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Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:33 pm
by Slicknic05
I'm Nico a.k.a slicknic05. I'm from the Philippines and i just bought the blueprint last night. I wanted to buy the BP a long time ago, like about 2 years ago but i don't know anyone who has paypal. LOL. Lucky for me, my cousin is already working at a local bank right now so he applied for a mastercard. Okay, enough about those things.

I'm a Bodybuilding addict. enough said. although I'm still lifting for about 1 year right now, but i am a "work smart" kind of guy than a "work hard" so anything that i can read about bodybuilding that is informative, I'll spend my whole time reading it. The BP caught my attention, because it has something to do with manipulating your physiology, and having a "organic anabolism". This kind of information about bodybuilding is something new to me. so when my cousin applied for a mastercard, i did not have second thoughts. and bought this program. There are two things that is bothering me right now but i hope you guys can help me out with this. First of all, I've browsed through the course, read some of the workout instructions and its hella confusing! because as I've said, its something new to me. Second thing, i really want to buy ecdy products such has E-bol or adaptogens like Kre-anabolyn but its not available here in the Philippines :cry: I am 100% committed in this program and i will sure give my 100% effort to get the most out of it. so I am hoping that Mr. Rob and everyone will help me understand some of the hard parts in the course and at least tell me where to buy E-bol or Kre-anabolyn with free shipping :) Thank you Mr. Rob for creating the BP for enthusiast like me but has no direction. MUCH RESPECT AND HONOR RIGHT HERE!

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:15 am
by drtda
You should check with AskMass here on the site to see if they can ship to the Philippines. If they can, then they have basically everything you need supplement-wise to get started.