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Weak chest--advice?

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:50 pm
by WinskiG
Hey guys, I'm 24 and have about 6 years of training under my belt and [hopefully] plenty more genetic potential to tap into.
With that being said, other than my calves, my chest is a glaring weak point that I can never seem to make real progress on. The mind-muscle connection or whatever you want to call it doesn't seem to be there and I feel my shoulders/tris take a bigger beating.
I'm currently doing flat bench, incline bench and incline dumbbell presses for 4-8 reps but I'd appreciate any and all advice regarding what's worked for others and what some good alternatives are.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:16 am
by RobRegish
Your solution can be summed up in one word: Pullovers

Originally penned in the July, 1970 issue of Ironman, this classic still holds true today. Although Jones espouses his nautilus machine for said purpose, using a DB or EZ curl bar on a bench still gets you to the grocery store!

Also, although Jones focuses on the lats here - your chest and ENTIRE upper body benefit. It builds ENORMOUS size in the entire upper body - Jones' point.

You'll note this is a loaded stretch position movement, as espoused in The Blueprint 2.0. There's a LONG listed of loaded stretch movements in 2.0, and you'd be wise to incorporate.

Hope this helps!

The Upper Body Squat

by Arthur Jones

From IronMan July 1970, Volume 29 Number 5

Nautilus Pullover

In general it has long been believed by most bodybuilders that the legs respond fastest to training. After a year of regular workouts, most trainees would display a far greater degree of muscular development in their legs than. In their other body parts, assuming that a wellrounded weight training program was being followed; so there was at least some evidence to support the theory that the legs were the easiest body part to develop.

But regardless of such evidence, the theory itself is totally groundless, and the real experts in the field of weight training have known this for at least thirty years; however, simple awareness of a problem, while an essential prerequisite to its solution, is not enough in itself, nor is even a clear understanding of the problem of much assistance when the problem itself appears to demand the application of impossible principles for its solution.

Similar situations have existed throughout history, in any field you can think of; a problem existed, people were aware of it, some people even knew what was required for its solution, but the state of the art had not yet reached a point where the needed principles were available. Then suddenly, sometimes after thousands of years of effort to reach a solution -- "breakthrough"; a simple solution to a seemingly insolvable problem would be discovered, and in almost all such cases, the solution would be based upon a previously unknown principle.

And in many such cases, when the answer was provided, it was immediately obvious that the answer came from the problem itself; "that the answer existed within the problem." For that very reason, we frequently are forced to ask ourselves, "Why didn't I think of that?"

For example, the full squat. For at least twenty years the editor of this magazine, Mr. Peary Rader, has been pointing out that no other single exercise, or combination of other exercises, could produce anything even approaching the results possible from the proper application of this one exercise. He, among others, also noted that such results were not limited to the legs; that overall strength gains in both size and strength would result from full squats ? in the chest, in the back, and even in the arms.

But after all, since the squat is a direct leg exercise, it should not have been surprising that the greatest degree of results would be in the legs; nor should it have been surprising that the upper body did not respond to any sort of training as fast as the legs did to squats, because there was no direct upper body exercise that could even begin to approach squats insofar as "intensity of effort" is concerned. Additionally, there was no upper body exercise that directly worked the largest muscle masses in the upper body and this "direct working of the largest muscular masses in the area being worked" was the primary factor behind the success of squats.

That much, at least, was clearly understood years ago; but no obvious solution presented itself, because the largest muscular mass in the upper body, the latissimus muscles, could not be worked directly. In order to work the lats, it was also necessary to work the arms, and the arms were the weak link in the chain, being smaller and weaker than the lats, they became exhausted long before the lats had been worked hard enough for much in the way of growth stimulation.

The potential size of the lats is literally enormous, far beyond anything that has been seen up to now; but such potential will never be realized until it becomes possible to work the lats directly, and very hard. Second: such direct work for the lats will also cause as a "side effect" great increases in both size and strength throughout the entire body, even in the legs.

Guesswork? Theory? Wishful thinking? No, none of these, because an exactly similar effect has already been observed in connection with every other muscular mass in the body: growth in any muscle mass causes growth in all of the muscle masses in the body, even if they receive no direct exercise of any kind. This effect is most obvious as a result of squats, simply because the thighs, being so large, exert a proportionately large growth stimulation upon the other muscles.

And while their function is completely different from that of the thighs, the lats occupy a similar position in the upper body simply because of their size.

But even though this is true, since it is impossible to work the lats directly, and thus impossible to work them hard enough for maximum possible results, of what value is this information? Or at least that was the position as recently as two years ago; but then "breakthrough", a new principle was discovered.

A new principle that will literally revolutionize almost all sorts of physical training within the next three or four years: lats clear out past your elbows when you are standing with your hands on your hips -- arms that are actually as big as some bodybuilders now claim -- the ultimate degree of muscular size and strength in less than two years of training? Why not? Such is at least now possible.

But at least this much I can say with no slightest reservation: within two years we will see a degree of muscular development, both insofar as size and strength are concerned, that will be far beyond anything, even dreamed of in the past. The "upper-body squat" now exists, and it will do for the upper body just what squats have long done for the thighs.

More than that, the exact same principle that finally made it possible to work the lats directly can be applied to almost any sort of exercise for any part of the body and with very similar results.

Some new "gimmick?" An unproven theory? Think what you like, but we built one test subject?s lats to a point that would normally have required at least two full years of training, in less than six weeks, on a program of three weekly workouts of exactly forty-eight minutes each. During the same period he gained over fifteen pounds of muscular bodyweight, increased his arms almost exactly two inches, and increased his strength enormously.

No drugs, no special diet, no marathon workouts; just a simple routine of three sets of four very basic exercises; full squats, standing presses, barbell curls, and movements on our new lat machine. No chinning movements of any kind, no rowing motions, no "pulldowns," absolutely nothing for the lats except our new ]at machine, and only nine weekly sets on that.

A fluke? A rare individual that would have shown similar results on any sort of program? I think not; but since anything is possible, we are making quite sure -- for that reason we have placed the entire football squad of a major Florida high school on an exactly similar test program.

Results? Final results won't be available for another three months, but after the first four weeks of introductory "break-in" training our average results were already far ahead of a somewhat similar program that was conducted by a large university in their attempt to - determine the best methods of weight training, even though their program ran for eight weeks.

And when our final results are available they will be published and certified by both the coach in charge of the program and the, principal of the school involved; and it is already obvious that the results will far surpass any results ever obtained in the past ? no matter what the method of training was.

Later, as we learn more about the best possible utilization of the new principles involved, it is probable that even higher degree of results will be produced; but these final answers will come only after a large number of experiments have been conducted with several thousand test subjects. However, in the meantime, it is at least possible to make use of some of the knowledge we have gathered, and part of this can be applied to almost any sort of weight training without the use of any special equipment. In another article, in the next issue of this magazine, I will carefully outline the basic principles involved, and in later articles I will tell you how to apply these principles to your present training routine.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:40 am
by WinskiG
Sounds awesome, Rob. Thanks for the info!
Would you recommend I superset them in after a big compound lift like bench (BP 2.0 style) or treat them as a stand alone exercise?

Is there any variation that might maximally recruit chest or is a slight incline and a heavy ez bar the way to go?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:27 pm
by TomD
Hi WinskiG, I was going to start a new post about my chest/blueprint workout today and read yours, maybe this will help. I have been lifting weights for a few years now and for the longest time "stuck" at a certain weight and could not increase weight or reps on my flat bench. I just did my last workout for establishing my 1rm. The workout just before the deload I had already got past my sticking point, todays workout I went 50lbs over my sticking point and have my new 1rm. Now, I think I have been doing the blueprint properly. I have been doing flat bench presses like it says with dumbbell pullovers as a superset. I'm not sure if that got me to my new 1rm or if it was the long rest days between workouts (monday and Thursday) or the slingshot by Mark Bell. I hurt my shoulders a little over a year ago and could not do a bench press with a full range of motion with out pain. I had been doing like a partial rep. The slingshot lets me get a full range and keeps my elbows in a good position with no pain. Highly recommend it. just to throw out some numbers my previous best was 235, today was 285 with good form. Not sure if its respectable weight but should be going up thanks to the Blueprint and Rob. Just my 2 cents Tom D.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:11 pm
by WinskiG
That's awesome, Tom, definitely some solid numbers and well beyond what I can do. Thanks for the info. I added some pullovers to my workout today and am really liking what they bring. I'll have to check out Mark's product as well.