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No shoes, no wraps, no belt?... incoherent rant

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:52 am
by Dragon
Lately I'm hearing many folks say that its not good to use a belt, or wraps or lifting shoes and I have to say that I think the answer to that is that it depends on the person. I started taking squatting seriously two years ago and when I began I wrapped everything because I didn't have anyone to teach me besides books and I knew that any flaw in technique would be mitigated. Its true that books are absent teachers but honestly, its really hard to know what you're doing unless you record yourself from many angles and hire someone to look at the videos and give you meaningful feedback.

At this stage in the game I'm using lifting shoes and I only use the belt for my heaviest sets. Even then, I no longer wear my belt tight but rather, use it as a proprioceptive cue to keep a neutral spine and keep my core set. I also only use knee sleeves on my heaviest set, not to help me in the lift, but to keep my knees sweaty and warm. Although I've spent about $150 dollars on my shoes, I can also admit that I've seen people spend more than that for some new magical fat burning protein powder that probably wont work.

The shoes allow me to squat a bit deeper and has brought up my vastus medialis considerably. A shoe with a bit of a heel also allows me to sit back a bit more and use my ass to blast out of the bottom, and not to brag, but in terms of my leg development... it shows.

Guys! I didn't believe it myself until recently but women DO check out your legs!! And they giggle to their girlfriends when they see guys with a huge upper body and no legs.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of going to the gym and seeing guys with great upper body development and pencil legs. Not only does it look bad, but theyre setting themselves up for serious back problems later in life (or maybe now)
I'm saying that to say this: men need to do whatever they can to get their leg development together and stop with the excuses. I've invested in a ironmind squat belt and nike romaleos and they have not been a waste of money for me. When the gym is swarming with people, I don't cry, I just throw on my hip belt and blast my legs.

Look, I know there is the argument that squatting is natural and you don't need anything and blah blah, but honestly... Do you really think that squatting with a 7 foot 1 inch bar across your back for reps is natural? Also, depth is a VERY personal thing that depends on skeletal ratios. Rant over. A year from now (hell, a week from now) I might change my mind but for now I just needed to get that off my chest :)

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:33 am
by bigpelo
Couldn't agree more with you!

I have never used belt, gloves or special shoes in 13+ years in the iron game. I had my load of injuries though but I learned a lot.

During the last 6 months, I have trained at home, shoeless, without weight and without t-shirt. Still, I am experincing great result, maybe above average, with pistols, 1 arm push ups, hand stang push ups, etc. NO Accessories necessary :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:44 am
by RobRegish
Insightful post and commentary!

I've ditched ALL belts, wraps etc save for a pair of wrist straps (top range rack pulls) and those terrific NewGrip's. The latter I'll use if performing a VERY heavy static hold (push).

These days however, it's all about Convict Conditioning within BP's shell. Works fantastic, but boy does it teach patience. Still, the gains keep coming. Going to have my girl video this soon, but I performed 5, 1arm pushups the other day - with a 35lb DB behind my back!

Chins/bridging are still areas I need work in, but work I shall. Not a fan of alot of support gear. Never was...

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:51 pm
by falfa
These days I only use belt for rack pulls and farmers walk. I do special grip work so now I use straps on some back exercises. It has really improved my back strength, not only that I can do more reps but that I can take shorter rests.

Something new I've tried is to do farmers walk with straps. I know it sounds crazy since farmers is great for grip strength. But try it, still my arms give up.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:03 am
by cogrick2
Bump for this interesting post by Dragon and to see if Rob can provide a link for his videos? I hear about your progress during the power hour and it would be inspiring to see some of these great performances.

Also, can someone post a picture of the bottom of their lifting shoes? I am looking to see if they have the straight last that is so helpful to me as a flat-footed person. Or you can just tell me if the sole curves in much at the arch?

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:47 am
by Dragon
cogrick2 wrote:Bump for this interesting post by Dragon and to see if Rob can provide a link for his videos? I hear about your progress during the power hour and it would be inspiring to see some of these great performances.

Also, can someone post a picture of the bottom of their lifting shoes? I am looking to see if they have the straight last that is so helpful to me as a flat-footed person. Or you can just tell me if the sole curves in much at the arch?
If you are flat footed like me then a quality lifting shoe will actually help you maintain and keep you in a subtalar neutral position which will greatly reduce risk of knee injury, knee pain and other problems that may crop up doing even just body weight squats. The disfunction at that joint is genetic so it doesn't make sense to say that nature knows best and to give a lecture about evolution.
Some people need the fcking shoes like some people need glasses. Eye exercise won't work for everyone because some peoples' eyes are literally shaped like footballs, the same applies for our insertions and ligament and bone placements. Some of us are actually born without certain small bones, muscles and ligaments! I've been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with cadavers so I know what I'm saying; and I hate coming off as a know it all because I don't know jack but there is such thing as a subjective reality and folks need to try what works for them.
I would go with Coach Wade Johnson on this one. I find the shoes gives me an arch in my foot and allows me to keep my feet pointing forward doing the squat. This added torque has allowed be to squat more weight.
Am I suggesting to buy 300 dollar Romaleos? No. But you can go on ebay and get a lightly used pair for 60 bucks like I did... hell, I've seen some people spend more on an overpriced "weight gainer" powder.
That said, eventually I bought Romaleos and they are amazing and have actually improved my foot position without them. It's like a poor man's orthopedic.
Thanks for the bump.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:59 am
by cogrick2
I appreciate the thoughtful response Dragon. I'll try to get a pair before the end of the year.

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:02 am
by RobRegish
Posting videos as soon as I get a "real" phone. Stupid here sprung for an econo-phone and Str8 talk - please do NOT make the same mistake.

I'm excited b/c just today I pulled off 1 legged pistols holding 20lbs (paused), am doing 1 arm pushups with 50lbs on my back and some other stuff I've been working on for well over a year.

I do have a 1arm pushup video on my FB page, with feet elevated high up to increase difficulty. This was almost a year ago, and I'm much stronger now. I'll see if I can find it...

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:26 am
by RobRegish
Here are the 1arm, feet elevated pushups from Nov 2012. I perform these with feet elevated 28" to make them a bit more difficult/get into a lower rep range. Nose to floor, movement slowed down (thanks to Brooks Kubik/Dinosaur Bodyweight Training!), for teaching me how to wring the most out of these. Video coming shortly of 1arm pushups, with 50lbs on my back... ... =2&theater