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Stim-Free Fat Loss?

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:37 pm
by thicketman
Can anyone recommend a good stim-free fat loss supplement? I'm ~14% bf (according to my cheap calipers.

I'm really not having any problems with fat loss, but was looking to get a little bit of an extra edge. I've been caffeine-free for ~3 months now and I'm not looking to start back again.

Also, has anyone had any luck with topicals used for spot reduction while at a low bf?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:03 pm
by DaCookie
Try alphamine, its a stim but its very very clean feeling.No crash, feels more like a mind cognitive stim free type feeling then a caffeine raise your heart rate and make you more alert type feeling for me at least.It also barely reduces my appetite whereas every other stim does substantially to the point where its detrimental to progress for me.Caffeine less so though.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:08 am
by FatBoySlimFast
I would agree that Alphamine does give a clean type of energy feeling, but it also messed up my sleep to the point I was awake all night and that was only one scoop with breakfast(17 hours away from bedtime)

I have also tried DS Lean Xtreme which did help me lean out slightly around my midsection, although after a week or so of use I started to get stiff joints.

Not a fat burner per se, but I had my greatest results with Mass Pro Synthagen as this enabled me to cut my calories back drastically while maintaining lbm and increasing strength.

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:31 pm
by thicketman
FatBoySlimFast wrote:I would agree that Alphamine does give a clean type of energy feeling, but it also messed up my sleep to the point I was awake all night and that was only one scoop with breakfast(17 hours away from bedtime)

I have also tried DS Lean Xtreme which did help me lean out slightly around my midsection, although after a week or so of use I started to get stiff joints.

Not a fat burner per se, but I had my greatest results with Mass Pro Synthagen as this enabled me to cut my calories back drastically while maintaining lbm and increasing strength.
Yep, I'm well acquainted with Synthagen. I've been taking it for a little over a year now. I've praised it highly here and elsewhere.

The alphamine is a no-go for me. I have cut out stimulants altogether and intend to stay the course.

Thanks for the responses.

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:10 am
by jimbo79
thicketman wrote:
FatBoySlimFast wrote:I would agree that Alphamine does give a clean type of energy feeling, but it also messed up my sleep to the point I was awake all night and that was only one scoop with breakfast(17 hours away from bedtime)

I have also tried DS Lean Xtreme which did help me lean out slightly around my midsection, although after a week or so of use I started to get stiff joints.

Not a fat burner per se, but I had my greatest results with Mass Pro Synthagen as this enabled me to cut my calories back drastically while maintaining lbm and increasing strength.
Yep, I'm well acquainted with Synthagen. I've been taking it for a little over a year now. I've praised it highly here and elsewhere.

The alphamine is a no-go for me. I have cut out stimulants altogether and intend to stay the course.

Thanks for the responses.
Interesting feedback on Lean Xtreme - maybe it reduces estrogen if it's causing stiff joins.
This could actually be beneficial if taking with test booster like Tongkat Ali that my body likes a lot (hopefully this week I finally get my parcel of AN and TN that MASS shipped on Aug 23rd to my EU country).

I tried Alphamine EU version (no yohimbine) and start seeing improved look of my belly area around day 12 and I also felt stim effect which I didn't like that much but it was bearable but probably wouldn't order it again cause it made be light headed.

It's now 2nd week since finished my test bottle of Synthagen and I also noticed around day 12 that it improved my belly area look nicely and no side effects which is crucial for me.

I made nice bridge this 2 weeks taking Icariin 60% 2x daily 600mg that gave me good endurance during exercises and even kept my nice belly look. Unfortunately even this 1.2g daily dose didn't give me any noticeable effect as a libido booster that should come already at 300mg daily dose but I read most others also didn't notice it.

Off topic - my best test booster is still a naughty chick but this could turn to be long term most expensive OTC test booster :P

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:31 am
by thicketman
I just ordered AN. I missed the damn discount by one freakin' day...serves me right for not checkin' the boards daily ( I usually do).

In any case, I've been considering trying Icariin. I don't have any libido issues but hey, I'm a guy...if I can boost it in any way, shape or form, I'm in!

Maybe that could be Rob's next supplement forumulation...a super potent male enhancement could be called ERECTOGEN!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:16 am
by DaCookie
FatBoySlimFast wrote:I would agree that Alphamine does give a clean type of energy feeling, but it also messed up my sleep to the point I was awake all night and that was only one scoop with breakfast(17 hours away from bedtime)

I have also tried DS Lean Xtreme which did help me lean out slightly around my midsection, although after a week or so of use I started to get stiff joints.

Not a fat burner per se, but I had my greatest results with Mass Pro Synthagen as this enabled me to cut my calories back drastically while maintaining lbm and increasing strength.
Damn thats a shame.Im so stim sensitive that I had deluded myself there was no way that anyone could have that type of reaction to alphamine but I guess thats different genetics for ya.I was doing 3 scoops a day and slept like a baby.

On lean extreme I would never touch DSes stuff given the craze bullshit

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:44 am
by Dragon
DaCookie wrote:
FatBoySlimFast wrote:I would agree that Alphamine does give a clean type of energy feeling, but it also messed up my sleep to the point I was awake all night and that was only one scoop with breakfast(17 hours away from bedtime)

I have also tried DS Lean Xtreme which did help me lean out slightly around my midsection, although after a week or so of use I started to get stiff joints.

Not a fat burner per se, but I had my greatest results with Mass Pro Synthagen as this enabled me to cut my calories back drastically while maintaining lbm and increasing strength.
Damn thats a shame.Im so stim sensitive that I had deluded myself there was no way that anyone could have that type of reaction to alphamine but I guess thats different genetics for ya.I was doing 3 scoops a day and slept like a baby.

On lean extreme I would never touch DSes stuff given the craze bullshit
I've tried nearly everything mentioned and I've decided to give supplements and especially stimulants a rest PERIOD. Anything by DS is too drug-like in my very humble opinion.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:45 pm
by RobRegish
thicketman wrote:I just ordered AN. I missed the damn discount by one freakin' day...serves me right for not checkin' the boards daily ( I usually do).

In any case, I've been considering trying Icariin. I don't have any libido issues but hey, I'm a guy...if I can boost it in any way, shape or form, I'm in!

Maybe that could be Rob's next supplement forumulation...a super potent male enhancement could be called ERECTOGEN!!!!
LOL, you are quite the marketer. GREAT name!

I've been a huge fan of Adaptogen N, you guys know that. Stuff is fantastic on many levels, libido included. MASS's Yohimbe Supreme is great for this too. Currently evaluating a 200:1 Tongkat Ali as a standalone. I noticed a BIG jump in libido when AN's switched out Pantocrine for Longjax and thus, my interest.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:49 pm
by RobRegish
Back on point:

Stim free fat loss supps I've had success with:

1.) Sesamin (be aware it can make some people REAL depressed though)
2.) Synthagen
3.) Not much else

I have hopes for TQ given it does a NICE job controlling cortisol, but the jury's still out on that. It seems once you've been on E/C for awhile (like oh, say - 20+ years) not much else compares.


Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:14 am
by jimbo79
RobRegish wrote:
thicketman wrote:I just ordered AN. I missed the damn discount by one freakin' day...serves me right for not checkin' the boards daily ( I usually do).

In any case, I've been considering trying Icariin. I don't have any libido issues but hey, I'm a guy...if I can boost it in any way, shape or form, I'm in!

Maybe that could be Rob's next supplement forumulation...a super potent male enhancement could be called ERECTOGEN!!!!
LOL, you are quite the marketer. GREAT name!

I've been a huge fan of Adaptogen N, you guys know that. Stuff is fantastic on many levels, libido included. MASS's Yohimbe Supreme is great for this too. Currently evaluating a 200:1 Tongkat Ali as a standalone. I noticed a BIG jump in libido when AN's switched out Pantocrine for Longjax and thus, my interest.
My order of AN & TQ will arrive to my home either tomorrow or day after so looking forward to try 1st TQ for 5 days then 2 days off then 5 days AN then 2 days off then 5 days AN + TQ.

I tried Tongkat Ali 200:1 on it's own and was the most impressive OTC test booster so far and I've tried dozens of them claiming bulshit claims like around 200% increase in test level.

Will report how my body like AN + TQ since I tried also last month Synthagen and was mostly impressed by how it transformed my belly area (read from 0 pack to slowly showing 4packs).

Hoping a month from now I can say I found my "go to trifecta stack" in the form of MPS + AN + TQ

And it better work since I ordered 4 bottles of AN & TQ :P

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:49 am
by DaCookie
RobRegish wrote:Back on point:

Stim free fat loss supps I've had success with:

1.) Sesamin (be aware it can make some people REAL depressed though)
2.) Synthagen
3.) Not much else

I have hopes for TQ given it does a NICE job controlling cortisol, but the jury's still out on that. It seems once you've been on E/C for awhile (like oh, say - 20+ years) not much else compares.

If anyone was wondering it was me who had that experience with the sesamin.If you search online you can find quite a few other people too.Some people say 'brain fog, mild depression, estrogen type sides, tiredness' for me that was putting it extremely lightly, extreme depression popping out of nowhere(crying for no reason etc) with no change in anything else diet, supplement related etc that I hadnt done before.I wouldnt recommend anyone use it ever.

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:07 am
by RobRegish
Yeah it's weird. I get none of that with Sesamin. BUT - I'm glad you shared your experience Daniel. I caveat any sesamin discussion with what you experienced.

Don't want that for ANYbody...

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:10 am
by askmass
I recall reading somewhere or hearing from someone once that % wise men had more potential for issues with Sesamin than women, but can't recall the source or particulars. We could speculate estrogenic effects, perhaps?

That said, I have heard of men using it without any problems.

Besides Synthagen, we also hear from a great many who lose noticeable bodyfat unexpectedly when starting Adaptogen N. Gamma GH is another non-stim with strong feedback, too.