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"GAS Stack" UPDATE: Your Opinion Needed

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:18 am
by RobRegish
I've been kicking around an idea with MASS, about the following kit:

Consider this 6 weeks, of being on the G.A.S.:

- 1 bottle of GammaGH
- 1 bottle of Adaptogen N
- 1 bottle of Synthagen

To me, this would be a tasty combination of 3 MASS products that deliver the following:

With Synthagen, you'd get a product that does it all; Lightening fast recovery, nutrient re-partitioning, cortisol management and a rapid and sustained increases in protein synthesis to name but a few. Flexible enough to use day or night, on virtually any diet etc.

Adaptogen N further expands upon this with a test/free testosterone boost, chock full of another world class adaptogen/Ecdy and compliments Synthagen oh so well, in so many areas.

GammaGH is the sleeper - literally. It virtually guarantees a great night's sleep, big boost in Growth Hormone and a little goes a LONG way. It'll also impart the little known benefit of strengthening the tendons, which you'll no doubt need from the increased work capacity brought on by the Synthagen.

The real beauty of this stack?

You can use far lower doses IMO, given the complimentary nature of each product. In doing so, you'd be able to stretch this stack a LONG way. Here's how...

Synthagen: I'd go so far as to say even 6 caps/day timed appropriately, still gets you to the grocery store. Training days consider all 6 caps pre workout, or 3 pre/3 post. Off days 2 caps 3x/day, before your 3 biggest meals. That's a healthy 6 week supply.

Adaptogen N: At 3 caps/night M-F, with Saturday's and Sundays off gives you 6 weeks worth. Weekends are taken off to keep the body responding longer and stronger, to AN's test boosting/restorative benefits.

GammaGH: A 3g dose at bedtime or prior to exercise (which we know elicits a 480% GH release!), M-F with weekends off once again - gives you a shade over 6 weeks worth of this safe, reliable GH booster.

This would be the ideal stack IMO, for the male trainee over 30. Not only would it elevate critical levels of testosterone/free test and GH, it would optimize the all important test/free tesotsterone to cortisol ratio which I spoke to recently on, episode # 1025.

Beyond that, it just simplifies your supplement life. Synthagen stays in your gym bag for use prior to training, meals etc.. Adaptogen N stays on your nightstand, and GammaGH too - if used for sleep. I personally wake up at least once a night to join UrinationNation(tm), and take it before going back to bed. Makes falling back asleep a breeze and you get a double hit of GH (the first and usually biggest, being during the first 90 min of sleep). With Gamma GH coming some hours later though, you get another big hit of GH - and these multiple peaks when sleeping make the difference, IMO. Dosing it this way almost guarantees the empty stomach requirement, allowing it to easily cross the blood/brain barrier.

Dunno. What I do know, is that optimizing all of these angles over a 6 week period (for a marginal outlay) appeals to me. Curious to know if it appeals to you, too?

Please chime in...

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:43 pm
by Garyboy
That sounds like a great stack, Rob. I would definitely take it for a test drive on an upcoming 3.0 run.

Had to cut my last run a wee bit short as I separated my shoulder playing beach volleyball, but the recovery on Synthagen is unreal. When I would usually be looking forward to days off, on Synthagen I'd be doing either kettlebell swings or interval sprints, and DOMS were basically zero. Congratulations on bringing a great product to the market.

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:44 am
by tomz
I like it..! I also through in a Gamma GH when I ordered Synthagen and AN, and the middle of the night dosing works great for me since I'm part of the aforementioned nation -)

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 5:45 am
by RobRegish
I appreciate your input, both of you - thanks!

I'd love to hear more but, I thought you might like it... :) Grateful you all are doing so well with Mass Pro Synthagen.

It has by all accounts, exceeded even my expectations...

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 10:52 pm
by CraigoBucks
I have all three and have wondered the best way to stack them. Now I take around 4-5 MPS before and after a workout. At night 3 adaptogen M-F which makes me sleep the whole night so very seldom GammaGH in the middle of the night. On the weekends I'll use the GammaGH before bed. Won't the Adaptogen N affect the GammaGH if taken together at night M-F? Should I space them apart before bed and take in any particular order?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:52 pm
by aron7awol
CraigoBucks wrote:Won't the Adaptogen N affect the GammaGH if taken together at night M-F? Should I space them apart before bed and take in any particular order?
I don't think Adaptogen N would interfere with GABA absorption since it does not contain amino acids to compete with the GABA.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:30 pm
by askmass
Adaptogen N and Gamma GH stack extremely well together, and it's long been a favored night time combo for thousands of guys (and more than a few gals, too).

I think Rob is onto a real WOW factor triple threat here, and if there is enough interest in running the "GAS Stack" from BP members, I can issue an extra savings voucher to use when buying a bottle of each.

If it really catches on, it could become a permanent fixture among our kits at

So, let's hear from the gang and I'll look into what kind of discount we can offer in the meantime...

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:52 am
by badmoonrising80

very interested in this.

Just received my first bottles of AN and MPS so if these are so good as made out to be, I'm sure in.

Soon to be 32 years of age and a second kid on the way any day now, the Gamma GH sound good as I will be getting up every night for the next few months anyway.

And I sure as hell can use something in the sleep departement.

Might be the perfect stack.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 7:00 pm
by cogrick2
I'm quite interested in this stack.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:36 pm
by Dragon
adaptagen n is amazing stuff. I'm been "playing" with yohimbe too, also good stuff.
What application would AN have for women?

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:58 am
by cogrick2
On the topic of adaptogen N, I'm not sure but I think I do better with two caps than three. Three seems to cause me to wake up in the middle of the night - too much melatonin perhaps. I'm putting that out there in case people are experimenting with it.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:53 am
by badmoonrising80

I have the same when dosing 3 caps, waking up at night and feeling groggy in the morning.

took 2 caps last night and I feel a lot fresher this morning.

Gonna try 2 / day for now with the weekends off.

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:22 am
by cogrick2
Might be body weight and type related. I'm 5'6, 160 pounds, lean. How about you?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:23 am
by badmoonrising80
could be.

I'm 5'8 - 186, not so lean (17% according to us navy bodyfat calculator).