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Where to find real Ecdysterone

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:54 am
by askmass
Accept no cut rate, out of date or phony baloney do nothing ecdy supplements.

ActivECDY is the world's premiere, 100% authentic and most effective Ecdysterone:

Potentcy packed.

Shipping to your door TODAY.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:53 pm
by thicketman
Do you ever intend to release a stand-alone full-spectrum RCE product?

If not can you recommend one?

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:58 am
by askmass
Our history with Ecdy goes back further than anyone, so it's always a real possibility.

We were the source for the legendary, original and genuine Zebutol way back in the early 90's, you may recall.

That said, for all it's retro fame the products of today like AN, KA and MPS are distinctly superior.

We feel strongly that RCE, and Suma are best leveraged as part of a complex, because it very much increases the likelihood of results for the end user and helps make the product profiles near "fail proof".

BIU doesn't have ecdy, but you'll note it's formulated the same way. A whole lot of research time and effort, real athlete trials and investment money goes into the formulas you see from MASS and nothing in any of them is there as fluff or filler.

And, that's another part of the problem, long ago so many crap stand alone ecdy products all but ruined it's rep in the market. ECDY 800... yeah, right. The pretenders even included a fake Zebutol popping up years after the original was gone.

No doubt, there is still a place for a focused, stand alone legitimate ecdy... the numbers of athletes looking, and dare I say smart enough to use it to best advantage, is what seems to be lacking given progressive history and today's marketplace.

You will be interested to know we did work up some prototypes a few years ago and I joked we could call it "Real Zebutol, The Granddaddy of 'em ALL".

If we could see a higher demand, then it would become much more of a likely possibility.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by thicketman
I understand that the product mixes are superior. I'm a huge fan of Synthagen and will likely use it indefinitely during feast if funds permit. My posts here and on other forums are a testament to that fact.

I'm interested in playing with additional RCE on top of Synthagen. I don't want anything else....just RCE. I don't have huge expectations but would like to satisfy my curiosity.

Is there a stand-alone RCE product that you can recommend?

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:35 pm
by DaCookie
Thicketman dont think youre gonna find a good ecdy besides MASS, thermolife and tonvara.The only full spectrum one is in the MASS line.Why not use kre anabolyn with MPS if you want extra ecdy?

Personally will be stacking MPS, kre anabolyn and a low dose tonvara megaturk for the turkesterone mainly.Just 2 tabs.

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:57 pm
by thicketman
I've used KA and liked it.

Trying stand-alone RCE is based mostly on curiosity. Specifically, I overtrained myself during my last run and I'm curious as to what effect a high dose of RCE added to Synthagen could do. Even on runs that aren't as intense as this last one, I usually begin to feel the onset of fatigue during my lat two Fest weeks.

Looking back, the symptoms started during Feast Week 3, but I didn't recognize what it was until Feast Week 5. By then, my adrenals were shot, I wasn't recovering properly, and I had a hard time concentrating at work (Engineering/Design). It was bad enough that I immediately took a week and a half off and will be entering Cruise Monday.

I should note that I've invested in a Superfood Greens product that I hope will help bridge the nutrition gap of fasting days (which I've become a big fan of). I've intended to do this for a while and finally took the plunge.

If there isn't a full spectrum RCE product out there, no biggie. I'll just modify my lifting/rest as needed.

Like I said, it was mostly out of curiosity that I asked.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:47 am
by Memnon
I find it notable that KA is the only ecdy with the full-levseins complex used in the studies. If you don't mind me asking, where is it sourced from? Siberia?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:37 pm
by askmass
Memnon wrote:I find it notable that KA is the only ecdy with the full-levseins complex used in the studies. If you don't mind me asking, where is it sourced from? Siberia?
Thank you for taking notice, Memmon.

And yes, the high elevations and cold temps of northern Asia is where it originates.

We have one of the worlds finest, most experienced and well connected herb brokers in our corner, too. It makes a big difference, as does keeping everything intact and unadulterated (full spectrum).