BP 3 run.....Power Reps Shock training??

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BP 3 run.....Power Reps Shock training??

Post by pjrc1974 »

Hi guys ,

I've been training with the Power/Reps/Shock routine for a while now including rest weeks and progress has been good in terms of strength and LBM gains......

I have had previous knee reconstructions and shoulder issues from rugby so I train smarter to maximal hypertrophy and not massive weights due to my joint issues....its why I picked Power/Reps/Shock one week in 3(or 4 with a rest week) of heavy compound lifts.

I have purchased the Blueprint (3) because I wanted to maximise the potential for LBM and wanted to know if I should stick to the BP training regime or if I can jump in with the P/R/S system....??

I am in the famine week and sticking o the routine included with BP ....

I'm about 10% bf , 6'2" , about 195lb , play lots of sport and martial arts on top of having a family....I'm 37 and have been IF(LeanGains style) for a year....

The routines for BP 3 appear similar to some of the mix/splits etc in my existing (P/R/S) routine.

I already use a lot of partials , X reps and static holds currently......

Should I stick with Power/Reps/Shock or transfer into the BP 3 system?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

cheers ,

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Post by pjrc1974 »



I did my first session during feast this morning as per BP v3 to establish a baseline (ie static hold followed by the jump set EDT) it was only ok.

Bench 70kg each side two sets 5-15 static hold (in a weight rack as I train solo....safer too!)


Seated cable row 110 (no idea what weight that represents) jump to
DB row 32.5kg

Inc DB curl 18kg jump to
Tri DB skull crusher 18kg

Each EDT frame was the advised max of 6sets within a 13min window for each block.

The workout left me fatigued but not really feeling the sort of DOMS I get usually ......wanted a bit more but that's the baseline on workout 1 so I guess it will increase and improve as the intensity creeps up....

I really want to smash it up and hit some more exercises .

Is that ok/advisable coz I want to reap rewards from the famine/feast adaptation process....would additional exercises etc help or hinder progress if properly managed??

I will continue along these lines until someone chimes in....

I'd love to mesh this protocol in with P/R/S....I'm sure there is mileage in it....if no-one comments I'll just let you guys know what I end up doing and results....

Supps :

White Flood
Tonvara MegaTurk (Mass Pro Synth on the way!!!!)
Kre-alk + creatine Nitrate
Grapeseed xtrc
Modern bcaa
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Re: BP 3 run.....Power Reps Shock training??

Post by RobRegish »

pjrc1974 wrote:Hi guys ,

I've been training with the Power/Reps/Shock routine for a while now including rest weeks and progress has been good in terms of strength and LBM gains......

I have had previous knee reconstructions and shoulder issues from rugby so I train smarter to maximal hypertrophy and not massive weights due to my joint issues....its why I picked Power/Reps/Shock one week in 3(or 4 with a rest week) of heavy compound lifts.

I have purchased the Blueprint (3) because I wanted to maximise the potential for LBM and wanted to know if I should stick to the BP training regime or if I can jump in with the P/R/S system....??

I am in the famine week and sticking o the routine included with BP ....

I'm about 10% bf , 6'2" , about 195lb , play lots of sport and martial arts on top of having a family....I'm 37 and have been IF(LeanGains style) for a year....

The routines for BP 3 appear similar to some of the mix/splits etc in my existing (P/R/S) routine.

Never was a big fan of P/R/S, but IF it works for you - run with it. Having said that, I'd really encourage you to run 3.0's Training template by the book at least once - go gauge just how well it stacks up!

Hope that helps..
I already use a lot of partials , X reps and static holds currently......

Should I stick with Power/Reps/Shock or transfer into the BP 3 system?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

cheers ,

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Post by drtda »

To answer a couple of questions.

First, on 3.0 I would look at adding in another exercise for Static Holds before you do your 2nd EDT Block. This will add to your workload, especially on the heavy end.

As for the PRS, I have done it in the past a couple of times. I enjoyed it, but wasn't so sure about whether or not I really had any appreciable gains. Too much jumping back and forth with different systems for me. But I do like some of the principles in the PRS system, especially time under tension (TUT), which is something I've been experimenting with more for the last few months. Charles Poloquin is a fan of TUT also, and I try to incorporate some of his priciples.
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Post by drtda »

Hey Rob, I see you're making more friends over on the other site. LOL!
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Post by Rizzo23601 »

I'm interested in this two. General question: If you want to do other routines than BP2.0 or BP3.0 can you just continue doing them but still implement the Blueprint scheme or famine/feast/cruise? i.e. just train and every 6 weeks do a famine? Or something like that?
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Post by pjrc1974 »

Thanks Rob ,

I noted your comments and as you probably saw from above I have already started on the BP 3 routine , although I have amended some exercises due my injury issues.

I forgot to include the static holds I did on the shoulder press in my last workout post.

Anyway I have since completed a day of cardio which included shadow boxing/martial arts stuff(wing chun) and some HIT bike sprints.

Today I did workout 2:

Rack Pull : 70kg both sides of the bar so 140kg total

Squats (controlled on a machine to preserve my knee) 250 super set with
Ham string curl machine 110

Calf raises - I perform all my running etc "barefoot" so clafs get a kicking on a regular basis so I did not perform this exercise.

Deadlifts (more like good mornings for me due to knee instability) 45kg

I then did :

Seated Machine press (chest) ststic holds ....2 sets 65kg each side,
followed by 3 sets of 1.25 rep (x10-12) with X reps(partial) on the last set

Seated row : not sure of (lbs or kg) 230 static holds , followed by 3sets 1.25rep (x10-12) with X rep on last set on 170.

Form over weight for these to get a really good squeeze especially with the one and a quarter reps.

Feeling good , energy good , Megaturk seems to be doing the trick ....I am almost back to my weight pre-famine ( I dropped about 6lbs).

Can't wait for MassProSynht to arrive....

As Rob sugestes I am going to try the BP 3 but will mix it up a tad as I don't want to be a circus strong man I want to get more LBM but preserve my joints and flexibility and the explosive power needed for my sport etc

May not train until next week now ....I usually do 3 or 4 days a week.

If anyone has any input I would love to hear their thougts...


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Post by RobRegish »

drtda wrote:Hey Rob, I see you're making more friends over on the other site. LOL!
Yeah man, the trolls/pirates/assclowns were due for another beating. You know its damn curious. I openly throw out my address, phone # etc yet to date - not ONE of them has called or visited.

Wonder why that is? :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Rizzo23601 wrote:I'm interested in this two. General question: If you want to do other routines than BP2.0 or BP3.0 can you just continue doing them but still implement the Blueprint scheme or famine/feast/cruise? i.e. just train and every 6 weeks do a famine? Or something like that?
Absolutely Rizzo! YOU know what works best for YOU, not me. Simply insert your favorite result producing routine during FEAST.

It's that simple, and your gains will be magnified given BP's auto-regulatory "shell". That's why I built it as such!

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Post by RobRegish »

pjrc1974 wrote:Thanks Rob ,

I noted your comments and as you probably saw from above I have already started on the BP 3 routine , although I have amended some exercises due my injury issues.

I forgot to include the static holds I did on the shoulder press in my last workout post.

Anyway I have since completed a day of cardio which included shadow boxing/martial arts stuff(wing chun) and some HIT bike sprints.

Today I did workout 2:

Rack Pull : 70kg both sides of the bar so 140kg total

Squats (controlled on a machine to preserve my knee) 250 super set with
Ham string curl machine 110

Calf raises - I perform all my running etc "barefoot" so clafs get a kicking on a regular basis so I did not perform this exercise.

Deadlifts (more like good mornings for me due to knee instability) 45kg

I then did :

Seated Machine press (chest) ststic holds ....2 sets 65kg each side,
followed by 3 sets of 1.25 rep (x10-12) with X reps(partial) on the last set

Seated row : not sure of (lbs or kg) 230 static holds , followed by 3sets 1.25rep (x10-12) with X rep on last set on 170.

Form over weight for these to get a really good squeeze especially with the one and a quarter reps.

Feeling good , energy good , Megaturk seems to be doing the trick ....I am almost back to my weight pre-famine ( I dropped about 6lbs).

Can't wait for MassProSynht to arrive....

As Rob sugestes I am going to try the BP 3 but will mix it up a tad as I don't want to be a circus strong man I want to get more LBM but preserve my joints and flexibility and the explosive power needed for my sport etc

May not train until next week now ....I usually do 3 or 4 days a week.

If anyone has any input I would love to hear their thougts...


Nice work brother! Now, do keep us posted on the different MPS makes. Open and honest feedback is all I request. Even given the Megaturk you're currently using, I'm betting you'll see a DRASTIC improvement in your recovery, at the very least...
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Post by pjrc1974 »

Ok Rob ,

Although ordered a couple of weeks ago and confirmed with customer support I've honestly no idea when the MPS might be arriving or even when it will be dispatched....

Workout 3 nailed higher intensity on the EDT same weights , when are we supposed to up the weight for the static holds.....I put mine up on this workout but only a fraction.

I then added in a few other bits including a loading program from BP2 for barbell curls W1 65% of 1RM done.

Decided to sit tight with BP3 training and if I feel I need an extra something I'll throw it in the mix.....

MPS could just save me !!!

Off to Lords for the Eng v SA test match tomorrow for an all day booze session.......hit the gym Monday for wkout 4 +

Love the theory of BP etc still on Lena Gains style IF eating 12pm to 8pm fasting 16hours.....ie only bcaas

Is there a "FORMULA" for IF am trainees who don't want the calories??
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Post by RobRegish »

pjrc1974 wrote:Ok Rob ,

Although ordered a couple of weeks ago and confirmed with customer support I've honestly no idea when the MPS might be arriving or even when it will be dispatched....

Workout 3 nailed higher intensity on the EDT same weights , when are we supposed to up the weight for the static holds.....I put mine up on this workout but only a fraction.

I then added in a few other bits including a loading program from BP2 for barbell curls W1 65% of 1RM done.

Decided to sit tight with BP3 training and if I feel I need an extra something I'll throw it in the mix.....

MPS could just save me !!!

Off to Lords for the Eng v SA test match tomorrow for an all day booze session.......hit the gym Monday for wkout 4 +

Love the theory of BP etc still on Lena Gains style IF eating 12pm to 8pm fasting 16hours.....ie only bcaas

Is there a "FORMULA" for IF am trainees who don't want the calories??
GammaGH at 3g, then wait 20 min and take MassProAmino. Do this every 2 waking hours and you'll boost GH dramatically (up to 480%, if used pre-workout!), and feed your body the necessary BCAA's + Glutamine to ward off catabolism.

To be fair, you can opt for "generic" GABA/BCAA's, but word to the wise: I have a bottle of "GABA" obtained from a certain "planet". The label reads, "100% pure pharmaceutical grade BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS...".

What's really in there? Ya' got me.. It dissolves like GABA, but it's from China. How do I know? Dirt cheap and feels "dirty", unlike GammaGH - which is HPCS/HPLC 100% pure Gamma Amino Butyric Acid.

Yes, it's a bit more expensive - but you get what you pay for. Keep this in mind: The Chinese not once but TWICE got caught slipping Melamine into infant formula, that KILLED babies in this country. That was AFTER they got caught the first time.

Has cheap GABA killed anyone YET? No, but I'm not about to recommend a mis-labeled/suspect product, to one of my people. Demand HPCS/HPLC tested nutraceuticals from whoever you'd like and from REPUTABLE companies that have been in business a decade or more.

Remember, this is YOUR body. What you put into it, matters...
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Post by pjrc1974 »

Thanks Rob my MPS order arrived and I trained with it today......but I'm not sure on spending out more cash on the MASS GH just yet can I use Glycine at the same dose pre or peri workout??

Week Two of FEAST Workout 4 completed :

Mass Pro Synthagen is GO!!!!

I am truly impressed with MASS and the company's service ....I'm in the Uk and it was no trouble .....

I am now tempted to get the Gaba and amino's as RR suggestes.........the samples of KA and AN were preeeeety good too!!

Having read up on whey and the cold processed system MASS it looks great but too expensive to ship here so I have plumped for Ultimate Nutrition's isolate which is processed via a low temp "isochill" system :

"IsoChill whey protein isolate. IsoChill is a functional whey protein isolate, processed by a novel ultra low temperature microfiltration process to contain a full balance of undenatured bioactive whey proteins."

Having read RR's post about mass amino's and the Progenx in Synthagen I wondered what you guys think about the ALRI product HumaPro?? I've tried it before and liked it......

Weighed myself yesterday(two weeks in , week one FAMINE , week two first week of FEAST) and up to 14 2lbs......during famine I was down to 13 5lbs.....I haven't weighed myself for years because I am after the physique/appearance and results are not based on the mass shown on the scales.....interesting to see it bounce back up though....

Dialling back calories to my ususal IF style which is almost identical to the zig zag in BP 3......

I have decided to add in some BP extras in terms of training as I am used to some fairly punishing workouts so I have decided on running a loading protocol from BP 2 alongside BP3's workouts......hopefully I will get some good results...

keep you all posted.

Still hankering after the variety of P/R/S to keep muscles and my mind guessing.....
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Post by pjrc1974 »


fractured a rib on stag weekend in a karting pile up....its setting my training back and I guess I should head straight into a cruise phase early and get back to full fitness before rolling out BP3 again??

On a side note the MPSynth is very good.....I feel my muscles were pretty full on it (still are as I am taking it 3per meal for partitioning props)....good rest and recovery(hard to judge as I recover well anyway).

I also just finished convict conditioning and that is going straight into my training on my return.....I have manged some of the step 1 excercises as they are really re-hab style ways to train...actually you will be surprised by how even the really easy steps make you feel.

Is the best way to judge your LBM gain by keeping notes of your weight at the end of each famine phase? ie during the weight/water depletion the muscle mass will remain??

Hope to be back soon.

Gonna get preoared for a MPS+AN run.

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