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Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:19 pm
by CraigoBucks
I just got my first juicer and was wondering if there were any good recipes for post workout juices. What vegetables and fruits would work best with MPS and recovery?

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:54 am
by bigpelo
I read somewhere that you shouldn't mix fruits in vege's juice except for apples. I don't remember why...

But, here are some of my favorite recipies:

Everyday vegetables juice:
red peppers (sweet, not hot!)
fresh ginger

Post workout fruit juice:
This juice is load with carbs, enzymes, vitamin C and taste!

Post back your results and receipes!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:38 pm
by BrainSquirt
My (quite flexible) guidelines

AM: Fructoses. (Usually best not to mix citrus in with other fruits - but these are loose rules... :D

Afternoon: greens

PM: roots (carrot, beet, ginger)

re peri-workout juicing
Generally, match drink to time of day indications above
If you workout in afternoons (and you are in an add carbs peri-workout phase) - then add grape to your green (alka) afternoon juice


PS ... and don't forget Rob's cherry concentrate recommendation with MPS

have a great weekend all

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:43 pm
by CraigoBucks
Thanks for the input. I'm going to the grocery tomorrow to load up, can't wait to try these and also the ones from Rob's sticky. I've been reading through a book i just got on juices and looks like a lot of great health benefits, this would be a great subject on SHR.

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 11:53 am
by CraigoBucks
How long can you store juices? I was reading that if you are going to store them for any amount of time you should add vitamin c to prevent oxidation. Any recommendation for a vitamin c powder to use?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:57 am
by RobRegish
Benton wrote:hmm good list of tasty ingredient.. I always mix 2 or 3 things together when I wanna drink the juices.. I like them because they gives the enough energy as one time meal and you don't feel hunger about 2 to 3 hours after drink that. So enjoy these food item and then share your experience.
Read the rules, no BS outside links. Next infraction, I bring down the ban hammer...

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:22 am
by askmass
I realize I'm bumping an old thread, but somehow I missed commenting on this before and have about two decades of juicing under my belt. Brain has a firm grasp, no doubt, follow his advice above.

Quick and fast rules-

As bigpelo also alluded to, do NOT mix fruits and veggies.

I take it a step further and do not recommend mixing low growing melon fruits like cantaloupe and watermelon with berries, bananas, apples, etc.

Consume melons alone (and please do), or leave them alone.

Yes, some things are gray areas like tomatoes (technically a fruit, but I'd suggest just eat them raw or juice as a solo item).

Fruits, pre exercise and between meals.

Veggies, greens in particular post exercise and before not after major meals.

Roots, beets, before bed is perfect but any time empty stomach is great for detox. Also, for a strong detox effect use cilantro in your greens juicing. After a few weeks, switch to Parsley, then back. Very effective over time!

As far a losing potency, it's the enzymes that mostly degrade and it happens rather quickly. If memory serves, in just three hours something like 50% of the enzymes are gone... drink it fresh, that's by far best!

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:57 pm
by BrainSquirt
askmass, what a great post!

Thanks for tightening up the 'rules'.

Some additional tips:
>Add a little bit of olive oil to vegetable / green juices for carotenoid absorption, etc.
>Yes do melons alone .... PLUS use organically grown and juice whole thing - rind, seeds, and meat. Great for any (non famine) 'semi-fasting' afternoon or around pm 'fasted workout'...
>fresh tumeric and or ginger in carrot, etc juices (with a little bit of black cumin oil) = a fkn minor buzz
>to really max nutritional values (to the detriment of taste)
barely steam the carrots ( and beets ) stick them in freezer until cold again, then juice.

btw, we just got a tribest slowstar juicer
Got a slow juicer to extract more juice, protect enzymes, and do microgreens juicing (aka ‘wheat grass’) etc.
repurposing the old champion to making smoothies, nut butters, tahini, etc.
fwiw, it was a very tough decision btwn tribest and a kuvings slow juicer… but went with tribest … now, unless it breaks or is a dud, will probably never know which one is better…

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:10 am
by askmass
BrainSquirt wrote:askmass, what a great post!

Thanks for tightening up the 'rules'.

Some additional tips:
>Add a little bit of olive oil to vegetable / green juices for carotenoid absorption, etc.
>Yes do melons alone .... PLUS use organically grown and juice whole thing - rind, seeds, and meat. Great for any (non famine) 'semi-fasting' afternoon or around pm 'fasted workout'...
>fresh tumeric and or ginger in carrot, etc juices (with a little bit of black cumin oil) = a fkn minor buzz
>to really max nutritional values (to the detriment of taste)
barely steam the carrots ( and beets ) stick them in freezer until cold again, then juice.

btw, we just got a tribest slowstar juicer
Got a slow juicer to extract more juice, protect enzymes, and do microgreens juicing (aka ‘wheat grass’) etc.
repurposing the old champion to making smoothies, nut butters, tahini, etc.
fwiw, it was a very tough decision btwn tribest and a kuvings slow juicer… but went with tribest … now, unless it breaks or is a dud, will probably never know which one is better…
Fantastic suggestions, Brain.

I've made it habit to eat the seeds in most fruits for years now, and especially for juicing it is so wise. Great advice.

So true too re tumeric and ginger... I've taken to making my own curry powder mixes for cooking and it has dozens of uses in the kitchen, even sprinkled on popcorn is great.

My old Champion has seen better days, just sharpened the blades again last week and I was looking at the Tribest myself. I'll have to check out the Kuvings now too.