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BP 3.0 split

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:00 am
by Slicknic05
It says in the blue print 3.0 feast phase training. you should start your split from 1 day on 2 days off. and then gradually increase the rest days until you reach the "once in every ten days". my question is, do you really have to rest that long? if yes, what are you going to do in your rest days?

Re: BP 3.0 split

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:02 am
by RobRegish
Slicknic05 wrote:It says in the blue print 3.0 feast phase training. you should start your split from 1 day on 2 days off. and then gradually increase the rest days until you reach the "once in every ten days". my question is, do you really have to rest that long? if yes, what are you going to do in your rest days?
As you grow stronger, you lift heavier weights for more repetitions. It logically follows that the stresses increase on your body. The body then needs TIME, to super-compensate and grow larger/stronger.

What to do on off days? HIIT cardio, GPP exercises such as sled dragging, sledgehammering tires, pictures of your boss etc.. Anything that stimulates bloodflow WITHOUT damaging muscle (i.e. any lowering or eccentric portion seen with weight training).

There is magic in resting the body. Not easy to do b/c it "feels" like you're doing nothing. Far from it. It's been said that the notes don't make the music, but the spaces in between...

You get my point... :)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:23 pm
by Slicknic05
Ahhhh thanks rob! now i get it. thanks for the words of wisdom. :D more power to us BP soldiers!