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SARMS are sometimes what they claim, sometimes not...

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:31 pm
by RobRegish
LGD-4033 in web shops is authentic – TB-500 is not.. ... s-not.html

For what it's worth, I ran LGD-4033 hard about a year ago. Absolutely horrible experience. Not only didn't I notice any additional lbm/fat loss, I feel strongly this product RESTRICTS blood flow. How it's doing it and what's going on, I really don't know. Don't care either. If you're on the fence, take that for what it's worth.

$100 I wish I had back...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:23 pm
by cogrick2
Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 10:43 am
by RobRegish
Sure thing man.

SARS sure are appealing. All the upside of androgens with few if any downsides. Unfortunately, haven't found one yet that's worth the coin and worse - some are suppressive!

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:21 pm
by UK-Legs
I've just done 8 weeks on ostarine at 20mg/day, cals just above maintenence and following mike mentzer HIT. Not following blueprint btw.

Bench up 10kg is best improvement (I'm crap at bench), no fat gain, if anything I'm leaner. Mood and libido is very good.

Definitely suppressive at this dose. No blood work but balls tell the story! Cycles less than 4 weeks would be fine but a mild pct Def necessary imo.

In summary. I think it's better than high dose Dermacrine (transdermal dhea) and as suppressive. I'll definitely run again, but on feast on lower dose.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:48 pm
by RobRegish
UK-Legs wrote:I've just done 8 weeks on ostarine at 20mg/day, cals just above maintenence and following mike mentzer HIT. Not following blueprint btw.

Bench up 10kg is best improvement (I'm crap at bench), no fat gain, if anything I'm leaner. Mood and libido is very good.

Definitely suppressive at this dose. No blood work but balls tell the story! Cycles less than 4 weeks would be fine but a mild pct Def necessary imo.

In summary. I think it's better than high dose Dermacrine (transdermal dhea) and as suppressive. I'll definitely run again, but on feast on lower dose.
GREAT contribution man, and I REALLY appreciate it! And you're 100% spot on, Trans DHEA is quite a bit better IMO. I'll never touch these SARMS again, for the suppression and other reasons...

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:20 pm
by UK-Legs
Anytime Rob,

I should probably add that I ran Dermacrine on a cut a while back (pre BP). You covered in BP 2.0 that steroid hormones such as what transdermal DHEA converts to is more effective in calorie surplus. So perhaps not a very good comparison!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:04 am
by matter2003
Couple of new, really exciting SARMS that have just come out, although the suppliers who carry them are questionable, would prefer to see one of the companies I trust carrying them...

RAD140 and SR9009...

"RAD140 had a greater anabolic effect than testosterone, but fewer androgenic side effects. When the researchers combined RAD140 and testosterone, RAD140 reinforced the anabolic effects of testosterone, but reduced the androgenic side effects of testosterone on the prostate. That might mean that RAD140 can make testosterone cycles more effective and safer." ... ffect.html


"A drug known as SR9009, which is currently under development at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), increases the level of metabolic activity in skeletal muscles of mice. Treated mice become lean, develop larger muscles and can run much longer distances simply by taking SR9009, which mimics the effects of aerobic exercise.

When Burris' group administered SR9009 to these mice to activate the Rev-Erbα protein, the results were remarkable. The metabolic rate in the skeletal muscles of the mice increased significantly. The treated mice were not allowed to exercise, but despite this they developed the ability to run about 50 percent further before being stopped by exhaustion.

'The animals actually get muscles like an athlete who has been training,' said Burris. 'The pattern of gene expression after treatment with SR9009 is that of an oxidative-type muscle – again, just like an athlete.'" ... mic/28651/

Exciting times are ahead in SARMS advances...

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:55 am
by RobRegish
Boy I hope so..

RAD 140 and HRT. Hmmm... I wonder how much "reinforcement" of test is involved!? Off to read more...

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:40 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Boy I hope so..

RAD 140 and HRT. Hmmm... I wonder how much "reinforcement" of test is involved!? Off to read more...
Me too...I must aromatize at a very high rate, even taking 125mg every 5 days on TRT, I have to take 20mg of aromasin and 1-2 DIM twice a day or I start getting the estrogenic sides of high BP, and adrenalin rushes kicking in along with water retention...

Just had my BP checked on aromasin for last 2 weeks straight and it's 122/78...crazy as to why I aromstize so much, hoping progesterone helps with this

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:35 am
by DaCookie
Sarms is basically AAS light. Like saying you had a bud light but dont drink cause it has no calories. There is also zero point in being partly shutdown rather than full and on something like TRT, so these Sarms are garbage IMO.

At least its not as bad as some dudes using PHs like superdrol and still honestly thinking theyre natural.

Some peoples definition of natural I know is they say if you take whey you aint natural. Sounds like an excuse cause I look like I lift and he doesnt :D

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 8:42 am
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Sarms is basically AAS light. Like saying you had a bud light but dont drink cause it has no calories. There is also zero point in being partly shutdown rather than full and on something like TRT, so these Sarms are garbage IMO.

At least its not as bad as some dudes using PHs like superdrol and still honestly thinking theyre natural.

Some peoples definition of natural I know is they say if you take whey you aint natural. Sounds like an excuse cause I look like I lift and he doesnt :D
SARMS are definitely not garbage. I know, I've used them, many times...

The new SARMS coming out are actually as potent if not more potent than some of the these advance more and more the risk/reward profiles will continue to shift in favor of SARMS...

And SR9009 has effects unlike anything else

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:51 am
by RobRegish
Have you used SR 9009?

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 12:53 pm
by matter2003
RobRegish wrote:Have you used SR 9009?
Not yet...don't trust the sources that have it

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 1:37 pm
by DaCookie
matter2003 wrote:
DaCookie wrote:Sarms is basically AAS light. Like saying you had a bud light but dont drink cause it has no calories. There is also zero point in being partly shutdown rather than full and on something like TRT, so these Sarms are garbage IMO.

At least its not as bad as some dudes using PHs like superdrol and still honestly thinking theyre natural.

Some peoples definition of natural I know is they say if you take whey you aint natural. Sounds like an excuse cause I look like I lift and he doesnt :D
SARMS are definitely not garbage. I know, I've used them, many times...

The new SARMS coming out are actually as potent if not more potent than some of the these advance more and more the risk/reward profiles will continue to shift in favor of SARMS...

And SR9009 has effects unlike anything else
Keep dreamin bud, no serious bodybuilder that looks like anything uses sarms regularly. Cost to benefit is a joke, guys who get bloodwork all of them get suppressed test levels, they then have to recover and if they dont use again I guarantee you all those gains gone within the year even if its extremely slow same with guys who use grams and grams then PCT. Pass me some food, mass pro, or synthatgen over this crap any day. And it is crap because it would have took off full speed by underground labs, guys who pct etc but its actually got LESS popular...cause its AAS light with suppression, whole point was meant to be no suppression, cause its crap.

The legit ones cost way too much and the cheap ones is low dose d-bol=full suppression.