Brain scores AGAIN! Great find man, let's hope and pray these test tube/mice experments don't extend to human. You'd be wise to stay away until that question is answered, given the implications here are all too disasterous...
THANK YOU Brain!!!
"In "test tube" experiments,
triclosan impaired the ability of isolated heart muscle cells and skeletal muscle fibers to contract.
Specifically, the team evaluated the effects of triclosan on molecular channels in muscle cells that control the flow of calcium ions, creating muscle contractions. Normally, electrical stimulation ("excitation") of isolated muscle fibers under experimental conditions evokes a muscle contraction, a phenomenon known as "excitation-contraction coupling" (ECC), the fundamental basis of any muscle movement, including heartbeats. But in the presence of triclosan, the normal communication between two proteins that function as calcium channels was impaired, causing skeletal and cardiac muscle failure..."
Yeah I know, I'm more concerned with skeletal muscle contractile force being impaired, vs. your heart stopping...