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Ecdy repairs cartilage in joints!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:58 am
by RobRegish
A most interesting facet of Ecdy supplementation, it re-builds joint tissue!

Here's a question: How have YOU benefited?

Kre-Anabolyn with ActivECDY ALERT

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 11:59 am
by askmass
Popping in to alert everyone that Kre-Anabolyn ActivECDY reserve slots are filling up very fast for limited supplies due in over the next few weeks.

Worldwide demand is exceptionally high right now, so reserve your bottles today for guaranteed access to the #1 Ecdy product in the world.

Order Kre-Anabolyn:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:23 am
by beefcake66
I better get back on the ECDY train..... I got bruised/sprained ribs (sternum). Been off it for at least a month. Starting back today....

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:12 am
by RobRegish
beefcake66 wrote:I better get back on the ECDY train..... I got bruised/sprained ribs (sternum). Been off it for at least a month. Starting back today....
Good for you Beefer!

I feel 100% better on it for sure. Re-loading Synthagen as we speak and the cosmetic effect is SWEET. Something to behold, if you haven't loaded in awhile!!! ;-)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:52 am
by beefcake66
Is there a way you'd suggest dosing KA with Synthagen for all these benefits?
Current Schedule:
Mon- Lifting 5-7pm
Tues- Football Practice 8-10pm (soon to be 6:30-8:30)
Weds- Lifting 5-7pm
Thurs- Football Practice 8-10pm (soon to be 6:30-8:30)
Fri- Lifting 5-7pm
Saturday- Game day starting May 10
Sunday- RecoveryéRest

one option…

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:36 am
by BrainSquirt
beefcake66 wrote:Is there a way you'd suggest dosing KA with Synthagen for all these benefits?
Current Schedule:
Mon- Lifting 5-7pm
Tues- Football Practice 8-10pm (soon to be 6:30-8:30)
Weds- Lifting 5-7pm
Thurs- Football Practice 8-10pm (soon to be 6:30-8:30)
Fri- Lifting 5-7pm
Saturday- Game day starting May 10
Sunday- RecoveryéRest’s not quite a ‘stack’ but to leverage them with that schedule I personally would
1. do main/max Synthagen a few minutes before football practice and games (… and sprinkle some in at other times if the money is not a big issue … like ~ 30 min. pre-lifting, b.t., etc)
2 (after initial two week loading) go heavy KA on lifting days and light on non-lifting days. Take mid to late afternoon

… after the loading phase(s), take Sunday’s off both.
... tweak over time as needed... hth

Re: one option…

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:38 am
by beefcake66
BrainSquirt’s not quite a ‘stack’ but to leverage them with that schedule I personally would
1. do main/max Synthagen a few minutes before football practice and games (… and sprinkle some in at other times if the money is not a big issue … like ~ 30 min. pre-lifting, b.t., etc)
2 (after initial two week loading) go heavy KA on lifting days and light on non-lifting days. Take mid to late afternoon

… after the loading phase(s), take Sunday’s off both.
... tweak over time as needed... hth
Definitely gives me something to work with, thanks!

MPS: 6 before practice&games, and workouts; 6 post-workout/game/practice as well? 2 with every meals? (I have a couple bottles saved up, want to use for max effect so money isnt an issue as long as my supply lasts lol)
KA: 2 pre-workout/game, 2 post-workout/game, lifting days only? 2-3 throughout the day non-lifting days, 0 on sundays? Not sure if to bother with on practice nights (they're intermittently intense).

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:36 am
by BrainSquirt
Sounds good.

How bout…7 before practice… even more before games? :)
I personally have not gotten significant benefits from taking MPS post work… especially fast / ‘movement’ work. I always try to last eat at least 2 1/2 hrs before before the work so the MPS is going in to at least an emptying stomach. Then, last half of work (but not games), even though it doesn't necessarily help me 'finish strong', I switch from water to protein (whey,cas), mct’s, carb shakes and get the same recovery benefits as a handful of MPS… but that’s just me. I like to feel like I could go some more - more than the others - if I had to, but if there's a lot more in the tank at the end of a long practice, I didn't work hard enough... regardless of MPS or anything else.
PS Any post “intermittently intense” / going to be ‘wasted’ or sore / going to need more 'recovery' = AN that night anyways!

"2 with every meals?" I’m not so hot on mixing MPS with meals / anything… but AskMass is and he also does ‘endurance’ stuff like long bicycle runs, etc.
Maybe Rob can give you some MPS guidance with meals (and for the lifting days, etc.)

“KA: 2 pre-workout/game, 2 post-workout/game, lifting days only? 2-3 throughout the day non-lifting days, 0 on sundays? Not sure if to bother with on practice nights (they're intermittently intense).”
Brings to mind the ongoing questions we’ve touched on elsewhere… how and when is an ‘insect hormone’ best utilized by recovering muscle tissues??? Maintain levels ?, or levels plus surges ? , or surges only ??? etc etc. :twistedconfusionsmilee:

Have a great season !

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:45 pm
by beefcake66
Thanks for all the input and discussion!! Definitely helps

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:21 am
by RobRegish
Training days, it's 5/5/5 pre, halfway through and 5 immediately post. Then, Eat Up!

Off days, 3x's/day just prior to your 3 biggest meals.

It's ALL about getting RCE and associated goodies into your system DURING training. That means pre, intra and a bit post. If you're benefiting from pre-workout dosing, keep at it!

In practice, it's dialing in your dose as you go. In time, you'll find your BEST pre-event dosing that suites you. It's all about experimentation man, and on that score - I'm sure you'll succeed.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:59 pm
by beefcake66
will attempt to follow like gospel.

MPS+Formula intra

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:43 pm
by BrainSquirt
RobRegish wrote:Training days, it's 5/5/5 pre, halfway through and 5 immediately post. Then, Eat Up!

Hey Rob, I take it all up front mostly because I forget to take pills in the middle or end…
I will drink intra work though. Any contraindications to preopening capsules into 4 - 8 oz water to spread the doses ? Degrade? dilute? Thx