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Getting into position, for the first time (nub)

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:34 pm
by inposition

I'm new here. I had to print them all out, but I have finally made it through all the reading a few times BP, BP2, BP3, and BPM.

I'm 5'8", 165lbs, 8-10% bodyfat, kinda muscular but lightweight. natty. 1RM's ~= 230 bench, 325 squat, 365 deadlift, 135 overhead press. I did the typical high volume (8-15 rep) workouts for a while previously, but switched to strength training (4-6 rep) since July, occasionally working 2-3 rep at the beginning of workouts and 8-10 rep to finish workouts. I've gotten better results with the higher intensity / lower rep (myo) work. Also, I just bulked and cut by gaining 20lbs and losing 10lbs. I think I gained 5-7lbs in about 4-5 months. Not bad, but I feel like I got somewhat leptin resistant towards the end of the bulk, and would rather not put on so much fat again even if it means gaining muscle slower.

My goal is to get big and strong, while staying lean.

First question I still have is for BP Meteoric. For Phase 1 (Duration 1 week), is this the equivalent of the famine phase? Is this the week in which I should 'famine'? Or is this the first week of Feast, and I should 'famine' before that? Or is there no longer a 'famine'?

Supplement wise, I've received my orders of Mass Pro Synthagen, Adaptogen-N, Kre-Anabolyn, and even the new Progenadrex. I also happen to have some Suma (extract 4:1), something call AnaBeta Elite, (which contains Anacyclus Pyrethrum D.C. Extract, Forskolin, and 5-Androsten-3b-7b-Diol-17-One), Longjack powder, Kre-Alkalyn, DHEA, STATUS, and various other supplements.

I already take a multi-vitamin, Spirulina, calcium, vitamin C,D&E, DHEA, Curcumin, NOW's Probiotic 10, SupplementRX's Joint Health (Glucosamine, chondroitin, etc...), green tea extract, and yohimbine before fasted training

Second question is for help building my stack for Phase II (Duration 6 weeks). Obviously, I have some redundancy in what I own so I need to pare it down to the essentials. Reading the forums and papers, I'm going to take a stab at it and suggest my stack as follows:

M-F: weekends off.
3 caps of Adaptogen N 1/2 hour before bed.
5g of GABA 1/2 hour before bed

Workout Days:
-Progenadrex at 6 capsules with my post-workout carbs.
-Mass Pro Synthagen at 9 capsules immediately prior to working out
-3g of GABA 30 min before workout

Non-workout Days:
-Progenadrex at 6 capsules with my largest carb meal.
-Mass Pro Synthagen. 3 capsules twice a day 10 minutes before meals

Anything I should add (E.G. Kre-Anabolyn or Kre-Alkalyn?)
Is it overkill to include both Progenadrex and MPS?
Since I have some extra Suma, should I add that in here somewhere?

Thanks. I really appreciate any input you'all are willing to provide.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 2:14 pm
by inposition
PS. I should add that I'm 45 years old.

It took me longer than it should have, but I've learned the hard way recently that I need to listen to my body more. I wish it was true that the harder I work, the better results I get. I can work extremely hard for a long time, every day. Unfortunately, I've lost a lot of potential gains doing exactly that. I think I also caused some hormonal and CNS problems in the process.

I'm trying to figure out what the optimal balance is between intensity, volume, frequency, etc...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:36 am
by RobRegish

First question I still have is for BP Meteoric. For Phase 1 (Duration 1 week), is this the equivalent of the famine phase? Is this the week in which I should 'famine'? Or is this the first week of Feast, and I should 'famine' before that? Or is there no longer a 'famine'?

A. There's no famine required, but some like to run it anyway. If you've never done a similar detox/cleansing/anti-catabolic/anabolic activation phase, highly recommended!

Supplement wise, I've received my orders of Mass Pro Synthagen, Adaptogen-N, Kre-Anabolyn, and even the new Progenadrex. I also happen to have some Suma (extract 4:1), something call AnaBeta Elite, (which contains Anacyclus Pyrethrum D.C. Extract, Forskolin, and 5-Androsten-3b-7b-Diol-17-One), Longjack powder, Kre-Alkalyn, DHEA, STATUS, and various other supplements.

I already take a multi-vitamin, Spirulina, calcium, vitamin C,D&E, DHEA, Curcumin, NOW's Probiotic 10, SupplementRX's Joint Health (Glucosamine, chondroitin, etc...), green tea extract, and yohimbine before fasted training

Second question is for help building my stack for Phase II (Duration 6 weeks). Obviously, I have some redundancy in what I own so I need to pare it down to the essentials. Reading the forums and papers, I'm going to take a stab at it and suggest my stack as follows:

M-F: weekends off.
3 caps of Adaptogen N 1/2 hour before bed.
5g of GABA 1/2 hour before bed

Workout Days:
-Progenadrex at 6 capsules with my post-workout carbs.
-Mass Pro Synthagen at 9 capsules immediately prior to working out
-3g of GABA 30 min before workout

Non-workout Days:
-Progenadrex at 6 capsules with my largest carb meal.
-Mass Pro Synthagen. 3 capsules twice a day 10 minutes before meals

Anything I should add (E.G. Kre-Anabolyn or Kre-Alkalyn?)
Is it overkill to include both Progenadrex and MPS?
Since I have some extra Suma, should I add that in here somewhere?

Suggest dosing Progenadrex at 6 caps pre-workout, with cup of oatmeal, and some raisins 90 min prior. Synthagen at 5 caps immediately prior to, halfway through and immediately post workout. Then, eat up BIG within 90 min. Your muscles are like a sponge, and will soak up all nutrients (especially with MPS/Progenadrex in the mix)..

Adaptogen N/GABA are SOLID picks too, as are your general health supps. I'd shelve the rest of them, especially the SUMA you have. I think you'll find the 25:1 Ultra Suma in a league of it's own. No comparison, IMO. I'm a Suma snob, lol - and it's the only one I'll use...

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:45 am
by RobRegish
You can still take Yohimbe prior to training. As for the rest of your performance supps..

Supplement wise, I've received my orders of Mass Pro Synthagen, Adaptogen-N, Kre-Anabolyn, and even the new Progenadrex. I also happen to have some Suma (extract 4:1), something call AnaBeta Elite, (which contains Anacyclus Pyrethrum D.C. Extract, Forskolin, and 5-Androsten-3b-7b-Diol-17-One), Longjack powder, Kre-Alkalyn, DHEA, STATUS, and various other supplements.

Kre-Anabolyn, ABE and 5-Androstene and DHEA are ideal during cruise. Trans DHEA is preferred, details on how to home brew are in 3.0.

Body recomp wise, Forskolin is an exceptional supp. 50mg/day in two divided doses is ideal. Green Tea is good too, but do NOT take it with protein, as studies show it inhibits protein absorption.

Back to Forskolin. There is research showing it's synergistic with beta-agonists like ephedrine. It's as close as your local pharmacy behind the counter, in the form of Primatene tabs. You'll have to sign for it, present your license etc but well worth it IMO. Suggest 12.5mg's if you're new to it, along with Forskolin, Green Tea (needs to be standardized for EGCG btw), and 125mg of caffeine (ideal ratio is 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine, for fat loss).

EDIT: Please do NOT take Yohimbe with caffeine, ephedrine or any other stimulant. If you have a quality extract, it'll amplify the HELL out of it. Shaky, heart racing, sweaty and paranoid does not a great workout make... :)

Hope that helps!

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:05 pm
by inposition
RobRegish wrote: Back to Forskolin. There is research showing it's synergistic with beta-agonists like ephedrine. It's as close as your local pharmacy behind the counter, in the form of Primatene tabs. You'll have to sign for it, present your license etc but well worth it IMO. Suggest 12.5mg's if you're new to it, along with Forskolin, Green Tea (needs to be standardized for EGCG btw), and 125mg of caffeine (ideal ratio is 10:1 caffeine to ephedrine, for fat loss).

Hope that helps!
It helps a lot. Thanks!!!

FYI, for fat loss intensity, I'm taking Legion's Phoenix twice a day. It contains 50mg of Forskolin so I think I'm covered there. It also contains the following clinically proven ingredient dosages.

Naringin 600mg
Epigallocatechin Gallate (from GTE) 400mg
5-HTP (Griffonia Simplicifolia) Seed Extract 150mg
L-Tyrosine 150mg
Salacin (White Willow) Bark Extract 120mg
Hesperidin 100mg
Synephrine HCL 50mg
Hordenine HCL (N, N-dimethyl-tyramine) 25mg

Seems to work pretty good.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 5:07 pm
by inposition
One more thing. After reading this article from Suppversity earlier today, I'm thinking about adding 3grams of Taurine to my post-workout. ... rkout.html

Have you ever tried it or do you have any thoughts on Taurine? Would you know which brand or form is best?

Thanks again

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:21 am
by inposition
Is Karbolyn considered glucose or fructose?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:43 am
by RobRegish
inposition wrote:One more thing. After reading this article from Suppversity earlier today, I'm thinking about adding 3grams of Taurine to my post-workout. ... rkout.html

Have you ever tried it or do you have any thoughts on Taurine? Would you know which brand or form is best?

Thanks again
Yes, Taurine is a terrific adjunt.. more important than Glutamine IMO. And it's why you see it in Synthagen's formula :)

L-Taurine is best in a comprehensive EAA/other non-EAA formula, nothing fancy needed. This, given the interplay between ALL of the amino's being much more powerful than just one.

Brands of isolated L-Taurine? Would likely opt for the NOW Foods brand. If you're taking MP Whey btw, you're getting Taurine peptides in every serving. A shrewd move, given the rest of the protein formula is largely "intact"...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:46 am
by RobRegish
inposition wrote:Is Karbolyn considered glucose or fructose?
Neither. It's a combination of corn, potato and rice, each starch selectively tailored to optimize the 2 hour period spent under, at and over the insulin curve - WITHOUT the downsides of too much fructose (the liver can only store so much), and straight glucose (spike blood sugar/crash and sends insulin haywire.

The best part?

No bloating, sluggishness or "out of it"/"dumbed down" feeling as you see with glucose/dextrose/sucrose. Bad, bad bad for a number of reasons, not the least of which is blood sugar issues...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:58 pm
by inposition
Wow. That's Great!

So if I also have some crystalline fructose from Now, is it ok to add it with the Karbolyn? Or should I stay away from the fructose?

Also, I saw your formula for DHEA; however, being a little lazy, I went and found some online.

Would getting either one of these two be ok for transdermal application?

Life-Flo DHEA for Men with Ginseng and Saw Palmetto. One full pump is 30mg
or, Nubeau DHEA-Max Creme with Dehydroepiandrosterone. 1/4 teaspoon is 10mg of bio-identical DHEA


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:20 am
by RobRegish
inposition wrote:Wow. That's Great!

So if I also have some crystalline fructose from Now, is it ok to add it with the Karbolyn? Or should I stay away from the fructose?

A. A small amount 5 to 10g with your Karbolyn is sufficient to replenish liver glycogen, and assist in maximizing glycogen storage in the muscles.

Also, I saw your formula for DHEA; however, being a little lazy, I went and found some online.

Would getting either one of these two be ok for transdermal application?

Life-Flo DHEA for Men with Ginseng and Saw Palmetto. One full pump is 30mg

A. SUGGEST THIS ONE: Nubeau DHEA-Max Creme with Dehydroepiandrosterone. 1/4 teaspoon is 10mg of bio-identical DHEA

Ginseng has been found to be estrogenic in some studies (depends on the type/amount). So unless it's Korean Red, I'd skip it. You'll likely have to take more of the Nubeau DHEA Max Creme, but at least you'll know you're getting DHEA for your dollar, and nothing else. Have you seen this yet, though?

In all candor, oral DHEA 100 (MASS's micronized DHEA) taken with 400mg of Di Indol Methane DIM (anti-estrogen) is a lot more convenient, economical etc. Up to you, but either option will prove superior to the two you've listed here..


Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:17 pm
by inposition
You're a fountain of knowledge and wisdom. Thank you, thank you!

FYI, it was Panax Ginseng Extract not Korean Red. So that's out.

Great gouge on the recommended DHEA. Thanks again.

I have some Triazole. Could I just take that instead of the DIM? Should I take both? Or should I get the DIM and shelf the Triazole?

Thanks, Sean

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:12 pm
by RobRegish
inposition wrote:You're a fountain of knowledge and wisdom. Thank you, thank you!

FYI, it was Panax Ginseng Extract not Korean Red. So that's out.

Great gouge on the recommended DHEA. Thanks again.

I have some Triazole. Could I just take that instead of the DIM? Should I take both? Or should I get the DIM and shelf the Triazole?

Thanks, Sean
I'd shelve Triazole for use at a later date. DIM is inexpensive enough, and Triazole contains other ingredients that might complicate the picture...

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:28 pm
by inposition
RobRegish wrote:Welcome!

Suggest dosing Progenadrex at 6 caps pre-workout, with cup of oatmeal, and some raisins 90 min prior. Synthagen at 5 caps immediately prior to, halfway through and immediately post workout. Then, eat up BIG within 90 min. Your muscles are like a sponge, and will soak up all nutrients (especially with MPS/Progenadrex in the mix)..

This is a subtlety, but I thought it may make a difference.

Should I:
a) take the Progenadrex, wait 5-10 minutes, and eat the carbs.
b) eat the carbs, wait 5-10 minutes, and take the Progenadrex
or c) same time
