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Thoughts on Otis - Thank you

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:02 am
by RobRegish
As many of you know, we had to say goodbye to our family dog, Otis last Sunday. We were with him at the end, just like he was there for us all along..

He gave us 12 fantastic years and ushered my son Nicholas into the world, displaying the same love/affection my wife put into him. He never bit anyone, was very protective of her and Nicholas and was the friendliest dog you ever knew. He was this way because she took care of him like a saint and was with him every second of every day. If you've never seen love like this between a person/dog you're missing out.

Many of you took time out of your busy days to contact me. I received PM's, text messages etc that helped more than you will know. We are grieving terribly right now and there is no escape. Even when I sleep he is in my dreams.

Your messages have given me a brief respite and I have smiled for the first time in weeks (he was sick for a week+). You'll never know how much this means to me.

These are the moments that matter in life. Do not be distracted by money, judgemental thoughts, etc.. It is all a lie and will leave you empty in the end. Have compassion for those less fortunate. Love your pets and those around you. Forgive people and move on. You will be left stronger both physically and spiritually.

You have all brought me some peace during an incredibly difficult time and for that, I thank each and every one of you. What may seem like a small thing to you meant everything to me/my family..

Peaceful journey..


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:53 pm
by BrainSquirt
I swear it hurts almost as much as losing a peeple.
Sorry for your loss.
Please pass along these condolences to your family.
All the best

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:29 am
by RobRegish
Thank you Brain..

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:36 am
by RobRegish
I had the most wonderful thing happen Tuesday night.

I was laying in bed and talking to Otis in my mind "I miss you Otis, and hope you had a happy life here with us".

I didn't think these words, they came into my head.. "I miss you too Daddy.... I had a wonderful life". A feeling of warm energy came over me, very unusual as I've been taking lots of sleep aids lately. Warm energy is the only way I can describe it.

Wife's brother had a similar experience where he got a message Otis, Sammy and Onyx (his two dogs that passed) are together, having fun. This was BEFORE he even knew Otis had passed.

This whole thing has brought me closer to my wife/family too. Just seeing your wife hurt that much and how much love she has in her heart and being concerned for my son.... Otis is still giving even though he's not physically here any more.

I am at peace now. Thank you for your many kind words..

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:25 pm
by RobRegish
December 13th or just over a year ago we lost Otis. I'm bringing this up again because I want to mention a special something for those of you with pets.

You will NEVER GET BACK the time you could have today sitting with them, petting them and giving back the love they so freely give to you.

Otis is in heaven now. I got a message from him two days after he passed. Some people might think that's B.S. but I swear to you on the BP it's true. He said the following words:

"I love you too Daddy.. I had a wonderful life...." and then he was gone.

If you loved your pet you will see him or her again. Don't lose faith and don't miss the opportunity you have TODAY, right now to spend some time with him/her.

I love you Otis and miss you every day. He lives on in our heart and our minds and the fact I'm typing this now is proof positive of that fact. Spend some time with them today guys or rescue one from your local shelter.

You will never know a better feeling.. I promise.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:03 pm
by JlCh
That sucks man, I had 2 that died within the past year as well (Jan and then in Aprilish). Touching on the last message he left you, I had one similar that I had forgotten all about until a couple years back when my mom told me about it. I got a cat when I was about 4 that had been dipped in glue and other very abusive things done to it before we adopted it. We nurtured her back up and a couple years later she disappeared for a 4-5 days. We found her in the yard frozen solid (was winter) and not sure what happened to her but that isn't really the point of the story. That night we found her, I had a dream that an angel brought her down and let me pet her one last time. I don't remember it all that well, but apparently it moved my mom as I was "OK" with it after then. I'm no longer a religious person, but it's weird how these things happen occasionally.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:35 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Rob - my goodness I only just saw this.

My prayers are with you my dear friend.

I'm sorry for your loss

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:41 pm
by RobRegish
It's OK man. Still hurts to this day but I'll see him again.

Today, we have "BigMacaSaurus" aka Big Mac - another Black Lab my wife rescued from the shelter. "Bringing a dog home for just a few days" she said. Right. Night before I left on a business trip we took a family vote. It was unanimus (or however you spell it). Big Mac joined our family.

He must have known it too b/c as soon as all the votes were in the big lug jumped up on the the couch where I was laying down and slobbered all over me.. :)

Love your animals. They will return in kind and NEVER stop loving you. Wish I could say the same for a lot of people I know...