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The 10% solution - Now with Auto Calculators!

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:37 am
by RobRegish
Here's a new loading pattern that fits nicely into the Feast Phase. It delivers a whopping 10% onto the barbell lift of your choice in just 30 days(bench press, squat or deadlift) and does so with a minumum of volume. If you're into light, medium and heavy workout rotations this one's for you:

Take your 1RM on the lift of your choice. Then begin the following program:

KEY: 3 x 65% x 3 reps = 3 working sets with 65% of your starting 1RM for 3 reps per set

• Bench Press - 3 x 65% x 3 reps
• Bench Press – 2 x 75% x 3 reps
• Bench Press – 2 x 85% x 2 reps

Follow this schedule exactly for week 1. Then, for weeks 2 and on, increase the weights according to the following table:

1RM < 150 lbs = increase loads by 5 lbs per set
1RM 155 – 295 lbs = increase loads by 10 lbs per set
1RM 300 – 395 lbs = increase loads by 10 lbs on Mon & Wed, and by 15 lbs on Fri
1RM > 400 lbs = increase loads by 15 lbs on Mon & Wed, and by 20 lbs on Fri

Since this can be cumbersome for the math challenged (that's me folks), I've incuded a link to the following calculator. It works for MOST of the 1RM's you'll be working with: ... sN_MivjaVA

Best to double check the output #'s vs. what I've sketched out above. Again, for most it will work but better to check vs. waste a month of precious time!


This is a very low volume of benching (2-3 sets of 2-3 reps!). What it lacks in total tonnage though, it makes up for in frequency. You can't bench heavy 3x/week but this program addresses that, rotating a light (65%), medium (75%) and heavy (85%) schedule each week.

Now, it's true that once you tack on the weights suggested from week 2 on things go up from there, so care should be taken when beginning this program. What I'm saying is that you should make sure when starting this that you haven't been doing any work in the 90th percentile for at least 2-3 weeks. If you're following Blueprint guidelines that shouldn't be any problem. 2 weeks in the maintenance phase and another in Famine gets you there, and that's no accident :)