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Matter2003 Recomp Take 2 Log

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:28 pm
by matter2003
OK, I have basically given up on bulking for the time being as my body is refusing to put on weight no matter how much I eat. Fine, I'm OK with that...already have good size as it is, although I could be bigger. Best attribute is my thickness, which is extremely noticeable from the side, especially in my shoulders, upper back, traps and chest area...

That being said, I am doing another BP 3.0 run with the exception of doing Bench Press instead of Dips for chest because last week just to see where I was I ended up cranking out 5 or 6 reps at 225 lbs like it was nothing, which was more than I have put up on a flat bench since I tore my pec about 8 years ago, in fact haven't even attempted that weight(I got up to about 285 lbs on the decline). The funny thing is, while I am not gaining weight or even losing weight, I continue to get stronger. I am stronger now by far than I was even at 225 lbs.

Today was day 1 of Famine:

Squats(Warmup): 95 x 8/155 x 6/205 x 4/245 x 2
Squats: 245 x 6 x 6 x 6
Seated Cable Row: 200 x 6/220 x 6/240 x 6
1 Arm BB Row: 135 x 6 x 6 x 6
ChinUps: BW x 6/BW+20 x 6 x 6
Barbell Curls: 80 x 6
Incline DB Curls: 30DB x 6
Preacher Curls: 95 x 6

Overall not a bad workout...took in around 1500 cals or so, very little protein...mostly apples, potatoes, a little pasta and some fat...

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:31 pm
by matter2003
Day 4 of famine, a day late on my 2nd workout due to work issues, but not a big deal cause I always skip workout 3 anyway...weight down to 186 lbs this morning from 190 lbs, so I've lost 4 lbs in 3 days...

Bench Press Warmup: 95 x 10/135 x 8/155 x 6/185 x 4

Bench Press: 185 x 8/185 x 7,1/165 x 7,1/165 x 5

Incline Press: 95 x 8/115 x 8/135 x 8/135 x 7,1

Military Press: 85 x 8/105 x 6,1,1/105 x 4,2,2/95 x 8

Decline Close Grip: 145 x 6
Seated Tri Pressdown: 170 x 8
Rope Pulldown: 50 x 8

-skipped decline bench as it was being used for long periods of time by some other people and didn't feel like waiting for it...
body still feeling pretty wrecked right now, although I am much stronger than during my last 2nd famine workout...expecting huge things in this upcoming run...