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Famine phase journal

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:33 am
by Slicknic05
I started, my Famine phase yesterday. this is my second day of "hell". i wasn't sure if i'm doing the right diet though. this is what i consumed yesterday.

Meal 1
1 piece wheat bread with peanut butter
a pill of green tea extract (with caffeine)
(this serves as my pre-workout)

Meal 2
a piece of Banana
Lots of water

Meal 3 (i couldn't take it anymore)
1 cup string beans
1/5 cup of white rice

meal 4

meal 5
1 piece cucumber
1 cup string beans

i'm not really sure how much calories each meal contained, but i make sure that i'm still hungry after each meal.

Day 2, my Heart rate increased. from 72(1st day famine) to 82. is that a good sign? and getting a little bit dizzy, but i can still handle it. so here's what i have been eating.

Meal 1
1 piece banana
1 piece apple

Meal 2
Yogurt drink
Salad with onions

meal 3
salad with onions

meal 4
1 piece apple
1 piece banana

so that covers my meal plan for today. i'm just concerned in consuming carbs like (wheat bread, whit rice etc) is it okay to consume them in a small amount?


Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:16 am
by Slicknic05
3rd day. i checked my heart rate upon waking again. it increased about 10 bpm. getting hungry! this is what i ate.

meal 1
1 banana
1 green tea extract(pill)
1 fish oil

meal 2
1 cup mixed veggies (carrots, string beans etc.)

meal 3
1 banana
1/4 cup string beans
1 piece chicken thighs(everybody was eating!!!!)

meal 4 (pre-workout)
1 banana
1 green tea etract(pill)
1 fish oil

meal 5 (post-workout)
caesar salad
water melon

today is my 2nd workout, it was a killer one. i weighed myself today and i went from 165 to 163. got a little bit dizzy in the gym. but i did not notice any loss of strength.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:03 am
by Slicknic05
Ayt so this is my last day of famine. i was not able to log my 4th day because i have been busy. but i'll still update you guys. so here's my 4th day meal plan.

Meal 1:
1 banana
1 green tea extract
1 fish oil

Meal 2:
1 half rice
1 cup mixed vegetables
fish oil

Meal 3:
1 banana
1 spoonful of peanutbutter

meal 4:
1 half rice
1 cup vegetables

so basically i consumed a total of 1 cup of rice in my 4th day. i hope that's not bad. i'm still hungry after each meal though.

in my last day today and my last workout in famine. here's what i've been doing.

Meal 1
1 banana
1 green tea extract
1 fish oil

meal 2
1 half rice
1 cup veggies

meal 3(pre workout)
1 banana
1 green tea extract

meal 4(post workout)
1 banana

meal 5
1 cup veggies

I'm making up to my diet today since i've consumed a cup of rice on my 4th day. having a mild headache and getting a little bit dizzy throughout the day. can't wait to start eating like a bear tomorrow and start my FEAST phase! off to GAINSVILLE!!!!!!!