Noob in trouble
Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:45 am
Hey guys I totally forgot I had this tool. I'm so engrossed in the 2.0 I spaced this. Ok here's my question. I just finished my 5th workout in the feast phase and I'm gonna be ready for the German loading pattern next. I'm confused though how to go about it. Do I use the same 5 feast workouts or the famine phase workouts? I chatted with Rob over a E-mail which he said to run GLP1 to a new PR Then 2 Then move on to the Russian strength program generator. That's another problem I'm having. I don't know how to use that program. Well at least get it to calculate my data. I've bothered him enough and feel like a dummy. I'm looking for help from the collective. Any help is great. Just to clarify I'm a complete newb to any program. I have to look up abriviations and the "big" words. Ha. Soo take it easy on me.