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DAA: No Effect...

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:12 am
by RobRegish
One study, but the results don't look very promising. I'm glad I never jumped on this stuff. Having said that, would be most interested in those that HAVE used DAA and your feedback. If you ran blookwork, I'd be REAL interested. NOTE: It has to be DAA alone, as you're no doubt aware "stacking" it with other items can skew the outcome.

I'm open to the other side of this, but for now think your money is best spent elsewhere..
Aspartic acid supplementation combined with 28 days of heavy resistance training has no effect on body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormones associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in resistance-trained men

Darryn S. Willoughby
Brian Leutholtz

Department of Health, Exercise and Biochemical Nutrition Lab, Human Performance, and Recreation, Baylor University, Waco, TX, USA

It was hypothesized that d-aspartic acid (D-ASP) supplementation would not increase endogenous testosterone levels or improve muscular performance associated with resistance training. Therefore, body composition, muscle strength, and serum hormone levels associated with the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis were studied after 28 days of resistance training and D-ASP supplementation. Resistance-trained men resistance trained 4 times/wk for 28 days while orally ingesting either 3 g of placebo or 3 g of D-ASP.

Data were analyzed with 2 × 2 analysis of variance (P < .05). Before and after resistance training and supplementation, body composition and muscle strength, serum gonadal hormones, and serum D-ASP and d-aspartate oxidase (DDO) were determined. Body composition and muscle strength were significantly increased in both groups in response to resistance training (P < .05) but not different from one another (P > .05). Total and free testosterone, luteinizing hormone, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and estradiol were unchanged with resistance training and D-ASP supplementation (P > .05). For serum D-ASP and DDO, D-ASP resulted in a slight increase compared with baseline levels (P > .05). For the D-ASP group, the levels of serum DDO were significantly increased compared with placebo (P < .05).

The gonadal hormones were unaffected by 28 days of D-ASP supplementation and not associated with the observed increases in muscle strength and mass. Therefore, at the dose provided, D-ASP supplementation is ineffective in up-regulating the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis and has no anabolic or ergogenic effects in skeletal muscle.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:03 am
by DaCookie
I did PA/e pharms DAA(although its not just DAA) a good while back solo and I liked it.Balls got a lot heavyier.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:45 pm
by scoooter
Not for me,
I've run DAA bulk (6G/day) and in prop blends at 3G/day. I got bloods done before and immeadiately after. The post bloodwork was not impressive at all and has me convinced I'm a non-responder. It's strange / funny to me when reading any fitness forum threads regarding "test booster" that EVERYONE from 14 year old newbies to old fudgers seem to be on the DAA bandwagon. I read threads where anyone who goes against the stuff is flamed. I'm a skeptic and this "wonder" supplement has not proven itself to me in any way. Even now I'm hesitent to post this for fear of reprisal.....Since this report most "experts" are saying it'll only benefit those who have real low test to begin with which is why it works so well in a PCT. Ah, these are the same people who have a vested financial interest so I tend to ignor them.

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:39 pm
by DaCookie
Definitely not a 'wonder' supplement.Theres close to zero supps besides less than a handful 'wonders'