Just a little warning. I went on 100% paleo diet at the start of this year.
First it was fantastic but them my atopic eczema got really bad. So I figured it was something in my changed diet. So I payed for a food sensitivity test for 300 different foods.
I had been eating like 4-10 eggs a week. I was also consuming for some time just egg-whites. It showed high on the test. Same with some nuts, mainly Cashew which i had over consumed.
What I've learned is that it's probably never good to over consume eggs and nuts. If you know that you have some kind of allergy/eczema etc.
falfa youre responding to a bot, but your case seems similiar to mine.Check in the supp section the thread about mercury and if you have any amalgam fillings they are likely the cause
Two or more eggs for breakfast along with, grapefruit, are very beneficial for health. Lunch includes some small portion of vegetables and high portion of chicken and dinner includes large potion of fish. These all things would make you strong physically and mentally.
Egg diet is good source of protein and energy. We can gain lot of weight with eating egg. It is good for eating an egg in the breakfast. I also like to eat eggs specially in breakfast.