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First 5 "bridge workouts" in 3.0 -- to do or not t

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:48 pm
by lovebrub
In Blueprint 2, between famine and the main body of feast workouts, there are 5 HIT-style workouts. Reading around the forum I see that those seem to have been augmented to include EDT blocks to add volume after the HIT sets.

Recently on super human radio, Rob said that he found these workouts necessary to gain traction in feast, and without them people's progress tends to start slower. But in the published BP 3, there is no mention of them at all. What gives?

Today is my first feast training day and I would like to know what workout I should be doing. Any blueprint experts out there care to enlighten a noob on his first BP run?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:39 pm
by drtda
You don't need bridge workouts for 3.0 as you're not setting a base 1RM for your big movements, i.e. bench, squats, etc. You're going to be doing Static Holds on the big movements, preferrably decline bench, shoulder press, rack pulls, and leg press.

You should be able to do famine, take a few days off to eat up and recuperate and then start 3.0 with workout #1.

That being said, if you are doing 2.0. I definitely agree that you have to have the bridge workouts.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:28 am
by bigjoe
Just my .02 I was super excited on my first run to start with 3.0, even as a few others suggested I start with 2.0 first. Hindsight 20/20 I really wish I'd have started with 2.0. 3.0, while very well tought out was a lot for a newb. The template in 2.0 now seems so much clearer and in my opinion the risk for injury is much less with 2.0 vs the big static holds in 3.0.

Do what you want, and best of luck to you, just thought I'd offer that thought.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:28 am
by lovebrub
Thanks! I will be careful with the static holds.
I actually prefer doing strength work anyway, but it's really about time for me to lose some fat. There's only so long a person can stand building muscle and not being able to see the fruits of his labor :-)