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Resistance Starch

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:18 pm
by thicketman
I read an article earlier that led me to an interesting site where I found this article (in case anyone is interested in gut microbiome and potential effects on body composition). ... nance.html

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:44 am
by RobRegish
This really doesn't surprise me.

BUT, I question whether IF combined with smart alkalizing/digestive enzymes can't at least come close...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:55 am
by thicketman
I'll report back.

I've been IF'ing for the past 2 years and have used arguably one of the best alkalyzing supplements on the market complete with digestive enzymes and probiotics (Vitamineral Green). That said, I feel like I can offer a pretty fair comparison.

In addition to body composition I'm interested in other potential benefits. The most common things I'm seeing reported are improved sleep, vivid dreams, reduced anxiety, improved insulin sensitivity, reduced/stabilized fasting glucose, improved bowel regularity, improved energy, and enhanced mood.

Not bad considering you can buy a decent supply of unmodified potato starch for ~$5.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:18 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:15 pm
by askmass
I have a friend who includes raw potato in his juicing blends... but, he's all into the alkaline kick like most of us, juicing fresh greens and using Alkaplex too, etc., day in and day out.

Interesting stuff, for sure.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:45 pm
by thicketman
At 4 tablespoons of unmodified potato starch for a few days, I can definitely say that I had some pretty vivid dreams. Sleep was also deeper than usual.

Now for the I've never had...ever....

I took Sunday off and will likely wait another day to reintroduce it at a lower dose. My wife might leave me if I keep going at the rate I was going Sunday morning...holy crap...

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:39 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, didn't know it did this!?

Fun stuff... ;-)

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:38 pm
by thicketman
Yep, It was bad news bears...

I started back at 1 tbsp, then upped it to 2tbsp. It gave me gas, but at a fraction of what I experienced before. Reading on the "freetheanimal" blog, I saw that it reduces over time and I've found that to be true. Next week, i'll up it to 3 tbsp. I should note that I'm also taking soil based probiotics, so I believe that's helping.

The theory is that the gas is caused by insufficient gut bacteria (the good stuff). As they increase in number by eating fermented foods or supplementing with probiotics then feeding them with prebiotics (like resistant starch), the gas dissipates. So, according to this theory, gas is an indicator that something needs to be fixed.

So far, the thing that stands out the most is that I'm having really vivid dreams and deep sleep. The down side to this is that it takes longer for me to wake up when the alarm clock goes off at 4am. That said, I do feel much better during the day.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:48 am
by thicketman
I've been taking unmodified potato starch for 5 weeks now. I intend to continue since I believe three things:

1) research on gut microbiome strongly suggests a symbiotic cause and effect relationship with overall health
2) research suggests that resistant starch provides nourishment for the "good" gut bugs
3) my experience seems to indicate that there are body composition benefits

On to the experience:

Week1 - Began with 1/2 tbsp - no problems. Over the course of the week I worked my way up to 4 bueno. I have never had gas like that in my life.

Week2 - 2 tbsp and began taking double-dosed probiotics. Gas was still there but was reduced significantly. I did experience bloating at the beginning of the week which was no fun. Then, 5 days in, the bloating was gone and I leaned out. This is something I've never experienced before...very strange. One other thing to note is that I became hungrier. I was at ~20% below maintenance calories over the course of the week at the time, so this was pretty difficult.

Week 3 - 3tbsp - same experience. Gas and bloating through the week until about 5 days in, then it was gone....freakin' weird. I had a family reunion at the beach that weekend. By the time the weekend came around I wasn't embarrassed to take of my shirt. The funny thing is, Saturday I ate brisket, potatoes, and quite a bit of dessert for lunch. That was on top of drinking quite a few beers. That night I ate quesadillas, fish tacos, french fries, part of a pizza and the beer consumption had not stopped. The next day I was NOT bloated (VERY unusual) and even took off my shirt at the beach...I looked pretty lean. That day we stopped at our favorite Mexican food restaurant where I consumed a bunch of fajitas, my favorite Mexican beer and a couple of margaritas.

Week 4 - 4tbsp - This week I was actually using a kitchen tablespoon so I wasn't getting an accurate measurement. I had some bad gas at the beginning of the week and was extremely bloated (maybe in part because of the hog I made of myself the previous Sunday) and it dissipated faster than usual...but I caught myself adding less (not heaping tbsp) toward the end of the week. The other thing is that I gave into my hunger like I did the previous weekend. I didn't count calories, but in my estimation, I was eating ~maintenance calories over the course of the week. Considering how I ate (and drank) the previous weekend, my waist measurement should have increased. I was shocked that it didn't.

Week 5 - 4tbsp - This week I actually used a measuring tbsp to get an accurate measurement. By now you know the story...gas and bloating then reduction toward the end of the week. I had decided to officially go up to maintenance calories this week since I had been so hungry and it would allow my lower calorie cycling to coincide with my next beach trip (September) so I'll be leaned out. The weird thing is, I've had to force the calories this week. The hunger stops roughly midway through my meal. Interestingly, my waist measurement is up 5/16" this week...hmmm...I was eating the same stuff I ate the week before. Maybe I shouldn't have force fed myself. Here are some interesting readings on the topic at hand and effects on hunger. ... ne.0001309

There is also an abstract on pub med about obese and lean mice and the effects of swapping their gut microbes. The obese mice began eating less and the lean mice began eating more. I couldn't find it this morning doing a quick search, but it's there.

Anyway, I believe that I'm on to something here and I intend to continue. I'm pretty sure that consuming resistant starch is not something that will ever be mainstream due to the journey (gas, bloating, and other effects for some), but I think it could be something worthwhile for those looking to boost health and potentially affect body composition.