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blueprint 2.0 day 3: workout 2 question

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:18 pm
by m4l
Hi Rob, just wanted to clarify workout #2 on day 3:
Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range. Jump set pairings should be as above on Monday with the following suggestions:

- Wide grip bench press, incline and decline press supersetted with shoulder
- One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets

- Decline close grip bench presses, skull crushers/lying tricep extensions and
cable pressdowns
- One set of each, resting 1 minute in between sets
I'm reading it like this:

1x 8-10 reps Wide grip bench press
1x 8-10 reps shoulder presses
1 minute rest
1x 8-10 reps incline bench press
1x 8-10 reps shoulder presses
1 minute rest
1x 8-10 reps decline bench press
1x 8-10 reps shoulder presses
1 minute rest

1x 8-10 Decline close grip bench presses
1 minute rest
1x 8-10skull crushers/lying tricep extensions
1 minute rest
1x 8-10cable pressdowns

My question:
That's only 3 sets of each, but you've said
Chest, shoulders and tri's with 1 minute in between sets, 4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range.
Does that mean 4 supersets for widegrip, incline and decline for a total of 16 chess press sets and 16 shoulder presses? Only 3 sets for triceps?

Day 3 of the fast for me... hard to think straight. hope I made sense. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:56 am
by RobRegish
You've got it right. Nailed it, as a matter of fact.

And yes, day 3 is usually the harbinger. We've all noticed it hits HARD on day 3. If using the Multistix, you'll surely see it moving to a darker shade of green confirming protein breakdown. If measuring heart rate, resting usually jumps to around 5bpm elevated over baseline on this day.

If not using any of those, you usually feel like crap. Congratulations, you're there :)

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:30 pm
by gymrat53
Does he have it right with his layout or is it four sets?

16 sets of shoulder press and 16 sets of chest presses?

If so what would you use for the 4th chest press movement just wide grip again?

And what about the 3 tricep exercises only 3 examples but you want 4 sets so would you just use decline CGBP again or just pick one of the 3 for a fourth set?

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:25 pm
by RobRegish
OK I goofed/interpreted your question incorrectly.

Best to choose ONE movement (flat, incline or decline) and proceed that way. NOT 16 total sets. M4L, you're thinking awful straight for day 3:)

Now, my bad for not making this clearer. And no problem if you've already done/survivied that workout. I can only imagine how you felt afterwards...

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:41 pm
by gymrat53
So if I'm doing this right:

4x8-10 reps Bench Press supersetted with Shoulder Press
1 minute rest in between


1x8-10 reps Decline Close-Grip Bench Pres
rest 1 min
1x8-10 rep Skullcrushers
rest 1 min
1x8-10 reps Cable Pressdowns

Is that correct or should there be 4 tricep exercises and what should be the 4th exercise if so?

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:51 am
by RobRegish
That interpretation is fine as it includes a nice mix of compound, isolation and hybrid movments with the appropriate volume/rest intervals.

Recall nothing in BP is set in stone. The reason I crafted the "ideas for your Famine/Feast phases" part of the Blueprint is that there is flexibility. Only the key points need be addressed, and the keys to Famine are this:

Calories = BW x 8 are the most important factor, inclusive of protein restriction.

Training should be structured such that volume increases as rest periods decrease, with a balance of push/pulling movement to preserve joint integrity.

Rest should be adequate to sub-adequate, meaning you can actually shoot for LESS sleep than normally required. If you happen to get invited to a party that week and spend it drinking until 2AM, you can do it (although for the life of me, I can't imagine wanting to do this).

I hope that clarifies things. I realize that people want very specific answers and I do my best to give them. The reality though, is that provided you are satisfying the above requirements...your results in Feast will be like Draco's. Here is his latest log entry:

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 3:20 am Post subject:


Today was everything I expected. Starting with the back, same routine more weight, still getting ten clean reps, more weight, ten,more, wow. Finished then waited 5-8min the went in for my pr zone pull-ups. Even these were stronger with more stamina and got more sets in my ten minute zone. Had just enough to finish off the bi's with several different exercises including two decending dumbell runs. Few light shoulder movements and two sets of dips. What a day...what a week. Oh yeah weighed in at 230.....yup checked it twice. YAHOO for week four.

Supplements changed a bit this week, 4KA and 4 Adapt per day 4-5g of Gamma. Up from 3-3-3. Liver tabs and phos elite.