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Are you in a state of perpetual hibernation? PLEASE READ!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 9:09 pm
by matter2003
This is going to be a long post, but it could very well be a post that saves the life of you or a loved one dealing with a serious disease or condition. I say that knowing that is a very weighty statement, but it is an accurate one. I have not posted on this forum in quite a while, but I feel this might be the most important information I have dug up in a long time if not ever.

When bears and other mammals hibernate, it is triggered by something inside their bodies. Declining D3 levels. D3 is naturally gotten from the sun by mammals. When the sun is strong and high in the sky during the summer, D3 levels rise, signalling that food will be plentiful and that energy can be expended because it will be able to easily replace it with more food. As D3 levels drop, preparation begins to ride out a lengthy period of food being scarce, energy levels being preserved as much as possible and weight gain to help ride out this period. In bears it has been shown that as D3 levels drop, there is a large rise in the inactive form of Vitamin D, D2.

Humans do not hibernate, but the body has these same type of mechanisms in place from long ago. Humans would have been out hunting and gathering in the sunlight for many hours during the long summer months, causing a huge rise in D3 levels inside the body. As the sun became weaker and lessened in duration, D3 levels would drop, leading the body to slow down, conserve energy and make sure they would be able to survive a long cold winter with limited resources.

So you ask, that is all well and good, but how does that apply to us in the modern day? We have abundant food. We have no struggles during the winter months other than maybe shoveling out of some snow. Yes, that is true. But the body doesn't know this. It only knows that Vitamin D levels are lower and that it needs to act as if a long hard winter is upon it. Couple this with people being deathly afraid of the sun to the point of becoming vampires, putting sunblock on preventing D3 creation during the summer months and extremely low, almost criminal recommendations on daily Vitamin D needs for an average person(recommended amounts basically only will prevent a person from getting Rickets), and you now see how your body thinks it is in a state of perpetual hibernation.

You read what I just wrote and the first thing that comes to mind is that I am full of sh!t. Well, consider that the obesity epidemic hit at roughly the same time as health officials declared the sun to be our mortal enemy in the early 1980's. Coincidence? Doubtful. Vitamin D3 controls over 4,500!! genes in the body and the expression of these genes. Without D3 the body has no clue what to do with these genes. Should it turn them on or leave them off? It doesn't know. So it hapharzardly starts turning on some and leaving others off. What does this lead to? Diseases. Degenerative Conditions. Sicknesses that are "untreatable" by drugs. Well they can't be treated because none of these drugs can regulate the expression of vast quantities of genes inside the body, nor control proper usage of other key vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc ,etc. which in turn control the expression of many other genes inside the body.

What makes it worse is there is a vitamin that has been literally "lost" to modern society because the only way to get it is through animals who have eaten grass and converted it into this vital nutrient via exposure to sunlight. This is Vitamin K2, and provides what might be the strongest case that humans are not meant to be vegetarians, as we are very poor at converting K1 into K2, unlike other animals. Now you can see the reason why this nutrient is "lost". As a fat soluble vitamin, it is typically gotten through eating the fats, organs, milks and cheeses of grass fed animals exposed to sunlight on a regular basis. Most animals are no longer fed grass and no longer exposed to sunshine. K2 cannot be produced. There is no other way to get this, save from Natto, which is a fermented soy that produces vast quantities of this Vitamin as a byproduct of bacterial fermentation, similar to what happens in our guts with the bacteria, except our gut bacteria keep the Vitamin K2 produced for itself and we can use very little of it. If we were meant to be vegetarians, clearly we would be able to efficiently convert Vitamin K1 into Vitamin K2 as other animals who rely on vegetation as their food source do. We do not.

Vitamin K2 was discovered by Dr. Weston Price in the 1930's and he called it "Activator X" or "X Factor" and said it was a key component to healthiness among tribes and indiginous people who weren't exposed to modern ways. In 1997 researchers found this nutrient Dr. Price described was Vitamin K2. K2 "Activates" the proteins and genes that Vitamin A and D signal. It also directs calcium to go into the proper places in the body, such as bones and teeth and away from places where it shouldn't---soft tissues, arteries(atherosclerosis anyone?? "Hardening of the Arteries", aka Calcium deposits in the arteries), and skin(psoriasis, eczema, etc).

How does K2 tie into D3? Simple. K2 controls the proper usage of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin A while D3 controls the proper usage of many other vitamins, minerals and genes in the body. Without K2, D3 cannot work properly. Without D3, the body goes into a perpetual hibernation mode---tiredness, lethargy, weight gain, sickness, incomplete body repairs. With low D3, the body will repair itself just enough to get by, not wanting to expend the extra energy it would need to do so since its afraid it will not be able to recover this energy. After all, you have told it that its hibernating. There is no sunlight, this must mean its winter. We as humans have put ourselves into a perpetual state of hibernation. Our bodies are brilliant in design but in our ever questing state to evolve and advance we never took the time to realize that some of the simplest things are also some of the most important.

We were meant to be in the sunshine. We were meant to eat animals that ate their normal food supply and were in the sunshine. When we do neither of these things we bring about a state of eternal hibernation inside of our bodies leading to sickness, incomplete repairs, weight gain(need fat to live through the long winter) and may other diseases and conditions that are simply nothing more than long term Vitamin D3 deficits.

For maintenance dosages, new research has determined the body needs 4,000-5,000 IU per day of Vitamin D. This is simply to properly maintain a perfectly working body. Most people are so deficient in D3, their bodies might have never been in a perfectly working state before in their life. This deficit must be made up before the body can even think about maintaining itself properly. It must have the signal to repair itself while there is "abundance". Bring your body out of hibernation. High doses of Vitamin D3 have been found to be the answer for literally almost every disease or condition that is not a result of a gene mutation. D3 will express the proper genes and turn off he ones that shouldn't be getting expressed. It provides a road map for your body to know what to do with its genes. Vitamin K2 provides the mechanism to turn on and activate Vitamin D3. In combination the results can be nothing short of miraculous in a short period of time in many cases. Researchers have also determined that those with autoimmune diseases likely have an inability to properly convert D3 into its active form in the body, calcitriol, and need much higher dosages than a normal person would. However, it could be quite possible this is nothing more than an additional severe K2 deficiency, as K2 controls the activation of Vitamin D3.

I am on the brink of curing an incurable case of psoriasis. The answer? High doses of D3 combined with K2 and magnesium. 50,000 IU of Vitamin D a day, LEF Super K with advanced K2 complex(2 per day) and Magnesium(1600 mg a day). Most people will not need calcium, they have plenty of it, its simply in the wrong place--stuck in the soft tissue, skin and arteries blocking magnesium(calcium gets pumped in, gets stuck, and cannot get to the bones where its supposed to go---magnesium should get pumped in, but needs calcium to get out first).

This will accomplish many things. The biggest is it will awaken your body from its hibernation, it will allow for complete repair of many nagging injuries you have due to your body just doing enough to manage(duct taping it instead of actually fixing it), and will make sure your body is properly utilizing all its nutrients. You will also likely find it will be very easy to lose weight, gain muscle(D3 has direct effects on testosterone levels), and you will have a feeling of awesomeness that you may have never felt before.

Here are pertinent studies and a book that I highly recommend that explains things in detail. The author spent years reading every pubmed article on Vitamin D3, totaling over 56,000 articles and began to see mutliple connections to pieces of the puzzle. He also had several articles published in medical journals as well...for $3 it might be the best money you ever spent on yourself, your health and a loved one's health. If this helps only one person, I will be happy. The medical establishment has been lying to us for years and its time they are held accountable.

Brazil Pilot study obliterates psoriasis with Vitamin D3 doses of 35,000 IU daily. Pictures included.

Study showing how Vitamin D3 relates to health conditions/issues:

$3 amazon Ebook that might be the most important thing you ever read for your health... ... roduct_top

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:50 pm
by RobRegish
Welcome back Matter! So nice to see you around, please stay b/c this is pure GOLD...

Folks, Matter has posted some of the absolute best, most helpful information right here on these very forums. This post was no exception, and he's RIGHT. I thought Vit D was, just vitamin D..

When I finally got my levels above the top end of the range I felt SO much better. Daytime energy, in particular. Not talking stim/shaky energy, just CLEAN, PURE energy.

Controls 4,500 genes/functions, and they're finding more every day. Thanks Matter for posting this.

How many IU's do you personally take every day?

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:31 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Welcome back Matter! So nice to see you around, please stay b/c this is pure GOLD...

Folks, Matter has posted some of the absolute best, most helpful information right here on these very forums. This post was no exception, and he's RIGHT. I thought Vit D was, just vitamin D..

When I finally got my levels above the top end of the range I felt SO much better. Daytime energy, in particular. Not talking stim/shaky energy, just CLEAN, PURE energy.

Controls 4,500 genes/functions, and they're finding more every day. Thanks Matter for posting this.

How many IU's do you personally take every day?
Rob, thanks I will do my best to stay active...

I think something potentially more important is the role calcium plays in all of this. If you read the post below containing very important research done, things might become more clear. Psoriasis has been found to have a genetic defect whereby calcium accumulates in the skin and causes these lesions, but most if not all autoimmune diseases have major calcium components. ... ic-disease

Calcium is a key mineral needed by the body. Unfortunately, too often it ends up in the wrong place, in soft tissue, arteries and skin instead. This has been found to be a key component in the pathogenesis of many diseases. At first they thought STC(soft tissue calcification) was a result of the disease then found that it likely is the trigger.

Why does this happen? Well, here is how this works. Calcium is brought into the body and first is pumped into the soft tissues. Now the problem isnt that it gets pumped in, that's what's supposed to happen. The problem is that it never gets pumped out, and replaced by Magnesium which is what
is supposed to happen. This is the job of the parthyroid gland, and in most cases of disease they find the test for parathyroid(PHT test) to be very high as its overrun by calcium.

This is where Vitamin D3, K2 and magnesium come into play and will eventually be found to be the cure for 99% of diseases, conditions, etc I believe very strongly as you read the research that has come out.

Here is what happens. vitamin D3, not an actual vitamin but a LIFE GIVING seco-steroid found in ALL LIVING THINGS--plants, animals, bacteria...they all produce vitamin D in some form(D2 for plants, D3 for animals) in response to ultraviolet light. This is literally the key to all living things health. It controls genes, useage of other minerals and vitamins, and genes all over the body have what are called VDR's or Vitamin D Receptors whose purpose is to tell that gene what to do. Let me repeat that again for emphasis. YOUR GENES DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITHOUT VITAMIN D.

Now, one other function of Vitamin D is to uncalcify calcium and mobilize it for transport in the blood. Now you combine this with Vitamin K2, whose job it is to activate Vitamin D3 and A and tell calcium where its supposed to go and you see why they are needed in tandem. Mobilizing calcium helps but not if it gets put back in the wrong place again.

Magnesium comes in because as Calcium gets pulled, Magnesium is now free to replace it in the soft tissue where it was previously blocked by Calcium, which is where its supposed to go.

So what you end up with in chronic disease states is STC, causing by definition Magnesium deficiency no matter how much is taken as its place is occupied by Calcium in the body, a Vitamin K2 deficiency causing calcium to go to the wrong places and Vitamin D3 that cannot be activated properly to do its job. A complex chain of events solved with a few simple steps.

Now before you think this is crazy, let's revisit the 1920s when Vitamin D(D2) was first synthesized in large amounts. A standard dosage back then was 20mg, which equates to 1,000,000 IU. Now as vitamin D2 is the plant form and only converts to D3 inside us at between 1/16 and 1/4, the actual D3 dosage would have been between 62,500 and 250,000 IU per day. Significantly higher than leading medical authorities advise. So what happened? All these people must have died from "Vitamin D Toxicity", right? Wrong. People became so healthy that hospitals, doctors and other health related industries were on the verge of bankruptcy because nobody was getting sick.

So they convinced the FDA to change the mg to some random IU designation to confuse people. They also lobbied to have the dosage set at a ridiculously low 400 IU since they couldnt convince them to ban Vitamin D, which is only enough to basically prevent Rickets, but nowhere close to optimum health levels.

In fact Vitamin D Toxicity is complete and utter rubbish as time and time again in studies people took mega doses of vitamin D3 for extended periods and not only did they not have any ill effects, they had the OPPOSITE effects of what doctors theorized would happen. You would be hard pressed to find more than 5 people that have had Vitamin D toxicity and even if they did its because their K2 and Magnesium supplies got used up and supplementing with those in conjunction with High Vitamin D3 doses prevents the already unlikely issue from occurring.

Vitamin D3 Toxicity is a fraud perpetuated by the medical community to make people sick. Scare people with some horrible thing that could happen so they don't take therapeutic doses of vitamin D3 because they are well aware of what happened in the 1920s...the funniest part is that even if it did occur, which almost never happens, all symptoms are completely reversible by just not supplementing with Vitamin D for a few days. It's madness when you think about all the prescription drugs people pop on a daily basis like its candy that list "death" as a side effect but yet doctors are taught their first day in Medical School about the dangers of vitamin D overdose...coincidental? Never. They are indoctrinated by the AMA and FDA to ensure most people are too scared to learn the truth...that with High Dose Vitamin D3 you won't need drugs, hospitals or doctors. Sad what greed, money and the power of Big Pharma is capable of. Meanwhile these people are responsible for more suffering and preventable deaths than from all wars throughout human history combined. What they are doing is truly criminal and they should be forced to answer for it in front of the UN. War leaders get dragged in front of these councils tried with "Crimes Against Humanity" but they aren't even in the same area code as the heads of these corrupt departments.

Personally I'm taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D3, still at least 12,500 IU short of what people in the 1920s routinely took for years with no ill effects. K2 via High Vitamin Butter Oil and Cultured Ghee(animal form of K2, MK-4) combined with LEF Super K(1000 mcg of K1, 1000 mcg of MK-4 and 200 mcg of MK-7(long effecting bacterial form of K2 from natto)) and 1600 mg of Magnesium daily. Psoriasis has been disappearing faster than I've ever seen it to the point its almost scary...feeling tremendous and look forward to my full health returning over the next 6 months...

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:43 pm
by DaCookie
Matter I have essentially cured my psoriasis through the heavy metal detox(PCA spray being miles better than ANYTHING on the market) and combined that with sensible tanning 2-3 times a week and melanotan 2.

It only regresses if I start eating fish again, including the lowest mercury fishes. Then allergens and stress amplify it, but at its core its the mercury.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:18 pm
by thicketman
It's good to see you post again man. I second Rob's request that you post more.

You inspired my/my wife's successful journey to rid her of "fibromyalgia". It turned out that she had off the charts barium poisoning of which the symptoms just so happened to match those of her "fibromyalgia". The doc told her that she would have to live with it for the rest of her life...

Anyway, I have a bottle of Vit D3 in my cabinet that I need to start taking again. I have been wanting to go get tested for vitamin deficiencies but I always seem to come up with an excuse. Of course a whole host of questions arise with testing. For instance: Does normal = optimal? If something falls outside the "normal" range is it necessarily bad? How are "optimal" ranges established? By who? Are they established by looking at a cross-section of the population (I think they are)? Is the population representative of ideal health? What about vitamin/mineral imbalances? What are optimal ratios? How is that information determined? etc. etc. etc. That said, it would be smart to get baseline numbers. :wink:

Enough rambling...

How long have you been following the above protocol? Also, what form of magnesium are you using?

I've always suffered from lethargy in spite of getting regular restful sleep. I'm 38, but it goes all the way back to my teen years (maybe before). It's possible, as you stated, that my body has never been in a properly functioning state...I've suspected this for some time. I also have extremely dry skin, so it would be interesting to see if this is alleviated (topical vegetable glycerine has been a Godsend).

If I can get a simple sustained boost of mental energy, this would be WELL worth the investment for me. Thanks for the info!

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:21 pm
by RobRegish
I does the mental/physical energy thing well IMO. Not so much a burst as clean, consistent energy..

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 10:20 pm
by matter2003
thicketman wrote:It's good to see you post again man. I second Rob's request that you post more.

You inspired my/my wife's successful journey to rid her of "fibromyalgia". It turned out that she had off the charts barium poisoning of which the symptoms just so happened to match those of her "fibromyalgia". The doc told her that she would have to live with it for the rest of her life...

Anyway, I have a bottle of Vit D3 in my cabinet that I need to start taking again. I have been wanting to go get tested for vitamin deficiencies but I always seem to come up with an excuse. Of course a whole host of questions arise with testing. For instance: Does normal = optimal? If something falls outside the "normal" range is it necessarily bad? How are "optimal" ranges established? By who? Are they established by looking at a cross-section of the population (I think they are)? Is the population representative of ideal health? What about vitamin/mineral imbalances? What are optimal ratios? How is that information determined? etc. etc. etc. That said, it would be smart to get baseline numbers. :wink:

Enough rambling...

How long have you been following the above protocol? Also, what form of magnesium are you using?

I've always suffered from lethargy in spite of getting regular restful sleep. I'm 38, but it goes all the way back to my teen years (maybe before). It's possible, as you stated, that my body has never been in a properly functioning state...I've suspected this for some time. I also have extremely dry skin, so it would be interesting to see if this is alleviated (topical vegetable glycerine has been a Godsend).

If I can get a simple sustained boost of mental energy, this would be WELL worth the investment for me. Thanks for the info!
Thanks brother! Glad to hear your wife is doing much better...

Well, your D3 levels are like your T could be considered "normal" but no where near optimal...optimal is thought to be near 100 ng/ml but others say that optimal levels will be found to be closer to 150 ng/ml in the future once more is discovered about its role as we age.

Most people in the US have levels between 10-20 ng/ml, which is considered deficient. Due to a few things, but mostly the fact that we are indoors way too much during peak sunshine hours due to work, and also because we are deathly afraid and use sunblock when we do go out.

I believe optimal levels were determined by checking the levels of people like the aboriginals/native peoples who spend all day out in the sun and had their levels checked...most were between 90-100 ng/mol which is where the optimal levels came from, ie, what would people's levels be by getting it from its natural form in the amount that all people should be getting it.

Also on the subject of feeling "clean energy", most people do not realize that proper Vitamin D levels are crucial for thyroid hormone to actually work properly. Proper Vitamin D levels must be present in the nucleus of individual cells for thyroid hormone to have an effect in those cells. So you might be getting a boost from your thyroid functioning properly with Vitamin D present for the cells to utilize it... ... hyroid.htm

I've been using this for a few weeks now...I use Magnesium Citrate, but I've heard that Magnesium Oil or Epsom Salts are the most effective method to get magnesium as its absorbed transdermally very effectively by the body...

On the subject of Vitamin D "Toxicity" that is talked about so much, I will say that in rare cases this can happen...However, this is actually an issue of Vitamin D creating Vitamin K2 dependent proteins and in the absence of Vitamin K2, this can cause issues. Vitamin A in sufficient doses will prevent the excess formation of these K2 dependent proteins, so again Vitamin A, D and K2 work together and need to be present in sufficient amounts to have the best effect. In sports terms, Vitamin D3 would be Michael Jordan, Vitamin A would be Scottie Pippen and K2 would be Phil Jackson. ... man-study/

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:57 am
by bigpelo
My dad has psoriasis beyond belief. I need to put him on D+K+mag. But where to start? In Canada, the maximum daily dose of vitamin D supplement is 1000 IU and we are the ones without sun half the year... My last vitamin D order from MASS got sized by custom! (5000 IU per caps)

What a nice find Matter, thanks for sharing!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:59 am
by thicketman
matter2003 wrote:
Thanks brother! Glad to hear your wife is doing much better...

Well, your D3 levels are like your T could be considered "normal" but no where near optimal...optimal is thought to be near 100 ng/ml but others say that optimal levels will be found to be closer to 150 ng/ml in the future once more is discovered about its role as we age.

Most people in the US have levels between 10-20 ng/ml, which is considered deficient. Due to a few things, but mostly the fact that we are indoors way too much during peak sunshine hours due to work, and also because we are deathly afraid and use sunblock when we do go out.

I believe optimal levels were determined by checking the levels of people like the aboriginals/native peoples who spend all day out in the sun and had their levels checked...most were between 90-100 ng/mol which is where the optimal levels came from, ie, what would people's levels be by getting it from its natural form in the amount that all people should be getting it.

Also on the subject of feeling "clean energy", most people do not realize that proper Vitamin D levels are crucial for thyroid hormone to actually work properly. Proper Vitamin D levels must be present in the nucleus of individual cells for thyroid hormone to have an effect in those cells. So you might be getting a boost from your thyroid functioning properly with Vitamin D present for the cells to utilize it... ... hyroid.htm

I've been using this for a few weeks now...I use Magnesium Citrate, but I've heard that Magnesium Oil or Epsom Salts are the most effective method to get magnesium as its absorbed transdermally very effectively by the body...

On the subject of Vitamin D "Toxicity" that is talked about so much, I will say that in rare cases this can happen...However, this is actually an issue of Vitamin D creating Vitamin K2 dependent proteins and in the absence of Vitamin K2, this can cause issues. Vitamin A in sufficient doses will prevent the excess formation of these K2 dependent proteins, so again Vitamin A, D and K2 work together and need to be present in sufficient amounts to have the best effect. In sports terms, Vitamin D3 would be Michael Jordan, Vitamin A would be Scottie Pippen and K2 would be Phil Jackson. ... man-study/
Thanks for your response. I checked out the westonaprice blog yesterday after doing a little searching around on the topic. I really like their objectivity when presenting evidence for/against certain topics. I enjoyed a read yesterday about cod liver oil and vitamin A.

I also came across the following article yesterday on vitamin k2. ... erial.html

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:52 am
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:My dad has psoriasis beyond belief. I need to put him on D+K+mag. But where to start? In Canada, the maximum daily dose of vitamin D supplement is 1000 IU and we are the ones without sun half the year... My last vitamin D order from MASS got sized by custom! (5000 IU per caps)

What a nice find Matter, thanks for sharing!
BigP! What's up brotha...well that sucks for sure...its cheap enough(well at least here) that he could take 15 at a time twice a day I guess...

Make sure its K2 not K1...LEF super K is a good one...lots of MK-4 and 200mcg of MK-7

Magnesium I would choose magnesium oil(magnesium chloride) its the best absorbed form...

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:36 pm
by beefcake66
I just ordered VitD from MASS... I hope it's not seized :\

BigPelo - I think Vitamin K cannot be shipped into Canada. May want to look that up for sure, but I would suggest finding a Canadian supplier if you can.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:20 am
by RobRegish
matter2003 wrote:
bigpelo wrote:My dad has psoriasis beyond belief. I need to put him on D+K+mag. But where to start? In Canada, the maximum daily dose of vitamin D supplement is 1000 IU and we are the ones without sun half the year... My last vitamin D order from MASS got sized by custom! (5000 IU per caps)

What a nice find Matter, thanks for sharing!
BigP! What's up brotha...well that sucks for sure...its cheap enough(well at least here) that he could take 15 at a time twice a day I guess...

Make sure its K2 not K1...LEF super K is a good one...lots of MK-4 and 200mcg of MK-7

Magnesium I would choose magnesium oil(magnesium chloride) its the best absorbed form...
Interesting about Magnesium. I recently had a bad ab cramp. Took a full serving of MPS, and it was GONE. Mg really is an incredible supp, as is Vit D. Just SO overlooked, so I'm grateful for your post here.

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:24 pm
by bigpelo
I bought the e-book and red it all in 2 days. Found Vit D3 and K2 at good price available in Canada. Now I need to convince my dad to take it all.

I will also try a 25K IU vit D3 + K2 experiment on myself for general health and see what it does. Searching for a Canadian blood test lab to check my vit D level.

Matter, please update your evolution with 50K IU vit D! is 1600mg mag gives you bowel issues?

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 10:30 pm
by matter2003
bigpelo wrote:I bought the e-book and red it all in 2 days. Found Vit D3 and K2 at good price available in Canada. Now I need to convince my dad to take it all.

I will also try a 25K IU vit D3 + K2 experiment on myself for general health and see what it does. Searching for a Canadian blood test lab to check my vit D level.

Matter, please update your evolution with 50K IU vit D! is 1600mg mag gives you bowel issues?
BigP, its one of the most fascinating books I've ever read, I have to admit and it opens your mind to the big picture of health...

Get Magnesium Oil or Magnesium Chloride Flakes and make your own---much cheaper. Its simple to do...1 Cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes in a bowl and pour 1 cup of boiling water on it, stir til dissolved and let it cool...then put in spray bottle and spray yourself all over twice a day...

Body assimilates Magnesium Chloride the best of any form(other than Ocean or Dead Sea where its concentration is 1,000's of times higher than anywhere else). And yes, taking that much Magnesium unless I timed my doses perfectly led to some pretty big