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Carbohyrate question on feast phase!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:58 pm
by TheGNCdude
What type of carbs are reccommended the most for the feast phase, simple, complexed, or a mix of both?

Am I looking for an insulin spike with every meal?

Re: Carbohyrate question on feast phase!!!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:53 am
by RobRegish
TheGNCdude wrote:What type of carbs are reccommended the most for the feast phase, simple, complexed, or a mix of both?

Am I looking for an insulin spike with every meal?
Depending upon somatype, best to stick to fiberous carbs from fruits/veggies at most meals. You want to elevate insulin "enough", to push nutrients into the muscle cells. You don't want a "spike" per se, every few hours. That'll just lead to fat gain. The only place you'd want to do this, is post workout - where you can get away with eating simple sugars.

Hope that helps!