO years ago for her arthritis. Where can I pick some up? I would like to try it on my knees....

Right here brother: ... B000O5FRF4

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:45 pm
by askmass
thicketman wrote:I hope you're back on the bike soon, John. Are you taking Synthagen, KA, and Tranquilogen orally or using the DMSO as a topical carrier?
Thank you very much.

Orally on KA, TQ and MPS. I'm also using Bone-Up from Jarrow, additionally.

The DMSO is applied by itself on the road rash, and then a little later I'll apply a salve that has Calendula, White Oak, Comfrey, Aloe, etc.

Rinse, repeat around the clock.

Recovery is coming along very nicely and I'm now starting to regain more range of motion in my shoulder and knee.

My aim is to make a scheduled event this coming Saturday in Madison, GA... seemed impossible last Tuesday after the crash, still a longshot most would say even with the accelerated recovery, but I'm determined to be there and ride to the best of my ability that day.

All the positive vibes and prayers are appreciated!

My best to everyone.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 8:34 am
by RobRegish
How many MPS/day John?


Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:51 am
by askmass
RobRegish wrote:How many MPS/day John?

14 total... 7x2

I was using 21 the first few days.

Getting more RCE specifically from KA, just for clarity.

The MPS is really for the whole enchilada, re ProtoGeneX, etc.

It makes a huge difference.