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hey Rob

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:31 pm
by saud1774
The Blueprint has not worked for me. Where would you prefer that I express my expereince and frustration?

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:09 am
by thicketman
You're best bet is to PM him or e-mail him.

It's hard to imagine the Blueprint program not working. By design it has safeguards built into it to help make sure you succeed. The only issue I encountered is that I had to adjust my maintenance calories to a lower level than what was calculated, but when I got that lined out everything fell into place. I also had some back issues, but that was no fault of the Blueprint. I actually was able to modify/exchange certain lifts to my better liking and STILL have success within the Blueprint shell.

Best of luck to you and I'm sorry your experience wasn't up to your expectations.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 10:12 pm
by saud1774
I was shocked when I looked back at my stats over my four blueprint runs. I would like to talk to Rob before just barfing my frustration all over the forum. I don't have robs email.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:40 am
by RobRegish
saud1774 wrote:I was shocked when I looked back at my stats over my four blueprint runs. I would like to talk to Rob before just barfing my frustration all over the forum. I don't have robs email.
PM received and PM sent.

You didn't specify which BP you were running, but no sense splitting hairs. I've offered another solution in my PM, one which I'm hoping gets you to Gainsville.

It's VERY uncommon to get feedback like this, as many a "safeguard" is built in, to ensure your progress. Nevertheless, I won't question your feedback. Where there's a will there's a way though, and I have MANY ways to get you to Gainsville...


Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:36 pm
by BrainSquirt
Rob and Saud,

I would appreciate if this issue were dealt with 'publicly' so the whole BP community can learn and grow. Individual differences abound. Some bodies will never respond well to the particular sequencing of the BP's. Other's only need tiny tweaks in the diet side or the wkouts side to give it traction (much analogous to leveraging up the effectiveness in ground fighting bars and holds with tiny angle changes, etc. etc.)

... always learning...
