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My BP run with MPS & AN - a few questions!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:54 am
by oliverparsons
Hi everyone,

I was looking to do a BP run starting Jan 1, I've read through tons of posts and still have a few questions. Any help would be appreciated.

BP run: Jan 1 to mid-March (10 weeks or so)
Supps: Adaptogen N and Synthagen
Training: A custom 2.0/3.0 combo that I put together last year, basically a combo of GLP1, static holds and EDT blocks.
Body type: ectomorph, 6'0" 188 pounds

I'm thinking of doing a bulk from Jan to mid-Feb that fully maximizes Synthagen and AN and then I would start cutting for about 5 weeks from mid-Fed to mid-March. A few initial questions:

1) Do you still recommend famine?
2) Is there a specific MPS dose for bulking? Looks like 5 pre-workout, 5 pre lift, 5 before bed is the way to go. And then during off-days take 3 before 3 biggest meal.
3) For my diet, I noticed a lot of people are fasting and zigzagging calories, can I skip this and just eat big and start doing a clean diet mid-Feb?
4) Any other recommendations?!

Ok, that's all for now. Thanks guys!![/u]

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:52 pm
by drtda
My input is to go ahead and do famine, especially since you will be on a 10 week run.

I've experimented a lot this past year with IF and different meal protocols. I think it works really well when trying to recomp or cut, but I have trouble getting in enough food in the small feeding window when I am trying to put on weight.

What I've been doing the past couple of months is the Poliquin Meat and Nuts type breakfast. I typically have either meat (bison, turkey sausage, grass-fed beef) or eggs with a trail mix that is mostly nuts but has either some raisins or dried cherries in it. I'll also have coffee. I feel like it gives me a good jump on my protein intake for the day, while affecting my blood sugar levels very little.

I am also using Snythagen and AN on my current run. I am taking 5 pre and 5 post and then 4 before bed with the AN.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:37 pm
by oliverparsons
Thanks drtda, I appreciate the response.

The poliquin meat and nut diet is definitely something I would follow when cutting. I'm lucky enough where I can pretty easily cut by adding cardio, eating healthy and no carbs after dinner.

So I'm looking to bulk for 6 weeks starting Jan 1 and then start cutting/recomp mid-Feb for 5 weeks. While bulking, can I up the calories while on synthagen? i was a little confused by the fasting/zigzag calories chatter and didn't know if this was recommended while bulking (or just recommended for recomp/cut). I would be taking AN and synthagen during the bulk and recomp/cut.

Also, with the increased recovery time on Synthagen, do you think it would be possible to lift 4x a week? (So Monday to Sunday would look like: upper, lower, off, upper, lower, off, off). Or if that's overkill, I could alternate lifting days on/off.

Thanks again!

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:19 pm
by drtda
I still like to do at least a little bit of a zig-zag with my calorie levels, even if bulking. It just seems like I should pump in some more calories on lifting days, specifically peri-workout. While bulking I may take in 3400-3600 on lifting days and 2700-2800 on non-lifting days as an example.

I've jumped back and forth between the 4 days a week and the every-other day routine. Both will work, but it depends on your workload. For me, it specifically depends on my nervous system recovery, so doing things like Static Holds will require more time off than other routines.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:50 pm
by oliverparsons
Awesome, you the man! Thanks again. I'll be ordering my Synthagen and AN tomorrow. Looking forward to starting famine much as I hate that part haha :)