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Famine Phase feedback....

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:22 pm
by walkerl60
I just finished the famine phase diet and workout and I gotta be honest, it SUCKED!!!!

I have done low carb diet and workouts several times with NO loss of energy or intensity but my fats were high and my cals were around maintenance.

Working out low carb AND low cal was brutal. Keep in mind that I worked out 5 straight days because of my work schedule. Famine phase done now it's time to EAT and GROW....yeah buddy!!! (as B Pak would say)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:21 am
by RobRegish
No question about it, Famine sucks..

But what awaits you is pure GOLD... :)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:49 am
by bigpelo
My famines never been easy but they aren't low carbs either... I usually eat tons of fruits and veges during famine so I am low proteins and low calories. Hopefully you didn't go to deep into famine, just my 0.02$

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:19 pm
by walkerl60
bigpelo wrote:My famines never been easy but they aren't low carbs either... I usually eat tons of fruits and veges during famine so I am low proteins and low calories. Hopefully you didn't go to deep into famine, just my 0.02$
I made sure to eat plenty of veggies. When I talk about low carb, it's in reference to "useable" carbs. I am kinda concerned about working out 4 straight days in a row. On the fifth day, after about 10 min of the workout I was headed to the steam room. My body said NO MORE!!!

Day two on the feast diet and now I can't wait to hit the gym.....thx for your feedback.


Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 2:35 pm
by warriorcookie
The first famine I did was the hardest. The next two where way easier.

I usually only needed 2 workouts to get my waking heart-rate exactly where I wanted it. I'd skip the 3rd.

walkerl60, are you using any adaptogens? You should start a log so we can follow along!

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:47 pm
by RobRegish

Your first Famine is your hardest. After that, you reach a point where you actually CRAVE it. Well, maybe not but - you know what I'm saying. Your body will tell you when it's time...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:16 pm
by walkerl60
RobRegish wrote:Ditto.

Your first Famine is your hardest. After that, you reach a point where you actually CRAVE it. Well, maybe not but - you know what I'm saying. Your body will tell you when it's time...
Coach I totally agree with craving the phamine. I'm flippin tired of eating!!! I know I gotta eat to grow but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it!! :)

Is it optimal to do some sort of detox during the phamine and if so, can you recommend a good method? I've done several cleanses in the past and never really get much out of them. I just feel like my liver and entire internal organs could use a good bath!!!

The oldest, most consistent and reliable method of "cleansing", is fasting. I made this point in The BP but it bears repeating: There's a REASON you/farm animals have appetite when you're sick (or even when you're not). The body needs time to get rid of all the toxins you've accumulated.

I wouldn't recommend a true fast during Famine, as the physical demands are enormous. Rather, the Famine diet (in conjunction with the training) excels in creating an optimal hormonal/non-hormonal cascade, with which to grow muscle.

Try de-toxing for 24-72 hurs, in this particular order:

1.) Fruits/veggies + LOTS of lemon water
2.) Freshly juices veggies + lots of H20
3.) Straight water fast

You'll eventually find one you can live with, at least for a day or 3. Now layer in foods at X times your bodyweight in calories. If they're good foods (lots of fiber), you sure won't feel hungry all the time. Maybe some of the time, but that just proves you'r delivering the goods...

Presto, there's your Famine... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:05 pm
by BrainSquirt
walkerl60 wrote: Is it optimal to do some sort of detox during the phamine and if so, can you recommend a good method? I've done several cleanses in the past and never really get much out of them. I just feel like my liver and entire internal organs could use a good bath!!!

I’ve posted about this several different times in several different ways*… will try again

I do not think running a detox in parallel with a BP famine is good practice. From a subjective viewpoint, doing both at the same time makes a great deal of sense… ‘suffering anyway’, might as well kill two birds with one stone…

However, in real life you will generally NOT succeed in achieving the two things in a single action. In my experience, running the two processes in parallel puts reaching the objectives of both at risk - especially if you are doing a quality job at BOTH!
Running the two processes in parallel does not put reaching the BP famine objectives at risk nearly as much as it puts reaching the objectives of a cleanse. ie You may achieve the metabolic goals of the BP famine, but it is unlikely you will simultaneously complete the unbalancing and rebalancing required of a quality cleanse - especially in that time frame. Most likely, enveloping it during a 'famine', you will only accomplish the unbalancing part and that is not a good place from which to start a period of extreme overfeeding.

So, imo, detoxes, cleanses, etc. (either the quick, radical kinds or the more protracted kinds - both of which require special NUTRITION not deprivation) are better placed in cruise phase

… ie Come into famine already ‘cleansed’ ! ... already 'detoxed' !


ya'll have a great weekend. :)

* most recent example, in terms of autophagy, at ... php?t=2177

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:33 pm
by walkerl60
BrainSquirt wrote:
walkerl60 wrote: Is it optimal to do some sort of detox during the phamine and if so, can you recommend a good method? I've done several cleanses in the past and never really get much out of them. I just feel like my liver and entire internal organs could use a good bath!!!

I’ve posted about this several different times in several different ways*… will try again

I do not think running a detox in parallel with a BP famine is good practice. From a subjective viewpoint, doing both at the same time makes a great deal of sense… ‘suffering anyway’, might as well kill two birds with one stone…

However, in real life you will generally NOT succeed in achieving the two things in a single action. In my experience, running the two processes in parallel puts reaching the objectives of both at risk - especially if you are doing a quality job at BOTH!
Running the two processes in parallel does not put reaching the BP famine objectives at risk nearly as much as it puts reaching the objectives of a cleanse. ie You may achieve the metabolic goals of the BP famine, but it is unlikely you will simultaneously complete the unbalancing and rebalancing required of a quality cleanse - especially in that time frame. Most likely, enveloping it during a 'famine', you will only accomplish the unbalancing part and that is not a good place from which to start a period of extreme overfeeding.

So, imo, detoxes, cleanses, etc. (either the quick, radical kinds or the more protracted kinds - both of which require special NUTRITION not deprivation) are better placed in cruise phase

… ie Come into famine already ‘cleansed’ ! ... already 'detoxed' !


ya'll have a great weekend. :)

* most recent example, in terms of autophagy, at ... php?t=2177
Thx for sharing your knowledge with a "newbie" Squirt.....

Since I'm still waiting for my order to arrive and having just come off my first "cruise" phase, I will go right into a detox. Thx again for the post...


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:39 pm
by RobRegish
BrainSquirt wrote:
walkerl60 wrote: Is it optimal to do some sort of detox during the phamine and if so, can you recommend a good method? I've done several cleanses in the past and never really get much out of them. I just feel like my liver and entire internal organs could use a good bath!!!

I’ve posted about this several different times in several different ways*… will try again

I do not think running a detox in parallel with a BP famine is good practice. From a subjective viewpoint, doing both at the same time makes a great deal of sense… ‘suffering anyway’, might as well kill two birds with one stone…

However, in real life you will generally NOT succeed in achieving the two things in a single action. In my experience, running the two processes in parallel puts reaching the objectives of both at risk - especially if you are doing a quality job at BOTH!
Running the two processes in parallel does not put reaching the BP famine objectives at risk nearly as much as it puts reaching the objectives of a cleanse. ie You may achieve the metabolic goals of the BP famine, but it is unlikely you will simultaneously complete the unbalancing and rebalancing required of a quality cleanse - especially in that time frame. Most likely, enveloping it during a 'famine', you will only accomplish the unbalancing part and that is not a good place from which to start a period of extreme overfeeding.

So, imo, detoxes, cleanses, etc. (either the quick, radical kinds or the more protracted kinds - both of which require special NUTRITION not deprivation) are better placed in cruise phase

… ie Come into famine already ‘cleansed’ ! ... already 'detoxed' !


ya'll have a great weekend. :)

* most recent example, in terms of autophagy, at ... php?t=2177

Boy, is this true!

" you will generally NOT succeed in achieving the two things in a single action. .." ;)

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:49 pm
by RobRegish
The oldest, most consistent and reliable method of "cleansing", is fasting. I made this point in The BP but it bears repeating: There's a REASON you/farm animals have no appetite when you're sick (or even when you're not). The body needs time to get rid of all the toxins you've accumulated.

I wouldn't recommend a true fast during Famine, as the physical demands are enormous. Rather, the Famine diet (in conjunction with the training) excels in creating an optimal hormonal/non-hormonal cascade, with which to grow muscle.

Try de-toxing for 24-72 hurs, in this particular order:

1.) Fruits/veggies + LOTS of lemon water
2.) Freshly juices veggies + lots of H20
3.) Straight water fast

You'll eventually find one you can live with, at least for a day or 3. Now layer in foods at X times your bodyweight in calories. If they're good foods (lots of fiber), you sure won't feel hungry all the time. Maybe some of the time, but that just proves you'r delivering the goods...

Presto, there's your Famine... Smile