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1 x 20 Squat Program 3 times weekly

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:37 am
by matter2003
OK, have not posted on here in a while due to a bunch of real life time constraints and other things taking up my time...

Have been running a 3 times a week 1 x 20 squat program and filling in 2 other exercises doing 5x5's prior to my set of squats.

I messed up my back about 5 or 6 weeks ago on my last DL workout in the BP attempting a 1RM of 445 lbs...It was stupid of me, as I got a little too optimistic. Matched my previous 1RM of 405, then hit a new 1RM of 425, then said F it, I can get 445 as I was feeling really good...well, not so much...I got it halfway up, couldn't lock it out and heard and felt a pop in my lower back. It has gotten better, allowing me to do machine squats, but I haven't tried DL's again yet and it still is stiff and sore on a pretty much daily basis although there is no pain anymore. Then about 3 weeks ago, I tweaked my pec while benching(again!), and laid off chest for 2 weeks to let it heal. Its fine now, and I started putting a 10lb plate on my chest to limit how far down I am going after talking to a couple of guys who do the same thing and how they both had similar issues and sports medicine trainers told them to stop going down so far as all it does is lead to injury...

So here is my workout program:

Bench Press 5x5
DB Curls: 5x5
Squats: 1 x 20

Weighted Pullups: 5x5
Close Grip Bench: 5x5
Squats: 1 x 20

Trap Shrugs: 5x5
DB Hammer Curls: 5x5
Squats: 1 x 20

-I am really focusing on my weak point, which are biceps, by doing close grip weighted pullups and bicep curls twice a week. Combined with the huge hormonal release by doing heavy squats for 20 reps, I have noticed a pretty good size increase I have been doing this about 2 weeks now...

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 12:42 am
by matter2003
Weighed in at 192 lbs this morning

Workout Log:
Bench Press: 205x5, 210x5, 215x5, 220x5, 225x5
DB Curls: 45x5, 50x5, 55x5, 55x5, 55x5
Squats(V-Squat HS Machine): 425x13,7(took about a 20 second rest after the 12 reps then drilled 7 more)

Want to get back to regular barbell squats, but attempted them last week and my back is still not going to allow me to do them. It is much easier to make sure my back is against the pad doing these squats and I am definitely getting some good results from them, so not in a hurry to switch just yet...

Very impressed with my benching, as I have really been increasing in strength on this quickly. Credit the static holds a lot for this as they have really toughened up my joints and caused my front delts to get pretty huge, which used to get tired out too quick. Never have been a big bencher, and I am really starting to put up some weight. Surprised with the ease I knocked out 5 reps at 225 on my last set after the other 4 sets...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:21 pm
by matter2003
Workout Log Tuesday 11/27

Weight up to 194 lbs...I'm OK as it is long as I keep it under 200 lbs I am good with it.

Had a fairly epic workout today...workouts the last 2 weeks have been progressively getting better and better...think the squats are having some serious effects on my whole body and ability to push heavier weights...

Weighted Pullups: BW x 5/BW+30 x 5/BW+40 x 5/BW+55 x 4,1 x 3,1,1/BW+25 x 3

Close Grip Bench: 215 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(10% spot on last rep) x 5(30% spot on 4th rep, 50% spot on last rep)

V-Squat HS Machine: 435 lbs x 13,7(paused 20 seconds after 13 then hit 7 more immediately after)

Cannot believe I cranked 22 out of 25 clean reps on the close grip bench and hammered out those squats the way I did...feeling and looking like a beast, especially upper body---traps, shoulders, delts, chest are just looking huge...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:32 pm
by matter2003
Workout 11/29

Trap Shrugs: 365 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5/315lbs x 5
Bent Over Rows: 185 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
V-Squat: 440 lbs x 15,5

Good workout, got another 2 reps in on the squats before my pause, really feeling strong on these...

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:38 pm
by matter2003
Workout 12/2

Bench Press: 225 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5(10% help on last rep)
Shoulder Press(Smith): 125 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
V-Squat: 445 lbs x 17,3

really am starting to make serious progress on the bench...cranked out basically every rep other than the last rep on the last set, which I needed maybe 10% help according to my spotter. Said it was not much at all. Shoulders were not so great after that, completed the 5 x 5 pretty easy, but probably could not have added much weight. Will try and do 135 lbs next time. Squats I was really feeling it on, almost completed the full 20 without 17, looking to hit all 20 reps on Tuesday at 450 lbs...

feeling like a beast right now...these heavy squats 3 times a week are really having a drastic effect on my overall workouts and physique...upper body is looking monstrous...chest, shoulders, traps, arms...want to see how long I can milk this program before switching over to something else...

Back still bothering me, looks like this is going to be a long term deadlifts for the forseeable future...a shame because these would be somewhere in this program if I could do them...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:05 pm
by alangley
Looking good there. Is this from "Super Squats"?

That's something I'd like to try after my full knee recovery is achieved and I'm done with my current BP RECOMP.

Do you feel the 1x20 is having any positive affect aerobically? How do you feel after that set?

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:30 pm
by matter2003
I am not sure if it is from super squats or not, I read about it online, and didn't even realize it was included in the BP...

I kind of added in the 5x5 component from strong lifts on the other 2 compounds and it has been working like crazy for me...

I am completely gassed after doing those squats, breathing heavy, sometimes even feeling light headed...

Workout Log 12/4

Weighted Pullups: BWx5/BW+25x5/BW+35x5/BW+40x5/BW+45x5
Close Grip Bench: 220 lbs x 5/205 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
V-Squats: 455 x 17,3

-Tweaked my right front delt doing Close grip, had to drop weight...easily completed the 205 sets, frustrated because I could have really hammered these sets out...

-Weighted pullups was just not feeling it on...

-Squats, almost had the 20 reps, even as I added 10 pounds by necessity due to not being able to fit a 5 lb and 2.5 lb plate on there...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:54 pm
by capnleux
"-Squats, almost had the 20 reps, even as I added 10 pounds by necessity due to not being able to fit a 5 lb and 2.5 lb plate on there..."

That's just awesome to say.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:05 pm
by matter2003
Workout Log 12/7

Had to workout super early in the morning around 7AM before work, which sucked as I am not usually very good at this...

Trap Shrugs: 375 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Bent Over Rows: 205 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

V-Squats: 465 lbs x 10,10

-didn't really have it this morning on the 10 and then rested 60 seconds and got another 10. Funny the second set of 10 was easier than the first... will be looking to get them on the next workout...

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:10 pm
by matter2003
Workout Log 12/9

Bench Press: 235 lbs x 5/230 x 5/225 x 5(10% 4th rep, 50% 5th rep) x 5(20% 4th rep, 80% 5th rep)/220 x 5(50% 4th rep, 90% 5th rep)

Military Press: 130 lbs x 5 x 5 x 5/135 lbs x 5 x 5

V-Squats: 465 lbs x 18,2(rested 20 seconds then banged out other 2 reps)

Bench press did not have it today for whatever reason. Perhaps me going 235 on the first set(up 10 lbs from last week)...really struggled after 3rd rep on last 3 sets...even as I dropped weight. Will try again at 235 lbs next week. Should be able to get a much better result.

So close to getting the 20 reps on the V-Squat at 465 lbs...ended up with 18, then got the other 2 after a short rest. Legs feeling completely wore out. Looking to get the full 20 at 475 lbs next workout on Tuesday...