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Convict Conditioning Update

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:35 am
by RobRegish
So I thought I'd post an update as to CC.

Took 2 weeks off due to some injuries/pushing it into the red zone BUT - here's what I did over those 2 weeks...

1.) Jacked up my HIIT/interval training to boost VO2 max. Mostly recumbant bike work (being February). Coast on level 13 for 1min, sprint for 15sec on level 23. Rinse, wash, repeat.

2.) Foam Rolling/Chiro. The foam rolling I took really seriously this time. WONDERFUL stuff, and helps immensely. I perform this while resting between sets now, alternating with visualization

3.) Concentration/Focus exercises. 15 min/day, minimum


Got my avg daily waking heart rate down to 54 beats/minute. Blood pressure down to 120/65. Upon resuming training, cut my intra-set recovery rest intervals in half. The concentration/focus exercises? An absolute BOON to balancing on one leg/balance in general on the advanced uni-lateral stuff.

Even if you're not taking time off, please do look into upping 1 or all 3 of these, especially the concentration/focus stuff. It's VASTLY under-estimated. I have an entire section on how to do this in the upcoming BP Bulletin March newsletter

It takes but 10min/day, and delivers REAL RESULTS in the gym. Think about this for a minute. We all spend a LOT of time/money training our bodies/pre-hab/re-hab and taking various supps.

How many are training the MIND?

Try this: Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Shut off the TV, lights/cell phone/computer/ipad/iphone/ieverything. Now light a candle.

Now, for 10min I want you to focus intently on that flame. Other thoughts/sounds will intrude, but place them gently but firmly to the side. Keep your focus on that flickering flame and repeat, "focus, focus, focus"...

You'll be shocked how difficult this is at first, given our multi-tasking/multi-everything world. 10 minutes will seem like an eternity. Yet with PRACTICE, you can train your mind's powers of concentration/focus and hone this skill to perfection. Imagine the difference in your mind/muscle connection during work sets and training in general.

It takes around 20 sessions to become GOOD at it. 3 weeks in, you'll be a believer. And oh, it's FREE... :)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:19 pm
by thicketman
It's interesting that you mention the concentration/focus aspect. I just started reading a book called "Psycho Cybernetics" which addresses visualization and the natural goal striving mechanism that each of us has built in. The author states that the subconscious mind cannot differentiate between real experiences and those that are visualized. Although the application in the book is different, that assertion seems to be somewhat validated here:

I can attest to the fact that it is extremely difficult to block other thoughts out. I'm having trouble going 45sec without my mind taking a trip down some other avenue. I never realized my thoughts were so scattered.

Anyway, my plan is to add daily visualization exercises to aid my uneven squats and pullups. Exercise-wise, I'm doing only convict conditioning and Maffetone style aerobic work to build up my cardio base. I'm 35 y/o and I want to focus on being lean, strong, and healthy (with good joints).

On a slightly different note, I've also begun to use the Psycho Cybernetics concepts to help me balance work stress and family life. Upon reading some of the concepts, I've had some palm to the forehead duh moments.

Thanks for the update, Rob.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:34 pm
by matter2003
Yes, its true. I remember hearing a story about a man that had been in jail for a long period of time...a few years or something. When he got out, he went golfing and shot a 1 or 2 under par. People were amazed and asked him how he did it, and he stated that every day he was in jail, he played golf in his mind and visualized himself making eagles, birdies, putts, great shots, etc...

Theories vary as to how visualization works but some have theorized that unconsciously the body assimilates the information together to effect the change you want to happen, then you simply start "doing something" that leads you down the path you want to go, all without really thinking much about it at just seems like you made a decision to do something...

Our mind and bodies are amazing in their complexity...consider that experiments have been done that had 2 different rooms where bacteria that replicated at a known rate were being kept and watched closely by researchers. Outside of one room, a group of people were told to sit in there and do nothing. The bacteria replicated at normal speed. In the other room, the people outside the room were told to focus on visualizing the bacteria replicating and making them stop. Amazingly enough, these bacteria that always replicate at the same rate, suddenly started replicating at half speed. People with no visualization training were able to effect this type of change simply by being told to concentrate on making it happen. Imagine if we put this type of energy into visualizing and concentrating on the things we really wanted in life.