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A bunch of questions from a newbie

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:15 pm
by PrimiFit
Hi everyone,

I bought the blueprint last week and now I've read the whole thing :). After reading the 3.0, I wanted to ask a lot of questions.

1) Does the 3.0 approach (the feeding phase) work without 'the formula' or should I just do the 2.0 and use EAA's. The ingredients in 'the formula' just aren't affordable for me at the moment.

2) My digestive system isn't optimal because I managed to destroy it by overtraining a few years ago. My stomach acids are really weak and I probably have too little digestive enzymes. I sometimes supplement for those weaknesses but a lot of times I can't afford them. Therefore, eating a lot of protein is a bit difficult for me. I get clogged easily. Would I still gain muscle during feast if I eat the proper amount of calories but only 1x BW of protein?

4) Following Rob's advice, I've started to do bodyweight training and I'm trying to add reps to pull ups, dips and pistols at the moment. Any quick tips how to use the blueprint shell to support my goals would be appreciated :).

I'm excited to finally have your book Rob, after listening so many of SHR Blueprint Power Hours. I'll do my first run after I'll get rid of this mild flu.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:59 pm
by RobRegish
1) Does the 3.0 approach (the feeding phase) work without 'the formula' or should I just do the 2.0 and use EAA's. The ingredients in 'the formula' just aren't affordable for me at the moment.

A. Yes, absolutely. Be aware though Synthagen replaces TF. Does everything TF did, better and gives you the option to do it carb free. Big claim but remember - I'm the guy who formulated both... :-)

Certain ingredients in TF are hard/impossible to find. GPA for example. Besides, got sick of scratching around different websites and getting socked with shipping, etc..

2) My digestive system isn't optimal because I managed to destroy it by overtraining a few years ago. My stomach acids are really weak and I probably have too little digestive enzymes. I sometimes supplement for those weaknesses but a lot of times I can't afford them. Therefore, eating a lot of protein is a bit difficult for me. I get clogged easily. Would I still gain muscle during feast if I eat the proper amount of calories but only 1x BW of protein?

A. Yes, provided you time your protein intake correctly. I think you'll find as many do if using MPS - you can cut your protein way back, and still get to Gainsville. If not using MPS, consider shoveling 20+ grams of EAA's down your gullet pre/post workout. Won't do quite the job MPS will, but will be easier on your digestive tract than whole/"intact" proteins.

4) Following Rob's advice, I've started to do bodyweight training and I'm trying to add reps to pull ups, dips and pistols at the moment. Any quick tips how to use the blueprint shell to support my goals would be appreciated Smile.

A. Simple. Run Famine then place your BW work within Feast/Cruise. The one alteration I'd make is dial the calories WAY back when commencing Feast. Normally a quick gain in BW is helpful when re-feeding. Certainly helps in benching, squatting etc..However, every extra pound of flab (really the water I'm thinking of) that comes on while running BW training works against you.

I'm excited to finally have your book Rob, after listening so many of SHR Blueprint Power Hours. I'll do my first run after I'll get rid of this mild flu.

A. Glad to have you aboard and I appreciate you posting here! With respect to the flu, are you sure you aren't in Famine yet? :-)

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:43 am
by PrimiFit
A. Glad to have you aboard and I appreciate you posting here! With respect to the flu, are you sure you aren't in Famine yet? Smile
Well, I think I kind of was. I started with a new workout program last week and after two days I realised that there was way too much volume. In retrospect, I also didn't eat enough. Unfortunately I didn't stop the program quite early enough, hence the flu.

Thanks for the answers Rob!

I have a couple more that I forgot:

1) Does the cardio on rest days schedule on 3.0 work in 2.0's feast phase too or would it be detrimental?

2) Also, as you might have noticed, I'm referring to the 2.0 and the 3.0 as a separate thing all the time. Is this the case or is the 3.0 merely an improved version of the Blueprint and not a different kind of program for different needs? The 2.0 is more of a strength base approach, right?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:11 am
by RobRegish
1) Does the cardio on rest days schedule on 3.0 work in 2.0's feast phase too or would it be detrimental?

A. Yes, although I'd encourage you to listen to your body and back off when necessary. HIIT cardio is INTENSE. Some low intensity days/days off will help...

2) Also, as you might have noticed, I'm referring to the 2.0 and the 3.0 as a separate thing all the time. Is this the case or is the 3.0 merely an improved version of the Blueprint and not a different kind of program for different needs? The 2.0 is more of a strength base approach, right?

A. Good rule of thumb: 2.0 for size/strength, 3.0 for re-comp. 3.0's training and diet are "tightened up" somewhat, to arrive at the desired outcome.

You need only pick your goal/corresponding template - and the fun begins!

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:54 am
by PrimiFit
Thanks a lot for all the answers Rob! They helped a lot.

I'll start my first Blueprint 2.0 run next week and I'll let everyone know how I progress :)