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Glycogen Supercompensation

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:25 pm
by anthon88
Hey guys,

Was hoping you might have some insights on this and am also hoping Rob will chime in :)

I am currently doing a CKD diet to cut down. It worked great for me in the past so I wanted to take that approach again. I would usually have a refeed for one day every 2 weeks. The refeed was pretty much a cheat day though because I was setting up my schedule so that I could participate in family events / holidays without being deprived.

This time around I would like to do proper carb refeeds. I am 1 week into my diet and don't plan to have my first refeed for another 2 weeks. I was reading some things by Lyle Mcdonald and want to try out one of his strategies. 5 hours before my depletion workout (the day before my refeed) have some protein and 25-50g of carbs and then 2 hours before my depletion workout have another 25-50g of carbs in the form of fructose. This strategy is supposed to fill liver glycogen stores and switch your body back over to using carbs as its energy source in order to allow you to deplete all your muscle glycogen. Following the workout you slam a protein/carb drink and then eat a ton of carbs the rest of the day.

He talks about a 2 day carb up which for instance would be Saturday and Sunday making the depletion workout on Saturday. My problem is that I work Saturdays and will not be able to do this so I am going to stick to one carb day. However, Lyle's way has you taking advantage of your glycogen stores by working out again Monday but if I do my depletion workout Sunday then I would have had no rest and won't be able to workout Monday.

My question is, how should I take advantage of glycogen compensation? Is it ok to have my big workout Tuesday instead? Or since my primary goal is to cut fat should I just say forget it and try to get back into Keto as fast as possible Monday via HIIT?

Also, how important do you think liquid carb supplements are for situations like this? I admit I do like them but is there really a huge difference between dextrose, malto, waxy maize, or something like Karbolyn or Vitagro? I understand Vitagro is supposed to be in a class all by itself but is it really worth the price tag?

Sorry for the long post guys. Look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:04 am
by RobRegish
A big key to this is knowing what kind of somatype you are, I'm guessing endo-morph, because that's a long time to carb deplete coupled with short carb loads. As an ecto, I'd wind up looking like a scarecrow if I tried this, LOL.

My question is, how should I take advantage of glycogen compensation? Is it ok to have my big workout Tuesday instead? Or since my primary goal is to cut fat should I just say forget it and try to get back into Keto as fast as possible Monday via HIIT?

A. The day of the week you initiate glycogen super-compensation isn't important (meaning if it's a Mon, Tues etc). What is important is being in a glycogen depleted state, and performing a workout that exhausts what little is left/simultaneously one that up-regulates glycogen synthase (the enzyme responsible for storing carbs) - THEN carb loading.

Most importantly, you need to train heavy at least one day/week in the days following that carb load. Too many times guys just train lighter and faster, carb deplete/super-stock carbs only to lose a LOT of strength, along with some muscle too.

Do you have a copy of The BP Meteoric? Because it's the definitive guide to CKD's, and how to walk away with it ALL: Bigger, Stronger and Leaner, via methods you're trying to nail down..

Also, how important do you think liquid carb supplements are for situations like this? I admit I do like them but is there really a huge difference between dextrose, malto, waxy maize, or something like Karbolyn or Vitagro? I understand Vitagro is supposed to be in a class all by itself but is it really worth the price tag?

A Yes, there is. Dextrose will leave you sleepy, sluggish and bloated. Karbolyn and like high molecular weight modified starches won't. I'd personally opt for Karbolyn vs Vitargo. Gets you to the same place more or less without dropping a fortune.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:50 pm
by anthon88
Thanks a lot Rob. I have the Blueprint 3.0, I'll give it another read tonight.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:28 pm
by anthon88
So you think it's ok to have my depletion workout on a Sunday morning followed by an all day carb up and then begin lifting heavy again on Tuesday?

If so, what would you recommend I do Monday training wise?

Keep in mind, my main goal is fat loss but was interested if it is possible to take advantage of my glycogen stores post carb up.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:49 pm
by RobRegish
anthon88 wrote:So you think it's ok to have my depletion workout on a Sunday morning followed by an all day carb up and then begin lifting heavy again on Tuesday?

A. Yes, as soon as reasonably possible - lift heavy after the carb up.

If so, what would you recommend I do Monday training wise?

A. You need The BP Meteoric :)

Keep in mind, my main goal is fat loss but was interested if it is possible to take advantage of my glycogen stores post carb up.
A. It sure is! That's the whole premise of The BP Meteoric, you can have it ALL and FAST!

Legit... ;-)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:51 pm
by anthon88
RobRegish wrote:
anthon88 wrote:So you think it's ok to have my depletion workout on a Sunday morning followed by an all day carb up and then begin lifting heavy again on Tuesday?

A. Yes, as soon as reasonably possible - lift heavy after the carb up.

If so, what would you recommend I do Monday training wise?

A. You need The BP Meteoric :)

Keep in mind, my main goal is fat loss but was interested if it is possible to take advantage of my glycogen stores post carb up.
A. It sure is! That's the whole premise of The BP Meteoric, you can have it ALL and FAST!

Legit... ;-)
Thanks Rob, this sounds awesome!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:43 pm
by walkerl60
RobRegish wrote:
anthon88 wrote:So you think it's ok to have my depletion workout on a Sunday morning followed by an all day carb up and then begin lifting heavy again on Tuesday?

A. Yes, as soon as reasonably possible - lift heavy after the carb up.

If so, what would you recommend I do Monday training wise?

A. You need The BP Meteoric :)

Keep in mind, my main goal is fat loss but was interested if it is possible to take advantage of my glycogen stores post carb up.
A. It sure is! That's the whole premise of The BP Meteoric, you can have it ALL and FAST!

Legit... ;-)
Hey Coach,

Is replenishing of liver and muscle glycogen without risking spillover simply trial and error? Or is there a scientific way of knowing that you've replinished glycogen during a carb up.....

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:32 am
by RobRegish
walkerl60 wrote:
RobRegish wrote:
anthon88 wrote:So you think it's ok to have my depletion workout on a Sunday morning followed by an all day carb up and then begin lifting heavy again on Tuesday?

A. Yes, as soon as reasonably possible - lift heavy after the carb up.

If so, what would you recommend I do Monday training wise?

A. You need The BP Meteoric :)

Keep in mind, my main goal is fat loss but was interested if it is possible to take advantage of my glycogen stores post carb up.
A. It sure is! That's the whole premise of The BP Meteoric, you can have it ALL and FAST!

Legit... ;-)
Hey Coach,

Is replenishing of liver and muscle glycogen without risking spillover simply trial and error? Or is there a scientific way of knowing that you've replinished glycogen during a carb up.....
There's a formula somewhere brother, but I never found it of much use. Largely individual, and a process of trial and error. Doesn't take long though, and a glucometer/tape measure both speed the process...

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 3:04 pm
by walkerl60
RobRegish wrote:
walkerl60 wrote:
RobRegish wrote: A. It sure is! That's the whole premise of The BP Meteoric, you can have it ALL and FAST!

Legit... ;-)
Hey Coach,

Is replenishing of liver and muscle glycogen without risking spillover simply trial and error? Or is there a scientific way of knowing that you've replinished glycogen during a carb up.....
There's a formula somewhere brother, but I never found it of much use. Largely individual, and a process of trial and error. Doesn't take long though, and a glucometer/tape measure both speed the process...
The glucometer was on my shopping list for today!!! I have also been researching on proper use and monitoring....I wasn't lying to you when I said I would be in the absolute best shape of my life, appearance wise anyway, by my 55th bday this Nov.....

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:51 am
by RobRegish
A noble goal, if there every was one!

I have NO doubt you'll succeed... :)