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Laugher of the day: HMB "Free Acid"

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:37 am
by RobRegish
If we're to believe this, the 2nd coming of HMB outperforms every steroid to date... ... -loss.html

Forget, "feels like deca man...". More like, "feels like A-bombs stacked with Test/GH..."!

Right... :P

I'm all for progress, but PLEASE don't take a flyer on this stuff until you see dozens of people making gains like this. Something tells me you're going to be waiting a LONG time... :)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:07 pm
by BrainSquirt
Yep, looks like they are building up (for) a product that isn’t even readily available yet.
My thoughts re HMB.
> It has a very high variance in ‘responding’ across the bb population.
> It should never be used for muscle ‘building’ purposes. Rather any utility it has per individual should be targeted to muscle ‘loss prevention’ ...and / ie the older one gets the more ‘loss prevention’ leverage/benefits it may provide.
> if one has crossed the fine line into overtraining, I think good sized doses of HMB in the PM 4 nights a week is indicated
… but I wouldn’t argue much with a comeback that doing Synthagen instead might be money better spent
... nor would I argue with an approach that gives the body what it needs to metabolize it own its own as needed

Ya'll have a great weekend

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:50 am
by RobRegish
I think you're spot on Brain, this is pre-marketing for a yet to be released product.

I rather doubt it measures up to these studies they're pushing. In fact, I'd be shocked if it was HALF as good. PLEASE don't drop cash on this, until you see people RAVING all over about it.

The same way they do, with Synthagen... :)