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Famine Cardio

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:34 pm
by anthon88
Hey guys,

In 2.0 it says to add 1 hour of liss cardio after each famine workout to really deplete muscle fuel. I am on day 3 and have 2 workouts under my belt already and was planning on doing the cardio Friday after my workout as well but I read some conflicting things on the forums saying not to do cardio during famine and that the workouts are enough. Hoping you guys can clear this up for me, thanks!

multiple markers

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:20 pm
by BrainSquirt

Utilizing cardio in Famine is ultimately a very individual thing… depends a lot on pre-existing levels of fitness, ‘body type’, metabolism health, etc, etc.
One approach : rather than seeking formulaic answers from the ‘book’, the key is personal awareness and measurement of the multiple markers of famine ‘completion of depletion’. Granted, this task is difficult and confusing (and complicated by elevated stress levels) for the first few BP cycles - but basically as you do whatever it takes to get ‘there’ each cycle, you’ll also be learning how it feels to be ‘there’ + the objective markers to measure… and on the PM when you do get ‘there’ , Famine is complete… time to start Feast next morning...


ps fwiw, I'm a 1.0 guy... (2.0 is wussie :wink: :lol: )

Re: multiple markers

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:53 pm
by anthon88
BrainSquirt wrote:anthon88

Utilizing cardio in Famine is ultimately a very individual thing… depends a lot on pre-existing levels of fitness, ‘body type’, metabolism health, etc, etc.
One approach : rather than seeking formulaic answers from the ‘book’, the key is personal awareness and measurement of the multiple markers of famine ‘completion of depletion’. Granted, this task is difficult and confusing (and complicated by elevated stress levels) for the first few BP cycles - but basically as you do whatever it takes to get ‘there’ each cycle, you’ll also be learning how it feels to be ‘there’ + the objective markers to measure… and on the PM when you do get ‘there’ , Famine is complete… time to start Feast next morning...


Thanks for the reply. I'm just going to finish it out with the cardio after workout 3...should be really fun...

I was so sore from the hour of running yesterday, haven't in a while and also never go that long...I feel ok today so I will suck it up tomorrow haha

ps fwiw, I'm a 1.0 guy... (2.0 is wussie :wink: :lol: )

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:01 am
by bigpelo
I do cardio on day 2 and 4 (non-training) if I have a energy surplus. I am the kind of trainee who needs all 3 training days and all 5 days of famine though. A lots of folks are better not doing the 3rd workout at all so I don't think they should add an hour of cardio on top of that...

The key, as BrainSquirt says, listen to your body! And don't over do it. It might takes 3 or 4 complete cycles to adjust your needs and knowing your body. At least it had for me.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:03 pm
by anthon88
The deed is done. Completed workout #3 and went right into my hour cardio session (timed it to the dot haha). Running through the snowy streets of Jersey in the 10 degree weather made it all the better ;) Used 135 for my 5 set of squats haha but did get all 15 reps each set. Arms were completely destroyed and I had a very strong ammonia smell after my run....SUCESS!!!

Can't wait to just pass out so that I can wake up and EAT! Already have my meals planned out...potatoes and eggs for breakfast...can't wait!

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:14 pm
by DaCookie
The ammonia smell thing was pretty key for me.I also feel I always needed the 3 workouts.Any cardio made me feel kinda hypo though and I dont respond well to any form of cardio anyway(I realize that is not the exact goal here though) but I approach the last day a bit differently then most.I dont do a full 5 day famine.After the 3rd workout I just take my supps and go to a buffet and approach eating the same way for next 2-3 days no matter the intended goal.

I go really fucking hard on that last workout though, like enough that my workout partner has told me I stink(the ammonia) and I also feel really euphoric, light headed, dizzy, kinda sick but I just push through and focus on the intended goal and that reward at the end.I feel it serves as a better stress response for the adaptogens to work.Doing it this way seems to just have worked for me, Im pretty sure the times I ended that last workout early the results following just wernt as good.A lot of the time I have a light ammonia smell at the very end of the 4th day also.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:26 pm
by RobRegish
anthon88 wrote:The deed is done. Completed workout #3 and went right into my hour cardio session (timed it to the dot haha). Running through the snowy streets of Jersey in the 10 degree weather made it all the better ;) Used 135 for my 5 set of squats haha but did get all 15 reps each set. Arms were completely destroyed and I had a very strong ammonia smell after my run....SUCESS!!!

Can't wait to just pass out so that I can wake up and EAT! Already have my meals planned out...potatoes and eggs for breakfast...can't wait!
Strong work brother. The hard part is OVER! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:48 am
by anthon88
RobRegish wrote:
anthon88 wrote:The deed is done. Completed workout #3 and went right into my hour cardio session (timed it to the dot haha). Running through the snowy streets of Jersey in the 10 degree weather made it all the better ;) Used 135 for my 5 set of squats haha but did get all 15 reps each set. Arms were completely destroyed and I had a very strong ammonia smell after my run....SUCESS!!!

Can't wait to just pass out so that I can wake up and EAT! Already have my meals planned out...potatoes and eggs for breakfast...can't wait!
Strong work brother. The hard part is OVER! :)
Thanks Rob!

I went from 190 to 180.6 by the end of famine and then after a day was up to 195 haha. Sitting around 188-192 right now. Just did workout # 4 of feast today and already strength is shooting up, especially from workouts 1 to 3. First day was only able to use 275 for my decline static hold and was very shaky and barely 185 for the seated press hold, by workout 3 I used 315 for bench and 195 for the press and had far greater control over the weight.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:49 am
by anthon88
DaCookie wrote:The ammonia smell thing was pretty key for me.I also feel I always needed the 3 workouts.Any cardio made me feel kinda hypo though and I dont respond well to any form of cardio anyway(I realize that is not the exact goal here though) but I approach the last day a bit differently then most.I dont do a full 5 day famine.After the 3rd workout I just take my supps and go to a buffet and approach eating the same way for next 2-3 days no matter the intended goal.

I go really fucking hard on that last workout though, like enough that my workout partner has told me I stink(the ammonia) and I also feel really euphoric, light headed, dizzy, kinda sick but I just push through and focus on the intended goal and that reward at the end.I feel it serves as a better stress response for the adaptogens to work.Doing it this way seems to just have worked for me, Im pretty sure the times I ended that last workout early the results following just wernt as good.A lot of the time I have a light ammonia smell at the very end of the 4th day also.
Interesting approach, I see where that could be effective. Glad it works so well for you.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:45 pm
by anthon88
Another update for those who care to follow :)

Wasn't supposed to do workout 5 until tomorrow but felt great and decided to hit it hard today. Decline static hold increased from 315 to 345 and seated static press increased from 15 seconds at 195 to about 30 seconds at 205...getting it up is the hardest part lol (just realized how bad that sounds :P )

1 minute rests were rough, that minute flies by. I've been doing 6 sets out of the recommended 4 - 6 sets and for the first half I hit all 12 reps on dips and rows. Then went down to 10 reps on dips and rows stayed at 12. Then had to drop some weight for dips the last 2 sets to get all my 12 reps but rows were able to stay at 12 throughout, in fact, 20 for my last set.

Incline curls and ez bar overhead tricep extensions were fun. Had to drop weight for curls the last set but the burn was nice. I also tried the bcaa mega dose today, looking forward to what it brings as far as recovery. Saturday is the planned day for workout 6, stay tuned!

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:33 am
by RobRegish
Great progress!!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:23 pm
by anthon88
RobRegish wrote:Great progress!!
Thanks a lot Rob! By the way, have I told you that you're a genius? I am seeing tremendous results.

Felt like a monster using 575 for my rack pull holds haha Squats with 1 minute rest were rough but I survived. I ran the 20 rep squat program once so I am familiar with the torture that goes along with high rep's not fun but at the same time they are so awesome. I used 205 for my sets of 12. I don't have access at my house to a seated calf raise machine so I've been doing them standing in the squat rack, used 475 for my holds.

Used 245 for my Romanian deadlifts, I am getting a lot more comfortable with them. I have a bad herniated disc from about 2 years ago but I have been rehabbing it a lot and it rarely bothers me anymore. I don't have a reverse hyperextension machine so I've been doing goodmornings instead. I know they are different but at least they have some similarities. Used 135 for my sets of 12. I actually really love them for rebuilding my lower back.

Today, I just finished workout 7 and saw huge leaps in strength all around. 375 decline hold, 6 sets of dips for 6 reps each with 70lbs on my belt. The one arm rows were tricky because 100lb dumbbells is the highest I I had to grip them along with a 20lb dumbbell in my hand while I did them...made it a little awkward but I was able to do all 6 sets of 6; in fact, 8 reps for my last set.

Seated shoulder hold I did 215 for 20-30 seconds but I wasn't satisfied so instead I loaded up 235 and matched my time! Incline curls with 55's and ez bar overhead tricep extensions with 105. Very excited for leg day and even more excited for workouts 9 and 10's time to go super heavy!!!