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Fish Oil Suplementation

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:24 pm
by sfreemanii
Can anyone reccomend a good Fisl Oil Supplement? I have been using the Animal Omega Pak supplement, but was wondering if anyone else has another product they like.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:49 pm
by askmass
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats the Nordic Naturals ULTIMATE OMEGA we've carried forever now. Nearly everything else on the shelves is horribly low grade, rancid and fully of MERCURY.

This is THE only, single one I'll personally touch.


ULTIMATE OMEGA: Gold Metal winning taste. One single teaspoon a day pays BIG dividens in so many ways. Revolutionary Freshness (up to 100 times fresher) and Purity unprecedented in the United States - Positively NO fishy taste! Ongoing clinical investigations are showing the vital importance of DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids in health, fitness and disease. Patent process, Norwegian Medicinal Grade "Nordic Naturals" is the Ultimate Omega and has the highest levels of ANY competing product (1260mg total Omega-3 per teaspoon) with no synthetic vitamin A and D added (only naturally occuring A and D from the cod liver). It is doctor recommended, molecularly distilled, and third party tested to document the total absence of environmental pollutants. No PCBs, dioxins, pesticides or heavy metals. GMO and Hexane free. Flavored with a light orange essence that even kids love!

Each teaspoon provides: DHA: 625mg, EPA: 410mg, Other Omega-3s: 225mg, Oleic Acid (Omega-9): 600mg, Vitamin A: 650, 1500IU, Vitamin D: 120IU, Vitamin E (natural d-alpha tocopherol): 30 IU
omega fish oil Named American Culinary Institute Gold Metal Winner for best taste and #1 ranked fish oil brand out of the top 10 in Norway for highest concentration, freshness, and purity. This award is a great honor since fish oil products in Norway are closely monitored by the Norwegian Medicinal Standards - by far the most stringent in the world.

Secure Order Link:

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:04 pm
by DaCookie
John just wondering where you get your claims from that all others are full of mercury?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:54 pm
by askmass
Unless the sole source is certified as Norway, it's all but guaranteed to have at least some detectable mercury, Cookie.

Nordic Naturals is THE best of the best cod liver oil in Norway, and Norway is the world's gold standard without question.

Even the "worst" lower grade Norwegian brands are eons cleaner than something like Twinlabs, which is probably the most common brand sold in the U.S.

Nordic used to have a grid posted with the detected mercury levels of probably a dozen brands, but I don't see it there now. I'm sure they were threatened into taking it down via lawsuits from the big corporate thugs.

Here is the general guideline they issue now-

Nordic Naturals fish oils provide you with the benefits of the essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, with no risk of contamination. Our oils are routinely 3rd party tested for taste, freshness, and purity, and deliver exceptional results. We test for heavy metals (and over 210 other contaminants) at levels 10 times below the most stringent Norwegian Medicinal Standard with absolutely no detection. If your customers are concerned about not eating enough fish, Nordic Naturals fish oils provide all the Omega-3 benefits with a pleasant taste and exceptional freshness and purity.

And more-

Purity: no heavy metals, pesticides, dioxins, or PCBs

All Nordic Naturals oils adhere to the strict Norwegian Medicinal and European Pharmacopoeia Standards for purity and freshness. Our exacting quality control procedures begin in the ocean with our careful choice of fish species that are naturally low in toxins and high in Omega-3 fats. Then our oils are gently distilled, either through flash or molecular distillation, assuring exceptional purity while maintaining the oils’ integrity. Nordic Naturals fish oils are regularly tested by independent laboratories, and guaranteed to have no detected levels of contaminants.

Truth in labeling: no synthetic additives

With Nordic Naturals, what you see is what you get. Many customers don’t realize that cod liver oil from other companies is often not made entirely from cod—that it contains synthetic vitamins to make it resemble real cod liver oil. Nordic Naturals is the only company in the world that produces its cod liver oil from 100% Arctic cod. The quality of our raw materials is consistently exceptional, delivering extremely high concentrations of EPA and DHA and an abundance of naturally occurring vitamins A and D and antioxidants.

Absorption: triglyceride versus ethyl ester form

Triglycerides contain a glycerol backbone, stabilizing the oil molecules in their natural form. But fish oils that are in the synthetic ethyl ester form are highly unstable, and rapidly break down during storage.
Additionally, when fish oils are digested they are converted into free fatty acids. After absorption through the epithelial cells, free fatty acids are immediately reassembled back into triglycerides by re-attaching to a glycerol backbone. If the glycerol backbone is missing (as they are with synthetic ethyl esters), and no other glycerol backbones are available, the oil cannot be converted back to triglyceride form. Fatty acids not converted to triglycerides pose an oxidation burden in the form of free radical formation. All Nordic Naturals formulas are in natural triglyceride
form ensuring optimal absorption.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:30 pm
by DaCookie
I see.Well I think it was wise of me to stop using fish oil then.I was using the nutraplanet brand at 10 caps a day and wanted to eliminate any mercury especially while I was detoxing.I stopped eating canned tuna fish too.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:38 pm
by RobRegish
I have a bottle of Nordic Natural on the way... :)

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:06 am
by Allen125
Fish oil supplements are really affective for health and fitness. They are rich in omega 3, which is important for whole health. I have also used these supplements.

Lakewood personal trainer