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Extra magnesium if using synthagen?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:11 pm
by WinskiG
In the ever evolving effort to maximize supplement efficacy/cost I'm curious if there's really a need to take additional magnesium if I'm using Synthagen?

I see that MPS has a reasonable bit of mag aspartate and I follow the 3x3 and 5x3 dosing schedule but keep hearing about how mag deficiency is extremely prolific.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:51 am
by RobRegish
No need, as MPS is laced with Mg Asparate - which is a very, VERY bio-available form...

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:38 am
by WinskiG
Great! Thanks, Rob. Always good to know where I can save a buck :)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 5:10 am
by RobRegish
WinskiG wrote:Great! Thanks, Rob. Always good to know where I can save a buck :)
Yeah, that's part of the beauty of MPS!

It replaces EAA's, BCAA's, NO2, glucose disposal agents, cortisol control agents etc.. It does ALL of that and more!

I even ditched my whey/supplemental protein when testing it - down to 50(1)g/day at one point - and still gained! I do NOT recommend you do that, but it does illustrate the power of the product. Big statement, but try it and see - you'll feel the truth the next day after using it!

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:25 am
by WinskiG
It's a beautiful thing, Rob. Definitely makes the price point seem so much more palatable when you consider what it can replace.

A little off topic but do you run MPS in cruise also or is it best just to keep it for Feast? (never for famine I presume).

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:12 am
by RobRegish
WinskiG wrote:It's a beautiful thing, Rob. Definitely makes the price point seem so much more palatable when you consider what it can replace.

A little off topic but do you run MPS in cruise also or is it best just to keep it for Feast? (never for famine I presume).
I recommend it for Feast only but once people try it, they don't want to ever come off... :-).

So yes, they use it during Cruise...

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:32 am
by bigpelo
RobRegish wrote:
WinskiG wrote:It's a beautiful thing, Rob. Definitely makes the price point seem so much more palatable when you consider what it can replace.

A little off topic but do you run MPS in cruise also or is it best just to keep it for Feast? (never for famine I presume).
I recommend it for Feast only but once people try it, they don't want to ever come off... :-).

So yes, they use it during Cruise...
If I may add my 0.02$, you could take 14-18 caps of MPS during feast peri workout and maybe before bed time and back down to anywhere between 4-9 caps during cruise around meals and again maybe before bed time. That's what I have done anyway with success (I like 3 caps before bed :wink: )

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:15 am
by WinskiG
Good advice guys, I just ordered another 2-pack so I'm pretty committed to keeping a steady supply of MPS on hand. Thanks for taking the time to help.
Too bad there's no such thing as a MPS transdermal patch. Just slap it on and enjoy a steady trickle of recovery agent goodness all day :)

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:17 am
by RobRegish
Actually, MPS works so well because it's FAST. A patch would defeat the purpose.

Don't get me wrong, I like transdermal delivery of some items. But Synthagen's success is predicated in large part on the SPEED with which its payload is delivered.

I always have it on hand, for when I need to recover lightning quick... :)

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:06 am
by WinskiG
Interesting. That makes a lot more sense. It isn't a casein supplement after all.

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:40 pm
by BrainSquirt

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:14 am
by RobRegish
Yeah the PeakATP folks always take a beating when they study their product, to understand how to better apply it. You know what though? This one was ROCK solid.

There's a reason it's in Synthagen... :)